Sometimes, i worry about the direction our country is headed. FCTP gives me hope, as well as Glenn Beck, he has given me hope also. Though sometimes scaring me with the truth of what is really going on. In 50s' i can remember worrying about a Communist invasion. Now we have a real Marxist in the White House. There was a time when people were respectful of one's religion or non-religion, there was time when we all came together and stood up for our country and it's peoples.
Now it seems there is a undercurrent that is literally trying to destroy the very fabric of our country. It is hard for me to wrap my head around what happened this week in Houston with the Veteran's Cemetery, a ban on religious prayer, a ban on the word GOD, Jesus... during veteran's funeral services. That is clearly in violation of our Amendment I in our Constitution:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting that free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
proposal date 25 Sept 1789 enactment date 15 Dec 1791
It appears '... prohibiting that free exercise thereof; ..' is clearly being violated. I betcha' Texas has something about protecting religion in their state constitution also. ALL the states include 'God' in their state preamble to their constitutions. People need to read their Founding Fathers Charters of Liberty and Freedom, each document from beginning to end as well as their state's constitutions. I think many will be surprised at ALL the laws the government is breaking. Interesting to note they prohibited Congress from creating a national religion but states could have a state religion. The progressive liberals have perverted it all.
Progressive Liberals keep stating that our Constitution has separation of Church and State, where? There is separation of powers, that is clear, but the line is blurred now. Some point out that the Treaty of Tripoli clearly stated that our country was not found on a Christian foundation. Interesting when you read that Treaty and look at what was happening on the Barbary Coast with Muslims and read the history of it all, our leaders were merely keeping Religion out of the mix because Muslims in their belief, religion is their politics. They were creating a state to state Treaty, smartly keeping religion out of it. They never stated that we were NOT founded on Judea-Christian beliefs... amazing how people can pervert the real meaning of something.
Here is a interesting clip from Glenn Beck, there is a short ad first then the body of the message is less than seven minutes, just wanted to share:
Also note that John Stossel is going to have a special on Fox channel today, right now about what makes our country so exceptional. We have the power and the tools to make a difference, we must use them to show others, that we DO NOT need the interference of the Federal government or government period. Our community, relatives, church are the key as well as WE THE PEOPLE. That is what matters and makes a big difference.
Thank you Billie for reposting this, i could not figure out how to edit and had few mistakes in the original one. If anyone can see the rerun of John Stossel's Why America is Great, do so, it renews your faith and spirit in the American people again.
Our country is truly amazing from it's birth to today. It is interesting also to speak to LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, many who know more of our history, Founding Fathers' Charters of Liberty and Freedoms than the average American. Many have fled countries that had laws that the current Socialist Democratic Progressive Liberals are trying enforce and impose. They are shocked that Americans are oblivious to what really IS going on in our country. That in itself should raise a HUGE ALARM across our country.
Wishing all a wonderful, safe, fun, adventurous fourth and remind people of our true foundation. We are at a tipping point, 2012 is going to get ugly. We can stand up for our country, we must stand up for our country and remember the hundreds of thousands who have sacrificed their very lives for our liberty and freedom.
We must all STAND UNITED.
Happy 4th and God bless ALL and our country.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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