Last night CNN hosted the first ever Tea Party debate with Tea Party Express and more than 150 tea party groups across the country.
It was a historic night and the Tea Party Movement was given the respect it deserves. The staff at CNN did an excellent job! The people behind the scenes who help those in front of the screens were professional, supportive and patriotic. Those in front of the screen were too and willingly gave the tea party the microphone for the day.
Tea Party Express has spent nearly a year working with CNN on this debate. The Florida Tea Party Group leaders helped fill the seats with Florida Tea Party Members. Tea Party Express never took center stage and instead gave the applause to individual tea party groups nationwide. Tea Party Express has proven their heart to the tea party groups and earned our respect for their hard work.
The candidates made sure they shook hands with attendees afterwards in the debate hall and at the After Debate Party. From the conversations at the party, it appears there was no clear front runner but two were crossed off the list. Huntsman came across as an elite politician and Ron Paul went over the top with blaming America for the 9/11 tragedy. There will still be the strong Ron Paul supporters who will argue that point – but the tea party members have had enough with Mr. Paul.
Rick Perry took a beating for some of his policies and admitted he made some mistakes along the way. Mitt still will not admit he was wrong about Romneycare. The tea party is strong on wanting that apology but it seems we will not get it. Santorum had a great moment when he called out Ron Paul on his 9/11 stance. Cain plays the “Godfather” role well and the audience loves his answers. Newt's one ling zingers are always fun. Michelle knew more about Obamacare than anyone else on the stage and is adamant about repealing it in 2012. The tea party stands with her on that issue.
We will be packing up and heading home today. My feet hurt and we are exhausted. But the good outweighs the bad. We are proud of last night. We hope America and those who called us names we did not deserve, saw who “we the tea” really are. We are America and we are proud to be a part of this movement. We will continue to stay together and work together to unseat President Obama and many of his far left friends in Congress. It is our time now and we will not rest until America is returned to her Constitutional footing once again.
Thank you CNN, Tea Party Express, all the candidates and the tea party members from Florida and across the country. Respect was the word of the night and it felt good to feel that again. We will be singing this all the way home today and we hope you will join us in a chorus across America. Respect.
God bless and safe travels.
You are dead on as far as me being a Ron Paul fan and I'm very proud of the one candidate in the field on either side that is not in the back pocket of corporations or the news media and is truly trying to return us to the Constitution and personal responsibility. Thank you for noticing I don't think you meant it as a compliment but I'm going to take it as one.
Murder, stealing, sex with children, human trafficking are all crimes because they are against a person or their property. Lying and cheating are things that are between people that are being lied to and cheated on and as such are none of my, nor the governments business. Now if those lies cause loss of property or life that is another story but the simple act by themselves should not be against the law. Also lying and cheating is not against the law.
When have I said free for all I have simply said the law of the land should not be based on any one groups morals it should be based on protecting someone else person or property. What effects a family that is not mine is not for me to say until that families views effect my life or the life of my family. When I say effect I'm not saying effect as in my kids get their feelings hurt I mean they get hurt or lose their property.
Again setting boundaries for children in my home is totally different then the government setting rules for an entire nation of people. I do obey His word but again that is my personal choice and I don't feel the need to try and impose that on others that don't share my views. As I have said repeatedly that is not living in accord with love.
I had asked you if you would you put someone that had an abortion in jail for murder?
So then what I think I hear you saying is a free for all.As most things that are law are based on Morals.
Murder, Lying, Cheating, Stealing, sex with children, human trafficking, etc.
God is love ! Because there is also tough love that says I love you to much to allow certain behaviors and destructive behaviors. Steve sounds like you are a Ron Paul fan.
You will see when you parent your little one and understand about setting the guidelines and boundries.
Bottom line is if you love God you will obey his word. Blessings.
The Jesus of the bible that you claim I don't know was the pinnacle of love but unfortunately what you are exposing is not in accord with love. Forcing people to live life your way is not in accord with love. God calls us to bring people to him threw love that does not happen when you try and force someone to live your way. We are supposed to bring people to Him threw our actions and showing them that there is a better way to live not by force of laws. In your home that is fine you are the parent you are free to enforce whatever you want to but in my house your views should hold no weight.
