I regret to say that I find the information in the below-linked article both believable and alarming. It helps to explain Obama's rapid rise from obscurity to the highest elected office in the United States of America, for it took a lot of money and influence to make that happen. It also leads me to believe that the habitual frequent delays in Obama's decision-making could be explainable by those decisions having to be filtered through Soros-connected activists advising Obama. In this case, billionaire Soros' activist in the White House is none other than Obama's National Security Council Special Adviser on Human Rights, Samantha Power, who has strong ties to Soros and is a champion of the global governance military doctrine, "Responsibility to Protect," that Obama is claimed to have followed in his attack on Libya.

The above also helps to explain why Obama no longer depends on advice from his U.S. Senate-approved Cabinet and gives life to the speculation that formerly unknown and unaccomplished Obama's mach speed rise to power is due to his having been a George Soros-created puppet, with Soros and his like-minded global governance minders pulling his strings.  Further, it makes me wonder who actually is our President.

This situation bears international implications that are antithetical to the content of the Constitution of the United States.

Below are some excerpts from the news article that you can read in full at the link provided:

"Philanthropist billionaire George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the global organization that promotes the military doctrine used by the Obama administration to justify the recent airstrikes targeting the regime of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya.
The activist who founded and coined the name of the doctrine, "Responsibility to Protect," sits on several key organizations alongside Soros.

Also, the Soros-funded global group that promotes Responsibility to Protect is closely tied to Samantha Power, the National Security Council special adviser to Obama on human rights. Power has been a champion of the doctrine and is, herself, deeply tied to the doctrine's founder.

According to reports, Power was instrumental in convincing Obama to act against Libya.
The Responsibility to Protect doctrine has been described by its founders and proponents, including Soros, as promoting global governance while allowing the international community to penetrate a nation state's borders under certain conditions..."


Views: 145


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Comment by Joe Story on April 6, 2011 at 12:24am
 I like the idea of a Flat tax 12 % personnel and 14 % corporate with an additional fixed 2% on each for debt repayment. Expenditures must not exceed income, balanced budget admendment. The poverty level should be set at $25,000 dollars/year and anything below that level exempt from the 12% personnel tax. This would create the radical change in government that is needed. Hard decisions must be made and the politicians should be forced to make them. A flat tax program providing a safe haven and preservation for capital will emerge as the primary driver of capital flows around the world towards the U.S. dollar. The tax advantages will have the effect of creating a massive influx of new jobs to invest the capital. In turn this will have the effect of off setting the undervalued Chinese Yuan. The jobs created without government influence will employ new technologies to overcome the problems we are facing as a nation. The biggest limiting factors to new jobs are government regulations, the huge number of government employees and make work government employment.
Comment by JL Gawlik on April 5, 2011 at 10:11pm

LOL! I L♥Ve the KiDDiE PoOL Analogy! 

I write under different alias because they only allow you one per week, four per month. I sure hope people remember. It is unconscionable what he is doing to college students and high school students. I hope and pray it backfires on him. I think he did have one original thought and again it was without a teleprompter when his Harvard buddy got arrogant with the police checking out a break-in report in his home from a concerned neighbor. That was really out of line and uncalled for. Personally i love it when he speaks out because then we get to see the real person or what he really is behind the facade. I read a letter to him at Congress.org:


I have heard of Congressional members and Governors state over and over since he became President, that they have written him and never even received even a acknowledgement much less a answer back. That is pure arrogance.

Comment by J.R. on April 5, 2011 at 9:39pm

Not only can they change the rules, J.L., they can... and do... pervert them or ignore them. Or even make up new ones. Nancy Pelosi is a perverse example of that. So is Harry Reid. I agree with Paul Ryan and the other guys on the need for a complete overhaul. The entrenched resistance to change has got to go! And you're right..., Schumer and Company  don't get it.  They're just saying John Boehner is in a box as talking points, thinking that if they say it often enough and loud enough, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy and everyone will believe it. They know we, in the Tea Party, ARE THE PEOPLE, and they know Obama has made a disingeneous "make nice" overture to the Tea Party, perhaps in hopes we will cut him some slack. Better luck in the next world! 

I guess they're listening to their created-out-of-whole-cloth President, who listens to Samantha Power and follows George Soros' marching orders.  I don't believe Obama has ever had an original thought... or a rational thought.  He needs other people to program him, tell him what to say, and give him a teleprompter so he won't mess up and say something out loud they'll want to strangle him for... like "I think we should spread the wealth..."  He probably got some hot and spicy words put on him for saying that out loud.  

Now, we have the quintessential Peter Pan telling US to "grow up?" And announcing that HE's going to shut down the government!  Soros will probably kill him for that one. Surely, it was intended as a threat, but with that statement, he just bought himself ownership of a government shutdown, if it occurs.  Further proof that he planned to shut down the government is all over the internet about his directives to government agencies to make ready for it. So, is this "genious" going to then try and blame it on Republicans? There's not enough superglue in the world to make that stick.  First time he tries that whopper in the election, just watch the Republican TV ads pop up everywhere, over-and-over, showing him saying it. 

By now, everybody agrees that Obama's the "I" man.  Everything's always about him.  When they haul his teleprompter around, they should carry along a kiddie pool for him to sit by and stare at his reflection. Move over, Narcissus!

