Roma and Tom: Thanks for posting the videos on Crony Capitalism! This is another prime example, apart from Obama's picking political winners and losers in Egypt and Libya, of Obama's picking of winners and losers in American industries, depending on whether or not it strengthens him and his preferred crony capitalist allies politically and financially and satisfies his criteria for turning our nation into a socialist government where only the chosen few elites and businesses prosper and have power and control. It's a mutually-beneficial financial boom for them where, together, they capture and control the economics and survival of entire industries. In other words, it's a mutual back-scratching at the expense of the free market system and taxpayers who are being suckered by having to foot the bill... another example of Obama's "transfer of wealth." Obama will probably be a billionaire by the time he leaves office. He has learned well from his benefactor, George Soros, who is likely his most well-heeled crony.
Jeffrey Immelt, former head of GE, is a prime example of an Obama top-crony who was rewarded by Obama's giving him a top position in the White House, very likely as payback for all the money that has flowed into Obama's campaign coffers from both Immelt and GE. Now that Immelt is in the White House at Obama's right elbow, GE has moved off-shore to China, taking jobs and money out of the U.S. economy at a most inopportune time... not that there is any good time for that.
Regarding the dirty and cowardly political behaviors of Jack Webb and his cronies, to which Debbie Gonzales and the 20 year old young lady you wrote about were subjected, with both victims having filed police reports, this information should be given to the media and publicized in any way possible prior to the run-off election. Sheriff John Rutherford should be directly informed of this and asked to oversee the investigation into both incidents. This should alse be requested of JSO Internal Affairs, A complaint could also be filed with the State Attorney's office, asking them to take action as a result of the harassment, intimidation, and menacing these two women were subjected to, for I believe the offenses in the incidents were, at the very least, misdemeanors. Collectively, the offenses are more serious. There were also election laws and constitutional rights that were violated by these Chicago-style thugs. I wonder if the police identified all of Webb's cronies who were involved and if all of them, including Webb, were charged. If not, they should have been. The police reports are public information, so anyone could obtain them and find out exactly what's in them.
I don't know what happened to Steve Meyer's blog thread, but you can post a question for him on his comments board on his blogpage and ask him. He might have, for some reason, removed it himself.
I couldn't agree more with both you, J.R. and Roma, we need real truthful people not phony, plasticized politicians, who only care about votes and power, people who are actually in touch with reality and who listen to their constituents and act as their voice in Congress while serving in the peoples' seat honoring their oath of office.
Found some interesting reads over at one of my favorite net reads over at > NealzNuz>
Under reading assignments: > Rubio WSJ >
Interesting to note, the article is by Marc Rubio, don't most arrogant career politicians such as our illustrious Bill Nelson, sign off as Senator Bill Nelson?
My husband talked with a young lady today in her 20's who is campaigning for Matt Schellenberg against Jack Webb and she was cussed out and verbally attacked each time she held a sign up before the elections on San Jose Blvd, by Jack Webb supporters. At one point she felt very threatened and has to call the police to come. We told her we fully support Matt Schellenberg and we would gladly put a sign in our yard. She told him also that over 1200 signs were stolen off peoples' lawns during the campaign in our area. She was a very articulate and well spoken young lady. We need more young voters who actually think about who and what they are voting for.
Exactly, J.L. We don't need any more hollow, storefront-mannequin politicians created and propped up by their handlers until trotted out time and again for rote delivery of words conceived by others. Such is not the stuff that's sufficient for broad-topic press conferences with specific questions that need to be answered. Those, Obama avoids like the plague. He prefers vague generalities or stale campaign rhetoric. If it's not somewhere he can give a canned and memorized stump speech, he's in over his head. And, that's where he slips up, like when he told Joe the Plumber he was in favor of "spreading the wealth." Other people's wealth. His handlers weren't there to field and deflect that question for him. He stammered, stuttered, and let the cat out of the bag.
In fact, now we most always see him speak only with speechwriters' prepared, scripted words automated for him to read, while turning his head side to side to follow the teleprompter. It's a little surreal, really. Almost like watching a tennis match, with a cocky, arrogant politician droning on and feeding us lies as we watch. That's what he's done with regard to the Libya War... stay in his storefront mannequin mode until his unconstitutional and irreversible war actions had been going on for more than a week, before his finally coming out and giving a half-baked justification for his unilateral war actions and leaving the critical questions unanswered. We are still far from knowing the truth about the Libya War... not the actual justification, the defined mission, the strategy for success, or the end game. In other words, we don't know much more than we knew a week ago.