As far as someone watching porn when a child could see it there is some serious problems with that but that still doesn't change that I don't think there should be a law saying you can't I think morals should come into play and morally you should say hey there is something seriously wrong with this scene.
If a man wants to think dirty thoughts they should be free to think whatever they want now you are in an even more dangerous level of restricting freedom now you are talking about trying to control someone's thoughts. That is even worse then trying to make laws about someone's actions. The bible as my pastor likes to say means "Believers instructions before leaving earth" key word there is believers which does not apply to many in the world. We can hope and pray that in time it does encompass everyone but as of right now it doesn't.
I keep hearing you say you this and you that and believer this and believer that which is essentially the problem not because it is you but because my life should not be based on what you, or anyone else thinks. Now I have said repeatedly my own morals and yours line up personally very closely the difference we have is I don't think I should impose my morals and ideals on others.
You say I put words into your mouth about laws but here are your word not mine "Other peoples choices always affect someone eles's, If you love them and care for them. Even when One doesn't smoking affects someones lungs if they are in the same room, cursing affects someones soul if they are the one being cursed at. The one who does drugs, alcohol, gamblers, porno, cheats etc it DOES affect someones life. Everything we do will have an effect on someone."
In your view on freedom when should the effects that your morals have on someone elses life end and freedom start. Like I said earlier by your logic we should not be free to speak something that someone might find offensive because it might hurt their feelings. If I'm misquoting you please explain because that is how I read your words.
Cheating, gambling, and the other things you mention have an effect on the family that has someone involved in them. The issues going on in your home have no bearing on my life or the life of my family. So no I don't think there should be laws against those things.
Homosexuality is not illegal it is immoral based on our morals. Cheating is also not against the law again that is based on someone's morals. It is illegal to get married to someone of the same sex. Before you ask no I don't think marriage should be between a couple of the same sex but I do think an idea of a civil union between a gay couple should be legal. If you have a partnership with someone you should have the same legal avenues available to property, and other rights, that are afforded to a married couple.
As far as why I feel so strongly about it is that when we start telling others how to live eventually another group might start telling us how to live. Look at the book of Revelations and how in the last days churches will be outlawed and we will have to meet in secret. That is the problem with trying to stop others from enjoying freedom is eventually it leads to a military state. Freedom is only free when everyone gets to share in it.
As far as smoking I think there should be laws against it in public places because like you said it does effect everyone around. As far as in private places no I don't think there should be any laws against it. If a business wants to allow smoking you as a consumer have a choice if you want to go there or not. We started at outlawing thing on the public street, now we outlaw smoking in private businesses, and soon we won't be able to smoke in our cars, home, or anywhere else. That is the problem with starting to take away freedoms is there is no telling were it stops.
If your husband goes to the gambling hall and then goes home and smokes a big fat blunt and then looks at porn has nothing to do with me and my family that is a family matter between yourself and your family. There is no reason why there should be laws against it. By your logic everything everyone does should have some sort of law controlling it because like you said everything we do effects someone in some small way. By your logic we should also have controls over what we say as I might say something that hurts your feelings so I should not be free to say something on the chance it might hurt someone's feelings. Hell lets outlaw masturbation because it could essentially stop a child from being born. I use that as an extreme example but when you start taking away certain freedoms when does it ever stop. I will say it again that is not what a free society is supposed to be based on. That takes away personal responsibilities and make it governments job to tell us how to live.
One last comment. Killing babies is NOT a freedom or a right.
Here is the freedom: Every male and female have the right to not have a sexual relationship.! That is their right!
Once they do and a child is conceived they automatically loose that right because this child in the womb also has rights. It is a human being . The baby NOW has rights to LIVE!
