I regret to say that I find the information in the below-linked article both believable and alarming. It helps to explain Obama's rapid rise from obscurity to the highest elected office in the United States of America, for it took a lot of money and influence to make that happen. It also leads me to believe that the habitual frequent delays in Obama's decision-making could be explainable by those decisions having to be filtered through Soros-connected activists advising Obama. In this case, billionaire Soros' activist in the White House is none other than Obama's National Security Council Special Adviser on Human Rights, Samantha Power, who has strong ties to Soros and is a champion of the global governance military doctrine, "Responsibility to Protect," that Obama is claimed to have followed in his attack on Libya.

The above also helps to explain why Obama no longer depends on advice from his U.S. Senate-approved Cabinet and gives life to the speculation that formerly unknown and unaccomplished Obama's mach speed rise to power is due to his having been a George Soros-created puppet, with Soros and his like-minded global governance minders pulling his strings.  Further, it makes me wonder who actually is our President.

This situation bears international implications that are antithetical to the content of the Constitution of the United States.

Below are some excerpts from the news article that you can read in full at the link provided:

"Philanthropist billionaire George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the global organization that promotes the military doctrine used by the Obama administration to justify the recent airstrikes targeting the regime of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya.
The activist who founded and coined the name of the doctrine, "Responsibility to Protect," sits on several key organizations alongside Soros.

Also, the Soros-funded global group that promotes Responsibility to Protect is closely tied to Samantha Power, the National Security Council special adviser to Obama on human rights. Power has been a champion of the doctrine and is, herself, deeply tied to the doctrine's founder.

According to reports, Power was instrumental in convincing Obama to act against Libya.
The Responsibility to Protect doctrine has been described by its founders and proponents, including Soros, as promoting global governance while allowing the international community to penetrate a nation state's borders under certain conditions..."


Views: 138


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Comment by J.R. on April 2, 2011 at 11:52am

On Wednesday, Senator Rand Paul surprised the U.S. Senate by attaching an amendment to the small business re-authorization bill, chastising Obama for his actions in Libya and urging Senate members to adopt the president's own words as a "Sense of the Senate." In the video at the link posted below, you can see Paul quote, on the floor of the Senate, from Obama's own 2007 remarks that "The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation." The amendment is intended to "put the Senate on record affirming Congress as the body with constitutional authority on matters of war."

GOP sources say that Paul's proposal flummoxed Reid, who does not want his members to have to weigh in on Obama's old quote about congressional auethority to declare war..


Comment by FCTP on April 1, 2011 at 9:45pm

John:  Your recent post was brought to our attention.  You can refer to:  http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sofa%20king%20we%20t... 

This is unacceptable behavior and language.  We will not tolerate this and you are being suspended from the site for this behavior. 

Comment by JL Gawlik on April 1, 2011 at 8:45pm

There is so much in the health care bill it makes my head spin. To read it you must read the section and refer to previous passed laws, bills, mandates and regulations and but i am sure it has some some reference to that in there. Keep in mind student loans are in there. There is a former LT. Governor of New York who actually has read the whole think and she can tell you where what is and it is mind blowing that so many Democrats voted for it because their leadership told them to. At least even the Progressive Liberal Republicans stood back and voted no. I would not want my figure prints on it.


I just listened to Chuck Schumer address the Senate stating that a Fox news reporter conservative Jennifer Powers even agrees with his statement that if there is a government shut down it is because of the GOP. He is delusional. Jennifer Powers is a Liberal pro-Obama and she is Fox news advisor. I think the Progressive Liberals in Congress have finally gone rabid like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

As far as a flashpoint in the Middle East our global President has encouraged it for months, in almost all of his TV appearances and speeches. Then i happens and he shuts up, with the exception of Egypt and Libya. They have been at a flash point for decades the 4G communications finally got them up to speed with the whole world and their situation. 