We, as American citizens, have a right to know. And Congress has an obligation to get to the truth of the matter, provide us the facts, and keep us informed.
Here is something of interest:
Roman, i am not talking about a eloquent speaker, i want one where you can feel the conviction, Reagan was one, someone who is truthful and not making promises just to get your vote, but some who speaks from the heart. People made fun of Rick Scott because he stumbled when he spoke, but he speaks from the heart, does that make sense? Bush 43 did it, also. He spoke with complete conviction and honesty. I want someone truthful and passionate. I really never felt that with Obama, there was always a funny odd feeling there. But if you read his words and one would of thought he was truthful, i would voted for him because he sounded like a moderate Dem. He did not sound like a far left progressive liberal but it just did not feel right and we did our research on him and saw a LOT that we did not like. McCain is a weak speaker, at least on the campaign he was, sometimes he was on fire sometimes not, and he would always try to be the good guy. Perhaps it was his recovery from the cancer he had, or perhaps when he was listening to his handlers he was weaker than when he spoke from his heart, but i really never cared for him because he is just too, far to the left, although i do admire what he has done for our country and i do admire his NO earmark record, few can hold a claim to that if any in Congress.
I just want a candidate that believes in our country, our U.S. Constitution, our people and less government and he just tells it like it is, like Rand did. A leader. You can just feel it.
That is what we need, truth, sincerity, honesty, plain talk instead of the bs we hear from the career parasitic politicians. That is how a Republican will get elected. I just wish all in the GOP could put their egos aside and brainstorm on the best candidate and get one out there with everyone behind them with truth, facts, our founding fathers' values and principles and support of the constitution and cutting the budget and size of government. Just really good old America person, that speaks with great integrity and conviction and from the heart with passion. Like Rubio did, Rand Paul did, Palin, Bachman, even Trump talks with passion and conviction. Herman Cain, Adam West. There has to be all of the above to build excitement, hope and support but they must be sincere and knowledgable and able to debate with quick concise answers. I read that Haley Barbour has a steel clamp memory when it comes to policies. Although i am not sure i would vote for them but we need someone with everyone's backing. My biggest fear is the lack of unity going into 2012. Remember the doctor who testified about the her parent's death and the fact that she did not have a gun, normally she carried a gun? People who can speak clearly, with conviction, passion and factual knowledge of what they are talking about touches people. Rather than ones who are repetitive (like me), and Obama thank goodness, is always saying me, i, over and over. I hope it becomes more apparent in his campaign, he is going to announce it and i really hope he burns everyone out on seeing him and listening to him. We need to come up with someone really truthful, sincere, knowledge and one who can stir the patriotic spirit. Quiet frankly Obama did that but it was not sincere, and he has become one of the biggest dividers, in our country with the class warfare and race warfare and union warfare that i have ever seen. That's the key be the opposite of Obama, especially in truth and knowledge of our history and U.S. Constitution with passion... from the heart.
Any takers?
Sen. Rand Paul's address on the Senate floor was the strongest, most well-articulated extemporaneous presentation I have seen and heard in either chamber of Congress. He picked up a few papers, perhaps to see one or two key words, but he didn't have to read notes or read a teleprompter to know what to say. And, what he said left no doubt as to what he meant and why he was saying it. He honed in on major points, with complete confidence and demonstrating a full understanding of the Constitution and powers delegated to both the Executive and Legislative branches of our government with regard to war, and then reinforced those points. He said exactly what I wanted to hear and, in doing so, he put Harry Reid and the Democrats in a box. Now, we'll get to see if Reid pushes the "yellow button," afraid to bring it to the floor and open it up for a vote.
That would be the same "yellow button" legislators push to vote "present," which Obama consistently did in both the state legislature in Illinois and when he was a member of the U.S. Senate. When a vote is cast, the green button is "Yes," the red button is "No," and the yellow button is for cowards who vote "Present" because they don't want to take a stand and be held accountable for their vote. Sort of like the yellow-button, unconstitutional manner in which Obama slowly sidled his way into taking this nation into war under the auspices of the not-so-united United Nations.
While watching Rand Paul, since early on in the 2010 campaign, I believed he had great leadership skills and potential as a future U.S. Senator. What I see now is a self-confident Senator who is comfortable in his own skin and has the character, ability, knowledge and sense of purpose that demonstrate future presidential material.
Looks like John has been misbehaving again!
J.R., Thank you for sharing that, it is moments like this, that i feel there is hope to turn this mess around. We need more elected representatives like him.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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