I'm gonna' go now and check out your soapbox at congress.org., J.L.

Comment by JL Gawlik on April 5, 2011 at 9:29pm

I like Erskine & Simpson, Paul Ryan and Jason Chaffetz were all on that Debt Commision:


Comment by J.R. on April 5, 2011 at 8:17pm

"The GOP Path to Prosperity"

By Paul D. Ryan - April 5, 2011, Wall Street Journal

"Congress is currently embroiled in a funding fight over how much to spend on less than one-fifth of the federal budget for the next six months. Whether we cut $33 billion or $61 billion—that is, whether we shave 2% or 4% off of this year's deficit—is important. It's a sign that the election did in fact change the debate in Washington from how much we should spend to how much spending we should cut.

But this morning the new House Republican majority will introduce a budget that moves the debate from billions in spending cuts to trillions. America is facing a defining moment. The threat posed by our monumental debt will damage our country in profound ways, unless we act..."

Link to rest of article: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405...

Comment by JL Gawlik on April 5, 2011 at 8:07pm

That is so true, J.R. I listened to Paul Ryan, Jason Chaffetz, etc., state last year that we must change completely the way things are done in Washington, period. I did not realize that the leadership could change the house and senate rules. 


Funny to watch things being said today, Reid, Schumer and the ALL the wonderful patriotic Progressive Liberals elected representatives have been all crowing about John Boehner saying that he is listening to the Tea Party and has put himself in a box...


They still don't get it! The Tea Party is WE THE PEOPLE.


Who are they listening to? Who are they answering to? This just goes to illustrate their whole distorted sense of reality... they have put themselves in a box by NOT listening to WE THE PEOPLE... the Tea ParTy!


They still don'T get iT!


I could not resist creating another soapbox over at Congress.org:


Also took a notice the second time i listened to President Obama this afternoon, he stated " Iwill have to shut the government down..."  He says we should act like grown-ups... spending money you don't have is acting like a grown-up?


It is still ALL out him... "I"


George LeMeuix announced that he is running for Bill Nelson's senate seat, today because he sees our economy headed for disaster.

Comment by J.R. on April 5, 2011 at 7:11pm

Well, those "old dog Republicans" who are for big government need to pack it in and make room for fresh new ideas and energetic patriots who understand that the government works best that governs least. We need a lean, effective government run by people who understand that the Constitution was never meant to create an elephantine bureaucracy of, by, and for the federal government. That's why the Constitution was written to be plainly understood and non-ambiguous. The founding fathers meant for the states to be sovereign and the federal government to serve the collective states and their mutual defense, not be their overlord. And they never intended service in Congress to be a multi-decade career.

Apparently, some of those "old dogs" have been in Washington for so long they've become drunk with power and have grown egos as big as all outdoors. They've long since lapsed into a habit of going along to get along and a mentality that conveys "we've always done it this way... therefore, we'll always do it this way." Clinging to comfortable old habits is easy to do... and old habits die hard. Maybe it's time for term limits and age limits... and a "time to go, thanks for your service" award.. And.., if these things don't happen, and they still don't go, voters will have to show them the right time... at the ballot box.

Comment by J.R. on April 5, 2011 at 2:45pm

Here is a radio interview by Glenn Beck of Sen. Paul Ryan, whom Glenn refers to as "The 6 Trillion Dollar Man:"


Comment by J.R. on April 5, 2011 at 2:30pm

This is a very interesting video with new information.  You don't really need to see it as much as listen to it, for it is a radio interview, but you do get to see what the two speakers look like.  

Video of the Day: Prof Who Drafted Impeachment Articles for Bush Says Impeach Obama


Comment by J.R. on April 5, 2011 at 12:06pm

Yes, Roma and Tom, both bills are good. When you have related bills passed in both chambers, they can then, in a joint conference, iron out the differences in the two versions and come up with a compromise bill that would resolve the time frame issue and any other incompatible issues they have identified. Getting any final version of a Republican budget bill passed in the Senate will be tough, but I touched on that earlier with regard to the 2012 election odds for the Senate Democrats.

Democrats can't really afford to risk voting down sound budget proposals such as these... and, they will do so at their own peril. There should be at least 5 or 6 Democrat Senators who have enough common sense and desire to be re-elected to vote in favor of the final bill... or either bill. And, since about 6 or 7 Democrat Senators are either retiring or, for other reasons, not standing for re-election, there would be no great risk for them if they vote yes... provided the Democrats don't somehow make it worth their while to vote no.

As to our troops, they were sent by their "Commander in Chief" to fight on the side of the jihadi "rebels." But, with the news today regarding Libya, it looks as if Obama was playing two ends against the middle, in order to eliminate the true rebels who wanted a government that would provide the freedoms and liberties they were actually seeking... which neither Gadaffi nor the jihadis were seeking.

And we also learn today, that Egyptian presidential candidate, Mohammed al Baradei, former weapons inspector for the U.N., has now threatened to, if elected, open the Egyptian gate into Gaza if Israel doesn't kowtow to Palestinian demands there. With the fast-growing Muslim Brotherhood presence in the Egyptian government, who were among the "rebels" there, al Baradai is seeking their support.

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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