Our new President is out there somewhere

My husband and I lived in Houston, Texas during the oil crisis in the late 70's and early 80’s.  We were a young married couple living the good life.  We had just purchased our first home and our first baby was on her way. 


We finally had enough money to also purchase a second car.  We were excited and looked forward to a new chapter in our marriage.  We had been married five years and felt ready to take on the parental challenge.


Shortly after we bought our home and the second car, something happened in the economy.  We had not paid much attention to politics and all that stuff that affects your everyday life.  Why?  Because life was good and we were doing fine.  The grocery prices were rising but it hadn’t hurt too badly – Yet.


Then all of a sudden – and it seemed it came without warning – we watched as everything escalated in costs.  I vividly remember watching a gas station clerk make a poster board with the $1 on it.  Gas was finally hitting a dollar and the gas stations were not prepared for a three-digit number on their signs!  That was 1979.


Panic was setting in and people were losing hope.  Jimmy Carter was President and he seemed unable to neither fix the rising costs nor strongly address the world issues that played on the nightly news.  People were uneasy and fearful without a strong leader.  For the first time in my life, I realized the importance of leadership and how it can affect a business and a country.


Houston was especially hit hard and we watched as one by one our friends left to find work elsewhere and some walked away from their homes.  Houston was becoming a ghost town and houses were For Sale in every area of the city.  My husband worried about his job as we heard that layoffs for the first time in the history of the company would occur. 


At a time in our life when we should have been excited about the birth of our first baby, we were instead wondering if next Friday would be the Pink Slip Friday for him.  


In November of 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected President and one month later our first baby was born.  We felt a little more at ease BUT President Reagan had his work cut out for him.  He went to work and brought a renewed hope to a hopeless and leaderless society.


The economy took a while to turn around.  We had another baby 18 months later and the costs of diapers, food, gas and everyday living was still high and salaries were not increasing to match the costs.  The gas stations put up new permanent signage with three spots for gas prices.  We knew then, the days of gas under a dollar were gone for good.  We adjusted to paying more for everything.


My husband was recruited to a new position and we returned to North Florida in 1983.  We left our Houston house with a For Sale sign in the front yard and a few months later sold it at a loss.  We were happy to find a buyer and to get out without too much out of pocket. 


Thirty years later – here we are:

  • Jobs are scarce and Pink Slip Fridays are common place.
  • Gas prices are now nearing $5 a gallon and will settle down to $3.50 according to Economists.  Gas Prices Rising
  • People are edgy and feeling “poor” because of the rising costs 
  • Homes are selling at a loss or people are walking away from them 
  • The price of food and other commodities are rising higher each week 
  • The world stage is scary and the nightly news is still filled with wars, killings and acts of terrorism 
  • Our President is weak and he provides no hope – only changes that we don’t want 

History is repeating itself.  I had hoped to never experience those times again yet here we are. It was tough to live through it then and this time around – it is even harder.


It’s harder because although Jimmy Carter was a weak leader, he seemed to love America.  He didn’t have the necessary skills to be our leader and we suffered for it.


This time around our President gives us great concern about his patriotism and love of American values. He is haughty and mean-spirited.  He has used bullying tactics to get his agenda accomplished and the people surrounding him are bullies too.


These are trying times and our souls are thirsty for a leader who:

  • Is filled with compassion for his fellow man
  • Can bring parties together for the good of country
  • Believes in personal responsibility and helping others achieve through giving them a hand up – not out
  • Will stand up to evil influences
  • Will stand with our allies
  • Can continue the fight for liberty no matter how tough it gets
  • Has a sense of humor
  • Will choose the best people possible to offset his/her weaknesses
  • Never, ever, ever gives up
  • Remains true to his core principles which should match those of our culture and heritage

It was a great day for the American people when we watched Jimmy Carter wave good-bye and Ronald Reagan take his place.  The world’s attitude towards us changed when Ronald Reagan became President.  The world once again looked to us for leadership and the American people were energized and passionate about life again.  (See more about Ronald Reagan’s Presidency here:  http://www.reaganfoundation.org/the-presidency.aspx)


It’s time again to send another President packing.   Barack Obama has done to this country what no other President has done since the beginning of America.  He has spent more money than we can print.  He has created hostilities between our fellow men.  He has made fun of us.  He has mocked us.  He has pushed down policies that do not match our heritage or culture.  He has belittled our founding fathers and our documents.  He has embarrassed us.  He has created a culture of hopelessness after running on one of hope.