God Himself gave himself . ..Jesus to die for our sins because man didn't obey God. Remember in Noah's day he destroyed the world by a flood and saved only 8 people with two of each type of animal. God will NOT be MOCKED. Jesus is our government and his word says that If you love him you will Obey him. His Love letters to us (the Bible) is the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Yes, it is of free will to obey his word. The wages of sin is DEATH. Whether you physically die or your spirit dies from stepping out of God's will. I choose to do the Will of my Father. You see Father Abba does know best. There are times of war and times of Peace. Ecclesiastes Chpt. 3 Yes,
Jesus is the example in Isaiah that is the foretelling of Jesus. Steve it is always about the condition of ones heart. God looks at the heart of man . Yes, if everyone would love the Lord thy God with all thy heart soul and might they would care about thet person next to them instead of reacting and living in their own insecurities and wounded souls and NOT knowing who they are in Christ and who Christ is in them. I am talking about those who say they are believers. The word Clearly says it is by our Love that they will know that we are Jesus disciples. If First, the Christian/ Believer would seek the face of God each day and sometimes moment to moment we would have more of Heaven on earth. Many would want to know our Lord and Savior because We would be LIVING the Word of God and NOT just talking about. Blessings Steve. The letter of the Law kills but The Spirit of God (Holy Spirit) gives freedom. If we Love God( the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) then we will obey him but for those who don't there are laws in our government to keep harm from others. It is in the personal Relationship with Jesus Christ My Lord not in Religion. Religion is man made and keeps one from experiencing God!
OOhh !!!but a personal relationship with him, praising him, reading his love letters, singing songs and psalms and hymns, being quiet in his presence and hearing him speak to me through his word How beautiful it is! God is Faithful and His ways are higher than mine. I allow the Holy Spirit to teach me, guide me, and counsel me. The Holy Spirit hasn't failed me not once. God is Faithful and his word is true. Be Blessed today and everyday. We are in the Army of the Lord and we Are fighting the Good fight..... Be encouraged. With God ALL things are possible to those who believe and are called according to his Word.... Ciao
So to you the reason it is okay for us to force people to believe what we believe is based on how some Muslim would kill us. Our bible also says an eye for an eye but 99% of true believes don't do that so to say that all Muslims believe that one thing is ridiculous. I'm not saying that they are as peace loving as some make them out to be but they are not all barbaric as you make them seem either. You are saying you are more moral then them so your morals and beliefs should take precedence over their morals and beliefs. I'm sorry but that is not what a free society is all about.
Also in the same Quron section you are quoting does not simply say convert or kill there is a third option which is to tax. Again I would not choose any of the three but if you are going to be saying things at least give the entire section and not just what works for your argument.
I'm not saying there should be no laws I have said repeatedly that the only laws should be the ones that effect someones else's person or property so the idea of allowing murder. I was simply making a point that people inherently know the difference even without laws. That is not to say that there should not be laws against that because that obviously has an effect on someone's person. Also at times in Christian history that was the position of the church. If you did not convert to Christianity you were killed as a heretic.
My wife and I have two children already from before we met this is our first son but yes I know what you are talking about with rules and we have plenty of rules in the home. The idea of giving my son morals and values and following the laws are to separate things. We would give him the same morals regardless of what the law said and I would tell him to follow the law regardless of my morals because to not follow the law will lead you to jail which is a crappy place. Rules in the home and the rule of law are different. Here is an example in our house our daughter, who is 12, is not allowed to wear certain clothes that is not because it is against the rule of law it is against the rule of mom and dad. Rules in the home are based on the parents morals and the rule of law is not based on, or at least should not be, based on any one groups morals. You obviously don't agree with that based on your argument to me but that is not what a free society is based on.
A question on abortion if someone had an abortion would you put them in jail for first degree murder as you would a serial killer that killed a family. If it is murder it is defiantly premeditated so would you try them the same?
Can I ask you why you feel so strongly about this? Why you feel that abortion should be legal.
How do you feel about legalizing homosexuality? Drugs? Cheating? Murder?
I ask these things because you can see a lawless nation is Mayhem! Other peoples choices always affect someone eles's, If you love them and care for them. Even when One doesn't smoking affects someones lungs if they are in the same room, cursing affects someones soul if they are the one being cursed at. The one who does drugs, alcohol, gamblers, porno, cheats etc it DOES affect someones life. Everything we do will have an effect on someone. Think about that! God Bless and Congrats on your new bundle of Love. So Precious! A brand new baby boy! God Bless and Mazeltov!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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