I regret to say that I find the information in the below-linked article both believable and alarming. It helps to explain Obama's rapid rise from obscurity to the highest elected office in the United States of America, for it took a lot of money and influence to make that happen. It also leads me to believe that the habitual frequent delays in Obama's decision-making could be explainable by those decisions having to be filtered through Soros-connected activists advising Obama. In this case, billionaire Soros' activist in the White House is none other than Obama's National Security Council Special Adviser on Human Rights, Samantha Power, who has strong ties to Soros and is a champion of the global governance military doctrine, "Responsibility to Protect," that Obama is claimed to have followed in his attack on Libya.

The above also helps to explain why Obama no longer depends on advice from his U.S. Senate-approved Cabinet and gives life to the speculation that formerly unknown and unaccomplished Obama's mach speed rise to power is due to his having been a George Soros-created puppet, with Soros and his like-minded global governance minders pulling his strings.  Further, it makes me wonder who actually is our President.

This situation bears international implications that are antithetical to the content of the Constitution of the United States.

Below are some excerpts from the news article that you can read in full at the link provided:

"Philanthropist billionaire George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the global organization that promotes the military doctrine used by the Obama administration to justify the recent airstrikes targeting the regime of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya.
The activist who founded and coined the name of the doctrine, "Responsibility to Protect," sits on several key organizations alongside Soros.

Also, the Soros-funded global group that promotes Responsibility to Protect is closely tied to Samantha Power, the National Security Council special adviser to Obama on human rights. Power has been a champion of the doctrine and is, herself, deeply tied to the doctrine's founder.

According to reports, Power was instrumental in convincing Obama to act against Libya.
The Responsibility to Protect doctrine has been described by its founders and proponents, including Soros, as promoting global governance while allowing the international community to penetrate a nation state's borders under certain conditions..."


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Comment by JL Gawlik on March 31, 2011 at 4:25pm
And i did support Bush 43 invasion of Iraq, that is another reason, we did not vote for his father for a  second term because the invasion should of been done then. Both were overwhelmingly approved by Congress across both parties. Hundreds and thousands of Iraq people were tortured, raped and murdered. Hussein's sons and their associates regular would walk into Iraq's schools, with young girls and pick out 13, 14, 15 year old young girls and then rape, torture and kill them, their families would never hear from them again. Hussein did have WMD, 500 tons of yellow cake was quietly transferred to Canada, after the last invasion by the US and Canada. Hussein used chemical weapons on his own people, that is considered to be WMD. Many vans and trucks with traces were found, the WMD apparently were shifted to Iran and Syria. Our military underestimated the invasion, should of block the borders to Syria, Iran and hopefully learned from this invasion. Again politics getting involved has drugged out this war and it should of been declared a war. But the problem is how do you declare a war on a group that uses different names and works under different umbrella groups, and they do not wear a uniform but they hide behind innocents, children and women and use them as shields? They use their own religious Mosques as shields and storage places for their weapons. They do not fight in the open but in the dark. It is a movement we are fighting and Iraq was involved with aiding them. The hundreds of thousand of people who lost their lives know that, and many in the area know that. That is WHY so many Iraqis were disappointed when the U.S. troops of dessert storm left the country. Many U.S. soldiers, Marines, Navy, Army, Air Force felt the same way. This whole thing going on in the Middle East does not feel right, something is being manipulated and i do trust my instincts. We are seeing our U.S. Constitution continually being shredded before our very eyes by our elected representatives serving in the peoples' seat who made an oath to support and defend our U.S. Constitution from foreign and domestic enemies. Steve, J.R. is right, i am not trying to rewrite history, i am trying to remind people what it was so we can learn from our mistakes, just like i think Boehner is by the scheduled Congressional breaks. Thank you J.R. for going over what has happened. I found out in Wiki they have now eliminated Soros's father, who is Tivadar Schwartz. Apparently there is a group who is trying to stop people from looking for the truth on the web. Wonder who that could be?
Comment by JL Gawlik on March 31, 2011 at 3:59pm

Meant to add also, it was Clinton's bill "The National Homeownership Strategy: Partners in the American Dream” that promoted the everyone should own a home in America and crashed the housing market through Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Amazing the director of Freddie Mac walked away with over 9 million dollars and had a relationship with Rep. Barney Frank who advised then President Bush 43 when asked to look into the mortgages being written and held by that group because something was not right, Frank and the other committee overseers stated not to worry all was fine. Congress and Washington, D.C. has been living in a bubble completely separated from reality, and it is across all party lines, the 2008 bailout is prime example and the 2009 Stimulus bill/American Reinvestment Recovery Act, and the Health Care Reform bill. 