Jimmy Carter and other weak, misguided Presidents created chaos and problems for the American people.  Ronald Reagan and other great American Presidents stepped up to the plate to fix these misguided Presidents’ messes.   


We’ve been here before BUT this time is different.  The financial chaos is so huge that it will take a man or woman with wisdom, courage and a “butt-kicking” attitude to fix this.  The people are bruised and hurt from this economy and businesses are barely holding on after years of regulatory abuse and a poor economy.  We have no time to waste with politics – or politicians - as usual. 


There is a leader who has been called to this time and he/she needs to step up now.  Too bad if he doesn’t want to do it – no great leader ever does.  A new leader is coming and a restoration of our country will follow. 


Ronald Reagan said, “The future doesn’t belong to the faint-hearted, it belongs to the brave.”  May we all be brave as we face the future and pray for “that leader” to show up soon and heed his call to serve.

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Comment by Joe Story on June 6, 2011 at 7:22pm

I think “we the people” would vote for an average citizen running for President of the United States of America if they would stand up and defend our country no matter what is required.  I know I would.  


We should not be surrendering when we have not even begun to fight!


A paradigm shift in America and the world has occurred because of our lack of leadership. This “change” reflects a huge tectonic shift in political money and global power. We are now called “the largest Islamic Nation in the world”.    


The Muslim Brotherhood has embraced western society taking full advantage of our freedoms while at the same time planning for our downfall.
Infiltration into our open democratic process has provided easy access to sensitive information and a quick base of support. The highest offices in our country have been purchased by enemies of America with a mountain of cash, billions of dollars, flowing into the American political process from oil-rich Muslim nations and powerful people seeking globalization of world politics.


The forces of Islamic globalization have turned our system of government against us. “Local” elections are won by money from who knows where buying influence and creating fear in the media. Freedom of speech is no longer practiced as journalists fear for their jobs and their lives at the hands of radical Islamic people fighting for control of the world.


Islamophobia is not prejudice against, hatred or fear of Islam or Muslims it is a very real concern that Islam is rapidly taking over our Christian society. I fear for my country when on the advice of the FBI, cartoonists are told to change their identity and go into hiding to protect themselves because a fatwa has been issued by an Islamic cleric calling for any Muslim to kill them over a cartoon.


Islamic Political lackeys from the President on down have been put into place in an attempt to gain control of our nation.


Our financial system has been brought to its knees and remains on the verge of collapse by the rapid and uncontrolled shifting of billions of dollars in sovereign wealth funds. Our enemies are seeking control or total destruction of our capitalistic system and financial networks. When you hear the words “To Big Too Fail”, think just right to manipulate or be manipulated by the people in power making the deals to “save” us. Elected officials are selling themselves to the highest bidder, becoming the willing tools of predatory wealth, soliciting earmarks as a means of providing cover for their untoward actions. The checks and balances between the Congress, the President and the Supreme Court designed to keep the country on track and bring it back from the brink of destruction are not working as a result. Many of the people involved brazenly disregard their  oath of office; “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of (President) of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” so help me God! They hide their actions, shun responsibility for their in-action and deny the existence of God.


Our secular government is subject to perversion and abuse. Socialism and communism are being achieved with the purchase of votes from an unsuspecting electorate. Few voters take the time to become informed as to the true character of the individuals running for office. Decisions at the ballot box are most often based on emotion purchased by thirty second sound bites or the promise of “$1000 in every pocket”.  Unsuspecting voters paid for with millions of dollars of campaign money, stuffed in brown envelopes from undisclosed sources received benefits which have made far too many people nothing more that prostitutes. Amoral overzealous citizens, clamoring for “free benefits” follow the crowd like a flock of sheep over the cliff to their own destruction, ignorant of the fact that they have now been purchased as slaves.