That Jeffrey Immelt is a piece of work, he should be shunned by many Americans in his monetary betrayal of America workers. And now he is on a committee, being paid by our tax dollars, when he pays none?

Comment by JL Gawlik on April 1, 2011 at 3:37pm
Those are great links, Roma. I just heard that someone has undercover that President Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the Progressive Liberal Democrats have authorized over 5 billion dollars to be paid for early retirement of Auto workers, teachers, union members, GE, etc.. So far over 1.5 billion dollars has been paid out. These people should be yanked out of office and held accountable for breaking their oath of office, lying to the American people, stealing our tax dollars for buying votes. Definitely a abuse of power and ethic violation. Probably why the bump in unemployment going down as well as it is the tax season.
Comment by JL Gawlik on April 1, 2011 at 3:09pm
BTW look up global cooling, you will see facts and figures on the opposite side. Many of the ones that were cooked up for global warming were from improper placement of temperature gauges, near buildings, concrete, direct sunlight.

Joe Bastardi is one who comes to mind who has talk to scientists who are not in agreement with so called Global Climate Change. Weather is cyclical and the underneath affects what goes on above as well as the volcanoes, sand storms and fires that effect weather patterns also. It finally hit me a couple of weeks ago what can contribute to El Ninos and La Nina, which are opposite in nature, that the volcanic action under water if extremely active can cause more intense heating of the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans just as the ash, sand, cloud cover can affect the temperature in cooling of large masses of water also. Strong Sand Storms in the Sahara dessert has actually give us hurricane less sessions not too, long ago because the sand high up was cutting off the top of the storms, there is a term for that, i can not recall. The ice caps are constantly shifting also, as the north pole is shifting, that is how they can date rock is by the magnetic elements of the cooled magna that forms into rock, they look at the direction of the particles and they are opposite. I saw a video online explaining that at:


I have listening to the global argument on both sides for decades and do not believe in the warming trend because it goes back and forth just like our magnetic poles. The earth is living, breathing, constantly moving. I do not believe you should pollute but many things that go into the air do not do the damage many claim it does, the earth like all living things has the ability to self heal to a certain point and the whole idea that it is a delicate balance is not true. If the environmentalists were back in the ice age, they would really have been screaming over the disappearance of that or the disappearance of dinosaurs. The earth and all is constantly evolving, changing. These are just my thoughts.
Comment by JL Gawlik on April 1, 2011 at 2:37pm

J.R., You are right, Congress has failed big time and we the people have allowed that to happen. Sometimes i feel we can make a difference but then when you look at the decades of changes, ignorance, deception, etc., it seems impossible, then you have all the global problems to boot.


Global warming renamed Global Climate Change (jeez, doesn't some Congressional members do the same thing? Change and repackage the name because people realize it just a bunch of false facts and lies?) is bs.


Grains being used for fuels? Didn't this wonderful global President of ours command that more American crops in corn be used for biofuels? Even Al Gore has finally realized the danger of using food stocks for fuel. We still have farmers and farms who are subsidized with taxpayer's money not to raise crops.


Our whole country and government has been subverted.

Comment by J.R. on April 1, 2011 at 1:55pm

J.L., you're right. Congress was given the power to provide checks and balances on abuses by the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch of government. They have failed to be vigilant and do that mandated job, allowing all manner of unconstitutional judicial legislating from the bench and executive legislating through executive orders, regulations, and rule-making actions to go unaddressed. 

But Congress has also violated the Constitution themselves, by passing legislation that has no constitutional basis and by manipulating, or out-right violating, House and Senate rules in order to perform unconstitutional and unethical actions like sneaking earmarks and/or additional legislation into bills, then requiring voting on bills no Congress member has had an opportunity to read and understand.

That's the short list... and they really have dropped the ball. In fact, the ball must be stored in the same cloakroom they go into to make the unconstitutional "sausage" that they pack into unappetizing legislation that we are expected to swallow and regard as legal and enforceable. We need to collectively JUST SAY NO.