i think that is why now Speaker of the House Boehner has realized that breaking in Congress on schedule is a good thing, so that all elected representatives can go back to their homes, families and constituents and hear from them personally, all through out the year, to get back in touch with reality. A friend of mine lives in Montana and her Senator Baucus rarely comes home, he lives in Washington and comes home to his mothers in Montana every now and then, on his breaks he travels internationally promoting Montana beef, grain, etc., trade on the world market. She says you can not get a call through to the local or Washington offices, i just wonder how many other elected representatives are like that?

Personally i just hope we can turn this mess around. My husband thinks it may be too, late. Thank you for sharing these videos and your thoughts.

Comment by J.R. on March 31, 2011 at 3:44pm

Steve: George W. Bush did what he had to do to stop the bleeding caused by the Democrat-created housing bubble, originating in the incestuous relationship between Democrats, both U.S. Rep. Barney Frank and U.S. Sen. Chris Dodd (in their posts as head of the Banking and Finance committees in their respective chambers in the U.S. Congress) with both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac---in order to please their and President Bill Clinton's big donors (among them Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) and groups like ACORN, who were demanding low interest loans for people with little or no down payment or qualifying income and credit to buy a home. Unfortunately, many of the mortgages were Adjusted Rate Mortgages (ARM's) that, when the interest rates periodically adjusted upwards, priced the unqualified owners out of their homes and into foreclosure and, often, into bankruptcy.  That incestuous relationship began and occurred under Clinton's watch and he passed it on to George W. Bush. In other words, George W. Bush INHERITED THE PROBLEM.  Sound familiar? It's been the constant mantra of Obama, the Democrats in Congress, and their allied drive-by media---whining that they inherited the problem from Bush---when they really inherited it from Bill Clinton and the Democrats in Congress. It was none other than Sen. Chris Dodd and Sen. Barack Obama, who each personally received a sweetheart deal mortgage... at lower than the prevailing interest rate for them.  Very unethical use of influence and obtaining of preferential treatment.

J.L. didn't rewrite history, but you're trying very hard to obscure it. Further, the Trilateral Commission, Illuminati, and Bilderburgers are a part of the problem.  If you have a problem with the Masons or the Russian mob, you own that problem, for they have not been entered into the current debate here at all.

As to the oil prices, George W. Bush didn't create those either.  Oil prices have doubled under the Obama administration and Obama owns the credit for it, just as he owns credit for the ca. $700B his unconstitutional Libya War has cost American taxpayers so far.  That's not Obama's money or the government's money they're spending on this political war.  It's the people's money.  And, Obama denied all of us our voice in the matter by going to war without a voted-upon Declaration of War or War Resolution from our elected members of the U.S. Congress.  Neither did we have a voice in the spending of approximately $700B so far to pay for it.

You're entitled to free speech, but you're not entitled to abuse anyone else's right to the same.

Comment by JL Gawlik on March 31, 2011 at 3:44pm
I know Roma, i do not understand why Steve keeps insisting that i promote Bush, He and his father both promoted a global economy,  i was just pointing that Bush did lift the ban on drilling in July 2008 and oil prices immediately plummeted. Why he stated the remark about my son's car loan being the cause of what he stated, i do not understand, i was just pointing out the big banks were not giving people access to loans but yet my son got one with his credit union for obvious reason that they were not involved with the lowering standards that the big banks were involved in to make money, period. As far as Bush signing off on the bailout, Bernake was advising all that it was the only way, interesting to find out that a American Billionaire had bailed out our federal government several years earlier. It has been made very clear by getting away from the U.S. Constitution's guidelines our country, our economy and prosperity has gone down hill has gone downhill, as well as our government getting away from our founding fathers' principles and values, which is not in a global government and economy. We should never created a IRS, or the Federal Reserve. I remember a story where even President Jackson tried having a national bank and it failed. George Bush 41 is why we took a chance and voted for Clinton. I would also say it is more of a progressive liberal movement in the goal of the global government, no borders if you look into the background of the main supporters, not necessary a liberal movement. The progressive which is marxist in ideologue have take over the liberal movement, i combine the two as one because they are definitely working together in our country.
Comment by JL Gawlik on March 31, 2011 at 3:02pm


What person in their right mind in America, would vote for someone to represent them who were pushing for a global government and economy, borderless countries? We almost have a borderless situation down south along the Mexican border. Look at Europe they are starting to go back to conservatism because their borderless countries have created many problems and the socialism in their countries is bankrupting their government. Our founding fathers had it right, a smaller government of the people works and allows more freedom for prosperity and innovation. Just look back in history like our founding fathers did at the failed societies, the failed Democracies, the failed Monarchies, the failed tyrannies.