Islamic infiltrators are very close to achieving their objective. So close in fact that they feel confident enough to turn against our best and longest standing allies in the world; Israel and Great Britain. Our President has snubbed his nose in the face of the leaders of both countries and destroyed our relationship with them in everyway possible by executive decision. He has gone into battle at the behest of his Sunni leaders helping them seek control of the Islamic world. His Islamic emissary has traveled, at the expense of the America taxpayer, to the Middle East and around the USA supporting the Islamic desire for new mosques around our nation. This same emissary clearly states that “many aspects of shari’a are already practiced in many ways in the United States.”   Islam has gained the upper hand in its fight with the “great Satan”, and is fast becoming the dominate religion in the USA.


Muslims are now fighting for control of the Islamic world! Why are we helping them fight each other? Who in the Islamic world is supporting America, demanding freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right to own property in the Arab world?


What are we fighting for? Who are we fighting for? Have we forgotten what it means to be a Christian Nation? Through Love, God sent His son and all of those brave and unwavering Patriots that fought and died before us so that we might have the Freedom to worship as we desire, and to raise our families in Prosperity and Liberty.


God is faithful to keep His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those that love Him and keep His commandments.

How long can we survive as a Humanistic Atheist nation in search of our own glory? September 11, and all of the terrorist problems since represent neither a superior military capability on the part of the terrorists when assaulting the American homeland, nor immunity to its staunchest defenses. Rather it is through the reject of God that we have grown weak, and over time became vulnerable because of our internal divisions. It is not the strength of the Islamists, but the frailties within the fabric of the nation, that must be recognized as its primary vulnerability to attack. The same Islamic enemies of the American ideal have existed since its founding. But not until the current age could they operate openly within our borders as they have in their efforts to destroy the nation while demanding sympathy and equal rights. The problem is the lack of Christian morals and teaching our children about the Jedeuo-Christian foundation of our country and our laws. This rejection of Jesus Christ and all Christian values has resulted in systemic failure of our society and our government of the people, by the people and for the people. It seems that we have forgotten that we are "One Nation Under God".


As One Nation Under God, “We the people” of the United States of America must define who we are as a nation and set a true course for the future in order to prevent the total destruction of our way of life.


Patrick Henry said it best in the year 1776 when he wrote this: "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great Nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For that reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded freedom of worship here."

The conflagration of the ensuing conflict and this election are in the hands of Almighty God! May God Find a Blessing in America! To God, be the Glory!


“I know not what course others may take; but as for me (I stand with Patrick Henry), give me liberty or give me death!”

Comment by Vince Cavallo on June 6, 2011 at 1:19pm
The democrat attack machine aided by the media will attack any candidate entered against der leader.  For me, it has to be someone who can take a media punch and come out swinging.  Now the media is on the Paul Revere comment by Palin....I guess they missed der leader believing there were 57 states as that got no play when it happened.  Romney will get roasted over his heath plan and does not seem swift enough to back away from it.  Palin over not finishing a term of office is a problem for her IMO.  Gingrich has the wit but he has a ton of personal and some issue baggage.  Ryan would be a lightning rod with his medicare plan and would get toasted.   Whoever it is will have to be quick on their feet, smart enough to separate der leader from the aura of the office.  When not in complete control, he is nothing but an empty suit in a free debate.  We have to get someone there who can beat him and the media at the same time, no small matter. 
Comment by sabrina Wheeler on June 5, 2011 at 3:16pm
I remember it well also. I voted for Carter in fear we would go to war with Iran since I had a young husband and child. It was only when Reagan gained office that we started to see prosperity come into our household and I began to think - "I must be a Republican"! I pray often that our country is saved from the madness of the Progressives...
Comment by amanda choate on June 5, 2011 at 9:51am
Until Sarah Palin is willing to give up her reality tv star status, she loses my vote. She spends more time being a celebrity than lending voice to solutions to the problems our nation faces. Quite frankly she seems like she is in it for personal gain, SarahPac is not on my list of donations.
Comment by w. lee dungan jr. on June 5, 2011 at 7:57am
in a debate with the communist organizer he would be the Hermanater. how sweet it would be to see Caine verbally bloody the magic negro in a debate. oh well no matter what they cant take away my dreams.
Comment by John Harvel on June 5, 2011 at 5:23am
Sarah Palin has only one thing going for her in my opinion. That is the fact that she took on corruption within her party and the government in Alaska. The problem is it was personal to some degree and the power structure of DC is totally different. Our federal government has become a shell corporation of a permanent bureaucratic
nightmare that controls so much of our nations wealth and power that elections have become like a reality show of strawmen. Palin should do like the Donald and stay with the reality show.
As I look through the list of hopefuls, Herman Cain is the most likely candidate to take on Obama toe to toe. Any way you look at it, he's the all American candidate. He can go black on black with a vengeance no white man or woman could, He has CEO experience, converses with average people on a daily basis, had first hand experience with the Federal Reserve and still has the courage to advocate the FairTax.
No matter what you may think or have heard about the FairTax, it is the only viable solution to a path of returning this country to a more constitutional and economically viable future. It's just that simple.  
If you want real diversity, Allen West would make the perfect running mate for Vise President. He would bring a tactical knowledge lacking in Herman Cain while being groomed for a run for the presidency beyond Herman Cain.
The rest are mere politicians. I know... Opinions vary.   
Comment by Jim Ryan on June 4, 2011 at 8:46pm