Comment by JL Gawlik on April 1, 2011 at 1:16pm

That is so true, J.R., as far as the food prices rising, they have always been rising, and not for cost but because of loss of crops, cost of transportation, etc.. People have gotten alway from their heritage of gathering and providing for themselves and their families. Those are the people i feel sorry for are the ones who only can relate to packaged, man produced foods. With oil going up, prices go up across the board because of energy and gas prices in producing, packaging and delivering product.


I really have not thought lately about the U.S. Constitution being a living document, here is a article that actually addresses why many Americans assume that the supreme court has the last word on what is or isn't Constitutional:




Apparently it is our elected representatives who are serving in the peoples' seat that has dropped the ball. Interesting. Boy, our work is cut out for us.

Comment by J.R. on April 1, 2011 at 12:41pm

It's about time they started recognizing that their problems are caused by their not so benevolent leaders who deflect the blame to the non-Islamic world in order to blame the "infidels" for everything that goes wrong.  That serves their jihad to further their murderous 7th century "religion" that is more about power and control than anything else.

It's also concerning to see the sharp rise in food prices in this country and the deceptive practice in new packaging, in order to charge the same amount or more for a product when the package, bottle or can contains less of the food product.  Pretty sneaky, huh?

Comment by JL Gawlik on April 1, 2011 at 11:43am

Thank you Roma and J.R., That is disturbing about Soros donating to that Institute that Rubio went to, he seems to be a true constitutional conservative although i am not trusting many candidates for anything especially with what the progressive liberals have promoted in the last four years, the deception that they have gotten away with is unconscionable.


Reading about Soros, he made his money in markets, investments, he went to some British school of economics which he supports and one of Gadfahi's son went to, there has been talk that with Soros's help him graduate, sounds like some one pulled strings to help him do so. So Soros is connected to Gadhafi, involving him in his one world global whatever. There is some question whether Soros was involved in stealing some property from jewish people during his youth during his involvement with his caretaker at the time to help start him in his climb to wealth. In his interviews, he comes off very arrogant and loves to feel power taking things from people, toppling over economies and being able to control other people's destinies by destroying their way of life, he is dead set against American Capitalism, i read a article some where, weeks ago, where he stated that bringing down America and Capitalism would be the best of his life works.


Jeez, i just looked up Rubio and the Aspen Institute and now i am not happy. Check this out:



Soros is up to his ears in backing that institute, disappointing to see who all is involved. I would love to question McCain, Gingrich, Pawlenty, Rubio, Ryan, Barbour on this.


There is a statement down at the bottom of the above url (1) there that rings so true, i am personally tired of having to dig up information when candidates who are not truthful with the facts, does anyone think Rubio will be asked about his involvement, this looks a way to vet and educate more hopeful candidates to do your bidding. Gosh, i feel like i am witnessing something really evil in our country.


We really need people to rise up to protect the U.S. Constitution or this country is doomed, if it's not too, late already. How we have allowed lobbyist, money to embed in our government was completely foolish. This whole push that every America should vote is rubbish and is part of the movement to destroy our country. Only people who are familiar with the Constitution, issues, candidates, etc., should vote and i was part of that when i was younger. I was just using my 'right' to vote because that is what i was told not realizing the damage i was doing being so misinformed. We reap what we sow, boy what a mess.


Roma, a great book on America black history is "Setting The Record Straight: American History In Black And White" By David Barton.


(1)Aspen Institute Avalanche: Sheila Kihne 10March2011: "Look, I've been saying this for a while now:  There are two types of Republicans:  Those who understand what the country is facing and what we're up against in terms of battling the left....and there are those who don't.  You shouldn't need to go to organizations directly connected to George Soros to figure these things out and I don't care how nice or free the trip.

Our elected officials should represent us and listen only to us.  Not those who are counting on payback based on the notion that an "education" is a terrible thing to waste."

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You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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