Let your Senators and Congress Rep. know you are against S-510 so called Food Safety,

I agree that we need to eliminate these Naked Body Scanners and these outrageous Patdowns from Airport so-called security. What's Next Body Cavity searches? More people are killed by Honey Bee Stings than Terrorists. You would also have a better chance of being killed by a Lightening Strike than a Terrorist. Our loss of personal Freedom just isn't worth it--rollback the TSA.

On another note. I see today that both Senator Lemieux and Senator Nelson, Voted for the so called Food Safety Bills s-510. This is a Horrible Bill for our Country and Family Farms. See more detail at the link:

You kind of expect this Tyranny from Senator Nelson, but this surprised me from Senator Lemieux.
I urge you to write and/or call them both to Vote No on S-510. I did. Remind Lemieux know that his political future would be measured by his voting record. We need to stop this Bill during this Lame Duck session. Thank You.

Views: 17


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Comment by John Lefoot on November 30, 2010 at 11:11am
Thanks to all who read and comment. I enjoy the additional information you bring. I feel that I must fight the good fight for my grandchildren and yours. We may not agree 100% but we do agree that total control by the government is not the answer. We only have the tools of calling our reps. Showing up in protest and boycotting companies at this time so we most use what is with in our power to work for change. Less government, more accountability, and transparency.
Comment by John Lefoot on November 30, 2010 at 8:46am
Just saw today on the early morning news food prices are going up, up up.


Soros behind this again! He has 900,000 shares in MONSANTO!!! CALL YOUR SENATORS NOW!!! This is FOOD TYRANNY! They control our food…it will end up in rationing IE STARVATION! NOT TO MENTION THE DRASTIC INCREASE OF FOOD PRICES!!!!

202 224 3121 switchboard…email…see link below


Subject: $510 Vote Delayed until 9 PM! OPEN and ACT NOW!!!!

Action eAlert Permalinks: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/blastContent.jsp
Your Global Voice for Health & Food Freedom™
Update Bulletin During the Fake "Food Safety" S.510-Related Emergency!
Monday, November 29, 2010 #3


Big Agra Wants to Kill Food Freedom - TODAY

Email Your Senators NOW to Oppose $510 ON EVERY VOTE, INCLUDING CLOTURE and Protect Your Food Freedom


FDA, the agency responsible for more deaths and corruption in the United States than any other domestic agency, wants MORE to shut down small food businesses, bring more dangeous "Phude" to our tables and make more money for the corporate giants that are already responsible for ALL of the 'Phude'-borne disease in the US.

If you do not want some international Cartel deciding what you can, and cannot eat, Tell Your Friends to Act NOW, Too!

Send them this link: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/p/dia/action/public/?actio... so they can protect their Food Freedom, too!

4:23 PM: The earliest votes on $510 (which is, after all, about money, not food and certainly not freedom) will probably not come before 9 PM tonignt although the Senate schedule, which showed the Monday session starting at 9:30 AM and taking up S.510 after "morning business" now shows the morning session postponed until 2 PM -- this means lots of "back-room" wheeling and dealing as the Bigs try to rescue their fake "food safety" bill from our growing Push Back!

Keep on pushing back! Call, email, call, email, call...

Another 5 hours for push back...

Watch the action here: http://www.c-span.org/Watch/C-SPAN2.aspx

Senate Votes Monday, 11.29.10.
Senate Calendar:

More Details:

Please email and call your Senators Tonite & Monday...
Over and over again!



We have reports this morning that some are having difficulties with the Email-Your-Senator system which appears to be nearing capacity... please keep trying!
More than a Million Emails have been sent through our Action Item system to Senators and other decision makers about $510 in the past year... not enough! These next few hours will determine the fate of food freedom in America. Keep faith in America and message your Senators often!

Special note from General Bert: "Victory is within our reach. Keep pressing forward while you recruit your contacts to act now"

We will Twitter what is happening Monday here:
www.Twitter.com/HealthFreedomUS with hashtag #foodfreedom


Clean, unadulterated foods like the Valley of the Moon Coffee may not be available if $510 passes. www.ValleyoftheMoonCoffee.org

Yes, we need your help to keep this effort strong!
Donate here:

Please don't forget to make sure you have
YOUR supply of the universal remedy -
Nano Silver, www.Nutronix.com/naturalsolutions

And remember to supplement with Cognitive Enhancement Nutrients to keep your brain healthy and focused... this message from our friends at Biologics Nutraceuticals, providers of the Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition:


During this special time of year we feel that it is important to celebrate by focusing on how much we care about our loved ones (and ourselves). Why not take the opportunity to stock up on Cognitive Enhancers for you and those you care about? We are making it easy to save with this sale. Buy a pack for you, a loved one and even have an extra to blast toward your goals in the New Year! This special event ends on January 1st, so don't miss out on this great opportunity to give the gift of Greater Mental Capacity and get that edge you have been seeking!