Yes Palin and Backmann are goodlooking but I alo think they are qualified to handle the job.  I think

Herman Cain is, I think Rommney is.  I will not vote for Huckabee after the West Virginia deal he orchestrated with McCain last time around turning his primary votes over to McCain.  I don't trust him.  And if I don't trust you; I don't like you, and will never vote for you.   Gingrich is as I stated toast and he is just out there for his own self interest.  He might be someone to have on your transition team in organizing your WH staff and administration.  Mayor Guliano has to be given some consideration, but I think the others have an edge. Of the rest of the field their may be someone worthy but that is why they hold primaries.  The biggest mistake we as a Party could make is allow

Iowa, New Hampshire and the early primaries along with the media supporting some Republican they think will be chop liver when it comes time to run in the General election.

Again we are going to be running against one of the greatest frauds, liars and losers in American political history.   Let the process work.  The goal is to defeat Obama in 2012.  America and Americans can not afford 4 more years.   Oh did you see the May jobs report.  +54,000 created

jobs reported.  McDonald's its suggested created perhaps 30,000 of them - over 1/2.  Even after challenging McDonald's as a company targeting children with obesity, telling them the can no longer put toys in the kids meals,  telling them they need to get rid of their mascot Ronald McDonald.

But they did get one of 600 large company waivers fro OBAMACARE. 

The economy is so bad McDonald's had to go out and hire 30,000 employees just to keep up with the traffic going through the drive through for the $1.00 menu.  And Joe Biden and Obama think the stimulus is working great.  If we can't beat these losers we have real problems.  Rally around and support our nominee, just make sure you pick the right ones.



Comment by tamara stephenson on June 4, 2011 at 2:02pm
So far, I am concerned about who will end up running against Obama.  Tom and Roma, JR and JL are doing background research on the various potential candidates.  I know I will not vote for Newt Gingrich.  He is completely immoral, and he served divorce papers on his wife when she was in the hospital for cancer treatment (wow, sound familiar?)  As a woman, he completely disgusts me.  Jim says Bachmann and Palin are good looking -- as good looking as they are is how ugly Gingrich is.  And yes, he did bash the Ryan plan.  And now he's spending weeks trying to backpedal because he doesn't want to lose the AARP vote.  Pandering anyone?
Comment by Debbie G on June 4, 2011 at 6:26am
I remember the lines for gas and scraping together change to put gas in my car, but I wasn't paying attention to who was leading our country.  President Carter's policies dramatically increased our cost of living and the interest rates; we bought our first house in 1980 with an interest rate close to 20%.  History may be repeating, but this time I am paying close attention.
Comment by Sharon Glass on June 3, 2011 at 5:53pm

Maybe she is telling those running against her, "they have met their Waterloo", I am sure she has a good reason for it and I am sure we will find out soon enough. Go for it Michelle!


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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