Go do your own homework look up George Soros, whose REAL last name is Schwartz, then read about his father. Believe what you want to believe. Go look up Samantha Powers and her husband Cass Sunstein. Cass Sunstein wants the U.S. Constitution changed by the year 2020. To believe in a World government is to not believe in our U.S. Constitution. A world government in truth would be about control and power for obvious reasons. Go look up all of this administrations advisors and appointed heads of departments.

As far as what does this have to with bombing Gadhafi's troops, i was actually having a conversation with J.R. and Roma and several others jumped in. I am not here to convince you of anything, we were just exchanging information and having a conversation about what we see going on in our country and the world. I do not know what search engine that you are using but the American Power Act is Cap and Trade: http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-s1733/show

As far as protecting electric grid is concern it has been addressed in different bills, one combining cyber attack protection with the EPA involved, it passed the house in 2010 but has not been passed by the Senate. It should be address in a single bill instead of piggy backing more add ons for obvious reasons clearly shown by the dangerous legislation passed by the 110th and 111th Congress that has also shown why big government is dysfunctional, dangerous and unaccountable.

Comment by JL Gawlik on March 31, 2011 at 2:25pm

Roma, that is a good question. It just hit me, personally i think the Progressive Liberal were at the helm of the mortgage crisis, their policies pushed for traditional mortgages to be put aside and new ones put into place so that people who could not afford homes could purchase them with no down payment or just a one or two percent, not the traditional 20 to 30 percent. That escalated the price of homes at a rapid rate, with people renegotiating their loans because the federal reserve was lowing the interest rate. With investors and banks selling off these mortgages because they knew the bubble would burst, and many investors were betting hedge funds that it would. Meanwhile oil prices were surging upwards at a rapid pace (why doesn't anyone mention that any more? President Obama  lied and told Georgetown University students yesterday that because the economy got back on track and was recovering is WHY the oil prices rapidly went down in 2008. That is out and out lie.), President Bush stepped in and immediately when his administration realize they were just spiraling upwards with no end in sight, he lifted bans on drilling, and world wide they IMMEDIATELY dropped. Then the mortgages started crashing, banks failing in October 2008. My son brought a new car, was turned down by big banks that October and finally went to his credit union and they approve a loan at low interest rates and a simple loan. Go figure.


Then the bail outs start on the advise of Bernake and the Progressive Liberal majority and leadership in Congress. Then the bailouts and take overs start in January 2009 when we now have a Progressive Liberal executive and legislative branches of government. Amazing. Use your head and connect the dotes. Now we have millions of bankrupt home mortgages, empty homes, homeless, and we have the Global Initiative and the UN pushing against sovereignty. There is a very dangerous precedent being set up.


The next election is going to be very important. There are big changes coming and i just hope and pray  we can hold on to our country. We now have a perverted voting system that is greatly disturbing. It has been turned upside down when you read what the founding fathers' intended. Higher numbers of citizens voting in local elections because those elections affect them more and they can keep a closer eye on elected representatives because they are local, a lesser large group voting in state elections, should again be people who are knowledgable of the issues, the constitutions, charters etc. At the federal level it should be a lower number of voters, but again people who are educated with the issues, how federal government works and understand and have knowledge of our founding fathers' incredible documents and the U.S. Constitution. Why is it now reversed? Progressive Liberals have perverted it, period so we become a Democracy, not a Constitutional Republic, they can control and manipulate the masses easier who do not understand what they should to vote. Simple. Why did our founding fathers' create a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy? Because Democracies become more corrupt and fail and truly is NOT a government that is OF, BY and FOR THE PEOPLE. A Constitutional Republic is a government that can be sustained easier, more opened as a government OF, BY and FOR THE PEOPLE. Read the U.S. Constitution, the original one and you will see clues written in ALL capital words that are the keys, it is truly a incredible document. These are just my thoughts.