Special Discount Codes
For Packs: "buy2get1"
For Individual Bottles "buy3get1"

All packs are already discounted 10% with the additional option to buy 2 and get another pack of the same type added to your cart at checkout for free! This option will apply automatically once you add 2 of any same pack to your shopping cart. You may also buy three of the same type individual bottle and receive a free bottle of the same type in your cart at checkout! For this you must put buy3get1 in the promo section at checkout and apply it. Only one type of promo can be used per checkout session. All have the option for $4.99 Economy Shipping to the entire USA!

Yours in health and freedom,

The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation

Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President - www.FoodFreedomeJournal.org

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director - www.DrRima.net

Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee - www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org

Support Health & Food Freedom:
Donate Here, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=189
Shop for Natural Products Here, www.Organics4U.org or www.NaturalSolutionsMarketPlace.org
Our Seminar and Webinar Program Here, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=6588


Soros behind this again! He has 900,000 shares in MONSANTO!!! CALL YOUR SENATORS NOW!!! This is FOOD TYRANNY! They control our food…it will end up in rationing IE STARVATION! NOT TO MENTION THE DRASTIC INCREASE OF FOOD PRICES!!!!

202 224 3121 switchboard…email…see link below


Subject: $510 Vote Delayed until 9 PM! OPEN and ACT NOW!!!!

Action eAlert Permalinks: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/blastContent.jsp
Your Global Voice for Health & Food Freedom™
Update Bulletin During the Fake "Food Safety" S.510-Related Emergency!
Monday, November 29, 2010 #3


Big Agra Wants to Kill Food Freedom - TODAY

Email Your Senators NOW to Oppose $510 ON EVERY VOTE, INCLUDING CLOTURE and Protect Your Food Freedom


FDA, the agency responsible for more deaths and corruption in the United States than any other domestic agency, wants MORE to shut down small food businesses, bring more dangeous "Phude" to our tables and make more money for the corporate giants that are already responsible for ALL of the 'Phude'-borne disease in the US.

If you do not want some international Cartel deciding what you can, and cannot eat, Tell Your Friends to Act NOW, Too!

Send them this link: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/p/dia/action/public/?actio... so they can protect their Food Freedom, too!

4:23 PM: The earliest votes on $510 (which is, after all, about money, not food and certainly not freedom) will probably not come before 9 PM tonignt although the Senate schedule, which showed the Monday session starting at 9:30 AM and taking up S.510 after "morning business" now shows the morning session postponed until 2 PM -- this means lots of "back-room" wheeling and dealing as the Bigs try to rescue their fake "food safety" bill from our growing Push Back!

Keep on pushing back! Call, email, call, email, call...

Another 5 hours for push back...

Watch the action here: http://www.c-span.org/Watch/C-SPAN2.aspx

Senate Votes Monday, 11.29.10.
Senate Calendar:

More Details:

Please email and call your Senators Tonite & Monday...
Over and over again!



We have reports this morning that some are having difficulties with the Email-Your-Senator system which appears to be nearing capacity... please keep trying!
More than a Million Emails have been sent through our Action Item system to Senators and other decision makers about $510 in the past year... not enough! These next few hours will determine the fate of food freedom in America. Keep faith in America and message your Senators often!

Special note from General Bert: "Victory is within our reach. Keep pressing forward while you recruit your contacts to act now"

We will Twitter what is happening Monday here:
www.Twitter.com/HealthFreedomUS with hashtag #foodfreedom


Clean, unadulterated foods like the Valley of the Moon Coffee may not be available if $510 passes. www.ValleyoftheMoonCoffee.org

Yes, we need your help to keep this effort strong!
Donate here:

Please don't forget to make sure you have
YOUR supply of the universal remedy -
Nano Silver, www.Nutronix.com/naturalsolutions

And remember to supplement with Cognitive Enhancement Nutrients to keep your brain healthy and focused... this message from our friends at Biologics Nutraceuticals, providers of the Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition:


During this special time of year we feel that it is important to celebrate by focusing on how much we care about our loved ones (and ourselves). Why not take the opportunity to stock up on Cognitive Enhancers for you and those you care about? We are making it easy to save with this sale. Buy a pack for you, a loved one and even have an extra to blast toward your goals in the New Year! This special event ends on January 1st, so don't miss out on this great opportunity to give the gift of Greater Mental Capacity and get that edge you have been seeking!

Special Discount Codes
For Packs: "buy2get1"
For Individual Bottles "buy3get1"

All packs are already discounted 10% with the additional option to buy 2 and get another pack of the same type added to your cart at checkout for free! This option will apply automatically once you add 2 of any same pack to your shopping cart. You may also buy three of the same type individual bottle and receive a free bottle of the same type in your cart at checkout! For this you must put buy3get1 in the promo section at checkout and apply it. Only one type of promo can be used per checkout session. All have the option for $4.99 Economy Shipping to the entire USA!

