Ladies and Gentlemen, “We the People” must take action to ensure that our nation, “under God”, shall have a new birth of freedom and that our government of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish from this earth.
As a nation we have been under attack for forty years or more by a people who vowed to “breed themselves into power” using our laws and freedoms to over throw our government.
They have almost succeeded!
We are at war and the fissures within our nation are greater than when President Abraham Lincoln made his address at Gettysburg.
A paradigm shift in America and the world has occurred because of our lack of leadership. This “change” reflects a huge tectonic shift in political money and global power. We are now called “the largest Islamic Nation in the world”.
The Muslim Brotherhood has embraced western society taking full advantage of our freedoms while at the same time planning for our downfall.
Infiltration into our open democratic process has provided easy access to sensitive information and a quick base of support. The highest offices in our country have been purchased by enemies of America with a mountain of cash, billions of dollars, flowing into the American political process from oil-rich Muslim nations and powerful people seeking globalization of world politics.
The forces of Islamic globalization have turned our system of government against us. “Local” elections are won by money from who knows where buying influence and creating fear in the media. Freedom of speech is no longer practiced as journalists fear for their jobs and their lives at the hands of radical Islamic people fighting for control of the world.
Islamophobia is not prejudice against, hatred or fear of Islam or Muslims it is a very real concern that Islam is rapidly taking over our Christian society. I fear for my country when on the advice of the FBI, cartoonists are told to change their identity and go into hiding to protect themselves because a fatwa has been issued by an Islamic cleric calling for any Muslim to kill them over a cartoon.
Islamic Political lackeys from the President on down have been put into place in an attempt to gain control of our nation.
Our financial system has been brought to its knees and remains on the verge of collapse by the rapid and uncontrolled shifting of billions of dollars in sovereign wealth funds, billionaire socialists and governments pushing for economic globalization. Our enemies are seeking control or total destruction of our capitalistic system and financial networks. When you hear the words “To Big Too Fail”, think just right to manipulate or be manipulated by the people in power making the deals to “save” us. Elected officials are selling themselves to the highest bidder, becoming the willing tools of predatory wealth, soliciting earmarks as a means of providing cover for their untoward actions. The checks and balances between the Congress, the President and the Supreme Court designed to keep the country on track and bring it back from the brink of destruction are not working as a result. Many of the people involved brazenly disregard their oath of office; “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of (President) of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” so help me God! They hide their actions, shun responsibility for their in-action and deny the existence of God.
Our secular government is subject to perversion and abuse. Socialism and communism are being achieved with the purchase of votes from an unsuspecting electorate. Few voters take the time to become informed as to the true character of the individuals running for office. Decisions at the ballot box are most often based on emotion purchased by thirty second sound bites or the promise of “$1000 in every pocket”. Unsuspecting voters paid for with millions of dollars of campaign money, stuffed in brown envelopes from undisclosed sources and $100,000 a plate fund raisers are receiving benefits which have made far too many people nothing more that prostitutes. Amoral overzealous citizens, clamoring for “free benefits” follow the crowd like a flock of sheep over the cliff to their own destruction, ignorant of the fact that they have now been purchased as slaves.
Islamic infiltrators are very close to achieving their objective. So close in fact that they feel confident enough to turn against our best and longest standing allies in the world; Israel and Great Britain. Our President has snubbed his nose in the face of the leaders of both countries and destroyed our relationship with them in everyway possible by executive decision. He has gone into battle at the behest of his Sunni leaders helping them seek control of the Islamic world. His Islamic emissary has traveled, at the expense of the America taxpayer, to the Middle East and around the USA supporting the Islamic desire for new mosques around our nation including the “Cordoba Mosque”. This same emissary clearly states that “many aspects of shari’a are already practiced in many ways in the United States.” Islam has gained the upper hand in its fight with the “great Satan”, and is fast becoming the dominate religion in the USA.
Muslims are now fighting for control of the Islamic world! Why are we helping them fight each other? Who in the Islamic world is supporting America, demanding freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right to own property in the Arab world?
What are we fighting for? Who are we fighting for? Have we forgotten what it means to be a Christian Nation? Through Love, God sent His son and all of those brave and unwavering Patriots that fought and died before us so that we might have the Freedom to worship as we desire, and to raise our families in Prosperity and Liberty.
God is faithful to keep His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those that love Him and keep His commandments.
How long can we survive as a Humanistic Atheist nation in search of our own glory? September 11, and all of the terrorist problems since represent neither a superior military capability on the part of the terrorists when assaulting the American homeland, nor immunity to its staunchest defenses. Rather it is through the rejection of God that we have grown weak, and over time became vulnerable because of our internal divisions. It is not the strength of the Islamists, but the frailties within the fabric of the nation, that must be recognized as its primary vulnerability to attack. The same Islamic enemies of the American ideal have existed since its founding. But not until the current age could they operate openly within our borders as they have in their efforts to destroy the nation while demanding sympathy and equal rights. The problem is the lack of Christian morals and teaching our children about the Jedeuo-Christian foundation of our country and our laws. This rejection of Jesus Christ and all Christian values has resulted in systemic failure of our society and our government of the people, by the people and for the people. Our congress is so corrupt that it provides cover for its own members offering for prostitution, “weiner-gate ”, even extending pension benefits to members after they resign in disgrace. It seems that we have forgotten that we are "One Nation Under God".
As One Nation Under God, “We the people” of the United States of America must define who we are as a nation, hold our leaders accountable and set a true course for the future in order to prevent the total destruction of our way of life.
Patrick Henry said it best in the year 1776 when he wrote this: "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great Nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For that reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded freedom of worship here."
The conflagration of the ensuing conflict and this election are in the hands of Almighty God! May God Find a Blessing in America! To God, be the Glory!
“I know not what course others may take; but as for me (I stand with Patrick Henry), give me liberty or give me death!”
We should not be surrendering when we have not even begun to fight!
We must: “TAKE ACTION”
Excellent blog post, Joe! I agree with you wholeheartedly and appreciate your kind words posted on my blog about the Muslim Brotherhood and Obama's using the U.S. military to advance its cause the world, including here in the America.
It is alarming that so many black so-called Christian churches around this country have been moving into the realm of Islam and shari'a law, a movement occurring over the past 35-40 years under the direction of Louis Farakkhan and the Nation of Islam he founded. The church of Rev. Jeremiah Wright that Barack and Michelle Obama attended for twenty years, is a notable example.
Rev. Wright traveled to Libya with Louis Farakkhan years ago to visit Moamar Ghadaffi and has recently been very vocal in opposition to Obama's engaging our military in the United Nations' mission to aid the Muslim/al Qaeda rebels in the takeover of Libya, as he did in Egypt.
First they destroyed as much of the Libyan military industrial complex as possible, then they went after the Libyan troops and Ghadaffi's home compound, which was purely an attempt to assassinate Ghadaffi and his sons. All of these military actions against Libya, as well as several "secret" wars in the Middle East and northern Africa, are unconstitutional. They are also a violation of the United Nations' Charter. One group of the Muslim rebels, aided by al Qaeda, have already taken over one of Libya's most productive oil fields in the southern part of the country.
Obama has now demonstrated for us why he bowed before and kissed the ring of the Sunni King of Saudi Arabia, while on his first major trip to the Middle East and Egypt. In all of the Islamic countries he visited on that trip, he apologized for America and Americans without our agreement that he do so. At that time, he was showing his allegiance to Sunni Islam, which is the Islamic sect to which al Qaeda also belongs. And he's using our American military and treasure to prove it to the entire world now.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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