To the Jack Webb campaign,         5/9/11


This Friday afternoon past, I was doing a citizens roadside display at the intersection of San Jose and Claire Ln.  across from Wal-Mart.


I was promoting the action of voting to the passersby as noted by my prominent signage stating “Voting is the Heartbeat of America,…… Check your pulse” and from my stepladder holding a wand like sign saying “Vote”.


One of my “Burma Shave” style signs displayed on previous days in the week read “Learn and Vote”- “You Must Try”- Or the Freedoms Left”- “Bye Bye”, again with the “Vote” wand from my elevated vantage point. I had put out my 4, 3’x5’American Flags in a row, staking my claim to this spot.


I am a member of the Tea Party but, because of my new political involvement and incomplete knowledge of the candidates, I made a personal decision to focus my attention and energies on bringing the need and interest for “Voting” to anyone I could in this manner.


Pretty innocuous most would agree.


The Matt Schellenberg supporters arrived later and asked if they could participate, to which I readily agreed, as long as they let me do my thing.  They were displaying signs of their making and message, as there was Jack Webb supporters ahead closer to I-295 and I believe behind as they had been in days past.


Pretty innocuous most would agree, everyone in their space, doing their thing, getting their message out?


Out of the blue arrived a Webb representative and placed himself directly in front of my position with an upheld Jack Webb sign and extras to place in front of the adjacent Schellenberg signs.


Of course, as he knew I would, I drew attention to his positioning and that he was blocking my message, to which he replied that it was a free country, I didn’t own the sidewalk and he could be anywhere he wished.


I pointed out my purpose, to which he took no heed, attention or interest, it was obvious that his intention was to disrupt, intimidate and to block my message.


From that point, unfortunately, I lowered myself to his level and the childish antics began.


Not having the physical means to defend myself I succumbed to his goading. Unpleasantness ensues and the Police were summoned.


To the point:

During the verbal exchanges, during which, he was joined by another Webb representative, he stated “You can’t say that, you don’t know me”!


Oh yes, my friend, “Yes I do”!!


After seven plus decades on this good earth, being raised with seven siblings by a father that instilled in us to never be intentionally mean, Navy and Coast Guard service, running construction crews, being operations manager for a large corporation and many years of dealing with the public as a small business person,……


“Oh, my boy, I know you” and now, by extension, your actions and your representation I know Jack Webb, his operation and his family.


At one point I asked for Mr. Webb’s number which I called, he answered, I explained my position and the circumstances, He apologized, saying he would take care of it and asked to speak to his person. His control and intent were obvious, they moved about 4 feet further away and held their ground.


Oh, make no mistake I know you and now I know the integrity of  Jack Webb, his  platform, and his followers.


This old gray head will be back out there on Monday and I’m certain Jack Webb, in the person of his representatives, will be standing in front of my “Get out and vote message”.


Forwarded with little respect!


James Kring


In addition, now that Jack Webb has brought clarity to the event, I will back Matt Schellenberg.

 I had the welcomed experience of meeting and listening to him over the weekend. I was impressed by his straight forward clarity, integrity and interest in the quality of life for the folks of Jacksonville.


You have my blessing Matt Schellenberg!





Views: 73


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Comment by J.R. on May 9, 2011 at 9:06pm

Likewise, J.L.

You know, it can't be very pleasant for Matt Schellenberg having to run against someone who won't run a clean and fair race.  Jack Webb was right there with his thugs when they accosted, intimidated and harassed Debbie Gonzales when she was all by herself out campaigning for Schellenberg. To call them cowards and bullies is being generous...

Comment by JL Gawlik on May 9, 2011 at 6:46pm

James, I am impressed! 


LOVE your campaign slogan J.R., 



Comment by J.R. on May 9, 2011 at 3:42pm

Good for you, James! Thanks for standing your ground against the thugs who work for Jack Webb's campaign. You'd think Jack Webb would have stopped the unethical behaviors of his campaign workers after his good buddy and campaign worker, Planning Commission member Tony Hemmerly was observed taking down and dumping Matt Schellenberg's signs and ended up with the JSO seeking a warrant for his arrest.  The behaviors of workers on a campaign reflect the character and the ethics of the person for whom they are campaigning. If Webb had any character or ethics, he would have told those workers to apologize and leave.  And, he would have apologized, also, to both you and Matt Schellenburg. However, I don't advise anyone to hold their breath until that happens.


Comment by Cindy Jordan on May 9, 2011 at 9:58am

We definitely need to get Jack Webb gone.  He is a typical arrogant, union style politician.  We need to teach these folks a lesson.  We will not back down.  I challenge everyone to stand up.  Put signs on your cars, and in your yards to get Webb gone.  All he has done is raise out property taxes, and cost us more money.  He has forgotten that he works for us.  Not us for him.  The intimidation factor  he tries to use on folk such as Debra Gianolis, is ridiculous.  Just another dirty rat democrat, coming from an independent.  Thank God for the Tea Party.  We will prevail. 


Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 9, 2011 at 8:58am

Bless you James, and we all have to remember, no one said it was going to be easy (and down where you guys are, that is an understatement).


Comment by Theresa Pletcher on May 9, 2011 at 7:04am

I thought our plan was to vote out the members who voted against our wishes but that didn't happen I know some who are only voting for "Catholic" candidates...I'm Catholic and I was insulted since I watched them put the former head of CAIR on an of all things Human Rights Commission.  I watched them vote for fees.  I watched them vote to raise our property taxes.  I saw them take Jaguars Tickets and when others were reimbursing the city for the tickets they used these members said that they would not... 

My questing is Why on EARTH are we promoting them or keeping them in office or worse after seeing them in action (City Counsel District 12) or inaction by not attending meetings and voting with the group rather than with their constituents putting them back in office? 

Comment by Debbie G on May 9, 2011 at 6:11am

Though I am sorry this happened to you Jim, it does reenforce the pattern that has been emerging, again as in 2007, with regards to the Webb campaign and his supporters.  In 2007, similar antics occurred when Jack Webb was in a run-off with Sean Reichard and, as in 2007, this election cycle the media and law appear, once again, apathetic in both reporting and delivering justice.


May 3, 2011


April 28, 2011


April 7, 2011


March 18, 2011



Comment by Gail Louise Yost on May 9, 2011 at 5:31am
Wow.....I'm new to the tea party but not to the antics of the liberal left and truly in the years I've been. Voting little has changed....people are rude and disrespectful of anyone who doesnt share their opinion and this goes for family who told me I. Wasn't a Christian because I didn't register as a Democrat continue to hold your ground it is one liberty we still have left in this country

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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