Comment by JL Gawlik on March 31, 2011 at 1:41pm

Anyone who thinks this is a conspiracy theory is unaware of what has been building for decades. I remember being first concerned when i saw that the Clintons, when he was in office were attending a meeting at Sea Island, Georgia with the Bilderberg Group that was formed 56 years ago. Go look that puppy up.


This Global Society and Economy has been building since even before George Soros came into his own by his own father who created a language for the world so that there would no other languages. This is not a theory, conspiracy, it is a movement that is around a 100 years old. They have kept it secret for obvious reasons, what American would vote for it? They have stealthy moved into our government at all levels, local, county, state and federal. Go look up the UN's agenda 21 and then look it up with Jacksonville, Florida. It is all inside our government, even here in Jacksonville. They are everywhere... Look up Van Jones who was in the White House as one of President Obama's advisors, as his green czar, look up the Apollo Alliance Foundation (they crafted the 2009 Stimulus bill/American Reinvestment Recovery Act. that nobody read before they voted on it because we were in a crisis.), TIDES Center, Green For All, STORM, Clinton Global Initiative, many other socialist/marxist groups, they are all connected, his wiki profile, he is a avowed Marxist. Why did he resign? Why couldn't he had stood up for the truth of who he is? Because it would greatly damaged the Obama administration and revealed what they really stand for and their goals.


Just read up and you can see what is going on very clearly. While you are at it, look up Chicago Carbon Exchange, Carbon Exchange and figure out how that is connected to the Progressive Liberals bill called Cap and Trade, and they were trying to rename it "Clean Energy Dividend" Senator Kerry had renamed it PRI, Pollution Reduction Investment bill.  Then Kerry and Boxer renamed it "Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act", it failed. Then Kerry and Lieberman tried to pass it as the "American Power Act". The American people did not buy the lies, it was the same bill, just new name and labeling. Look up Cap and Trade, also ICAP. Just use your head and think before they cram net neutrality down our throats.

Comment by J.R. on March 31, 2011 at 1:35pm

Great video and links, Roma and Tom!  I've saved the video into RealPlayer and saved your provided links into my Critical Links File for future reference, where I've saved others that you and J.L. have posted.  You three do a lot of good research and are so helpful in your sharing of it.

While watch-dogging the United Nations, we also have to watchdog the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, all the George Soros-affiliated global groups who seek global governance, and---of all things---our own government and President.

Your video demonstrates what type of government we would end up with if we ultimately have global government---first anarchy, then oligarchy/tyranny of the few and the "bread and circuses" it would bring with it.  And, I see Obama as the consummate "power-seeking politician," who is pushing our government toward economic insolvency, chaos, anarchy, revolution, and oligarchy.

Comment by J.R. on March 31, 2011 at 12:45pm

J.L., thanks for adding that great video. I really like LeMeiux, who did an excellent job of serving as Florida's Interim Senator, in the U.S. Senate, after the resignation of Sen. Martinez.

I agree with you about the two prior Mayors of Jacksonville, who placed pet projects above the financial health of our local government and were not conscientious stewards of the Duval County taxpayers' money. After the run-off mayoral election, I believe we will have just the right person, in Mayor Hogan, who will diligently uphold his obligated financial duty and trust to all of us and be a faithful steward of the taxpayers' money.

Comment by J.R. on March 31, 2011 at 12:31pm

Steve, I believe you are wrong in that you can't see that a very similar pattern exists in the simultaneous actions taking place concurrently in many countries in the Middle East and Northern Africa. The idea that all of it could have happened by chance at the same time is unrealistic. I believe it happened by design and that Obama is picking winners and losers---and is going after picking them in the most desired and strategic places first.

He didn't have to intervene in Egypt, for the winners he picked there were the "rebels," ie. the Muslim Brotherhood, who were being helped by al-Qaida. It is the Muslim Brotherhood that has now become a major political player in Egypt's political process. Also, the "rebels" in Libya are being led by the Muslim Brotherhood, assisted by al-Qaida, so Obama didn't go after them, he went after Gadaffi's military industrial complex with intent to crush it. And, it is a fact that Samantha Power, one of Obama's top advisors, is closely allied with George Soros---and George Soros both endorsed Obama and contributed huge sums of money to Obama's presidential campaign. There's a lot more to it than that, but there is not world enough or time to include it all here.

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You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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