Yours in health and freedom,

The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation

Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President - www.FoodFreedomeJournal.org

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director - www.DrRima.net

Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee - www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org

Support Health & Food Freedom:
Donate Here, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=189
Shop for Natural Products Here, www.Organics4U.org or www.NaturalSolutionsMarketPlace.org
Our Seminar and Webinar Program Here, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=6588

Comment by Lyndee on November 29, 2010 at 11:22pm
Why are you suprised about Lemieux? He started out voting Conservatively then in no time flat he was corrupted and voting lockstep with Nelson on every vote. Just before the elections he sent out "Bad Gov" emails and voted Conservatively a couple of more times. Numbers USA gives him an F- grade! That's worse than Nelson's D- grade! (I signed up to track their votes so I get emails every time there is a vote and I see how my Congressional Reps voted).
Comment by John Lefoot on November 29, 2010 at 4:14pm
Noon: The latest Word from DC: the Senate schedule, which showed the Monday session starting at 9:30 AM and taking up S.510 after "morning business" now shows the morning session starting at 2 PM -- this means lots of "back-room" wheeling and dealing as the Bigs try to rescue their fake "food safety" bill from our growing Push Back!

Keep on pushing back! Call, email, call, email, call...

Another two hours for push back...

Watch the action here: http://www.c-span.org/Watch/C-SPAN2.aspx

Senate Votes Monday, 11.29.10.
Senate Calendar:

More Details:

Please email and call your Senators Tonite & Monday...
Over and over again!



We have reports this morning that some are having difficulties with the Email-Your-Senator system which appears to be nearing capacity... please keep trying! Especially, please CALL your Senators offices! Be polite, be firm: "Vote NO on S.510."

A Million Emails have been sent through our Action Item system to Senators and other decision makers about this issue in the past year... not enough! These next few hours will determine the fate of food freedom in America. Keep faith in America and message your Senators often!

Special note from General Bert: "Monday morning phone calls are a key to victory!"

We will Twitter what is happening Monday here:
www.Twitter.com/HealthFreedomUS with hashtag #foodfreedom
Comment by Shavaun Wojciak on November 28, 2010 at 5:48pm
Watch out anytime adherence to International Law is part of the legislation....US Sovereignty is at stake http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2010/11/27/patriot-a...
Comment by Ed Oertli on November 24, 2010 at 3:38pm
I have attached a link from UCSF Scientists regarding their major concern about the Radiation affects of these Airport Scanners. They sent a letter to John P. Holdren April 6, 2010. The concerns center on the lack of credible testing on them and the fact the Radiation is all focused on a victim's skin and not diapated throught the body. See Link:

also actual letter link:

People all need to avoid these scanners for their health. Hopefully, these experts will eventually be listened to and sanity will prevail.
Comment by Tracy on November 24, 2010 at 11:45am
Here's a link for you Ed...http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/130549-next-step-for-bod...
They are already talking about putting these things everywhere.And it disgusts me that this woman ,who wouldn't even control the border in her own state and is still refusing to close the borders now is trying to implement this crap everywhere I'd really like to hear from them on how harmless all this radiation is going to be after you have been radiated over and over again by scanners at every train,bus station ,courthouse, airport, mall or wherever else they want to put the porno scanners.How long do you think it will take before you have accumulated enough radiation to cause cancer?
Comment by Tracy on November 24, 2010 at 11:39am
Thanks for posting Ed ,I will share this on other groups.
Comment by Ed Oertli on November 24, 2010 at 11:36am
Great article to read and share by Dr Paul Craig Roberts. Dr. Roberts does an excellent Job of describing the TSA goals and why they are such an internal threat against our ecomomy, personal freedom and the US Constitutionnal. We need to roll back the TSA, otherwise the Terrorists win by destroying our economy and way of life. see link below article: The TSA Gestapo Empire

Comment by Tracy on November 23, 2010 at 7:12pm
Already wrote on the food bill today but thanks for posting on the main page! We all need a reminder.
As for the TSA topic, we have to remain vigilant that government in its quest against terrorism doesn't become a terror.

The basic premise that the government has put forth here is that we are all equally apt to commit terror which is blatantly false.Its a politically correct move that has put our most basic of rights in danger.These searches are an unecessary and unconstitutional.No one need suffer such indignity.This wasn't implemented after 9/11 and airplanes have managed to stay relatively safe.What has changed in the past 2 weeks that these searches are SO much more important to do? And who would trust Janet Incompetano and her ilk to devise a strategy anyway? If I recall correctly they didn't even believe in using the word terrorism.No ,instead it was renamed man caused disaster.Then she came around to using the term when she figured she could stick normal everyday Americans in the tea party with the label.And now she's really ramped it up with this whole airline security theater.
There is no a probable cause for government to perform a strip search on every American citizen traveling.And the scanners and patdowns won't catch bombers who insert things into their body.It also doesn't catch things like the CARGO bombs,or even chemical powders.
The pat down is a nothing than intimidation meant to coerce passengers to use the new x ray machine, and its a handy form of retaliation for the TSA if they don't use the machine.
There are much cheaper and simpler solutions to security,Many people have mentioned that Israel could give us some good pointers.We also have an enormous untapped resource....Dogs. Literally millions of unwanted shelter dogs,with thousands upon thousands of those with the right stuff for the job that could be had for little or nothing and trained to do explosives work.And the dogs would be a heck of alot more professional at the job than most of the TSA agents I've seen . And they wouldn't demand anything more for their service than a bed ,some food and some occasional pats for doing a good job.





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The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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