It's too exciting not to post: We've been vindicated by the TU

Today is Sunday, May 22, 2011 and we must give kudos to the TU.  I’ll even refrain from calling them the Tiny Union since they made headways today to publish a story with facts vs opinions.


Article:  The front page headline of the TU states “Brown won it on issues, advisers, ground game”


We thank you for this great report.  It appears you finally did some factual reporting.  In doing so you vindicated what the tea party members said, posted, blogged, and pushed out as far as we could without a media giant behind us and with a small donation bucket from our tea party members.  Our vindication came with these facts made public in the article:


  • Quote:  “The ground game – paid workers who fanned out across the city to personally contact voters…”
    • Vindication:  We said the workers were PAID and we were up against a political machine.


  • Quote:  “Craig Kirby of Washington, DC, Brown’s campaign manager for the second election…”  and “Bacote, a Maryland resident who teaches canvassing techniques for the Congressional Black Caucus…”
    • Vindication:  We said “out-of-towners” were here and would frame who our mayor would be


  • Quote:  “In the end, the victory came because of all of those things coming together: the support of Republicans…”
    • Vindication:  Our questioning the cross-over of Republicans to a Democrat and asking them why they just didn’t announce they were really Democrats in their hearts.  We still encourage them to move to the correct party that they are called to instead of staying in the GOP as RINOs.



Article:  The Metro page headline:  Holland stands by mayoral race vote tally


A stolen private email among tea party leaders about the mayor’s race and how we could learn from it was put into the hands of Abel Harding.  He chose to put it into an article.  Thank you for this article.  We are proud to ask that every single vote count.  That’s been the mantra of the left so we think they were on to something here.   Joseph Stalin once said:  “It’s not WHO votes that counts.  It’s who COUNTS the votes.”



Article:  Editorial – Our next mayor has a long road ahead


“He did not meet with tea party leaders.  He should invite them to offer concrete suggestions.” 

Thank you editors!  We asked to meet with Mr. Brown over and over again during his campaign.  He ignored us.  He did not fill out our questionnaire.  He did not meet with the board.  He did not attend our Mayoral Town Hall Debate.  He did not respond to any of our requests.  We were stood up and we hope he heeds your advice.  We await his call.


So today the Tea Party can proudly say – “We told you so.”  You may have made fun of us for saying out-of-towners were here and paid workers were smoking pot outside the GOP headquarters (we called them Zombies since they had glassy eyes from the pot) BUT today you proved us right.  Thank you TU! 


And a special recognition to the team behind Alvin Brown – good job. 


We learned a lot and we’ll see you in November 2012.

Views: 158


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Comment by Marty Cleghorn on May 22, 2011 at 4:07pm
2012 will be here before we know it.  While  our Presidential potentials are flailing around we, true fiscal conservatives, can hope good old American values and common sense will rise to the top.  Perhaps a Paul Ryan or Herman Cain ticket with VP selection of Liz Cheney?  Someone is out there with strength, trustworthiness & ability to communicate.  I'm certain I'll be marching in D.C. in 2012 and hopefully will be joined again by a couple million patriots.
Comment by J.R. on May 22, 2011 at 3:59pm

Well, JL, you gave me something new to think about with your statement, "Funny how majority of the county voted conservative city council members in but not mayor? Weird."  That is weird... almost too weird to be an anomaly. It's also weird that the past two Mayors who won, were registered Republicans, even if they didn't act like it. What margins did they win by? They were elected as Republicans. And, it's also weird that it took hours after all the other votes were in, for several northside precincts' votes to come in to be counted, even when taking into consideration the large number of voters in those precincts who voted. I absolutely do not trust the vote count, primarily because of the out-of-state and international carpetbaggers' wholesale interference in our local government county election, especially the run-off election, where far fewer voters normally vote.

It looks to me as if they waited until almost the last minute to get the running totals of votes in order to get the target number they had to beat. They're pros at this, just as they were pros at bussing people across state lines in 2008 to vote in caucuses and defeat Hillary Clinton, registering dead people, and registering felons whose rights had not been restored, and so on. I don't trust this vote count total any more than I trust Barack Hussein Obama with the future of this country, which is absolutely and positively not at all.

Like Robert said, in so many words, Democrat Lyndon Baines Johnson stuffed the ballot boxes in Texas to become President of the United States, with his narrow stolen win being upheld at the Supreme Court level, only to be proven years later to have been a fraud. If it could happen there and then, it could happen here and now. Audit the registrations and audit the votes! Then we'll know the facts.

Comment by Nicholas "Doc" Smyk on May 22, 2011 at 3:43pm
Next time maybe we can have a Republican Candidate witha an actual vision and chrisma; GOD please give us one!
Comment by JL Gawlik on May 22, 2011 at 3:19pm

Roma, i will not decide until next year, we are still over a year and six months away, and there is still a long time before the conventions and primaries. Anyone the main media supports, i will not. The GOP keeps trying to get GOP established voting track record candidates to run, they are still trying to get Christy to run, why aren't they supporting the other candidates?

I am tired of career, parasitic, pandering, special interest supported political candidates. I am hoping 2012 is not going to be a about political party but substance, content of character, principles and values. Unfavorable things will be found on each one, but the support and the backers of our founding fathers principles, values and original documents are going to be the primary factor for me. Look at Obama, he claimed to be all of the above but he is the complete opposite and there was far too, much unknown about him even his so called established voting record was suspect. Each one needs to be carefully vetted for very obvious reasons. I still can not wrap my head around the fact Hilter was ever voted in by the majority (i am guessing a democratic majority?) after watching old reels of Hitler speaking, how people could of supported a person who spoke as he did.

I am very leary of anyone with  law degree because of the way they manipulate words to get a opposite verdict. Personally i am suspect of all of Brown's votes because of all the outside involvement. Something is not right. I have spoken to several people who just did not vote because they could not see the point, wonder how many months or years it will take before they do?  That is just my opinion. Funny how majority of the county voted conservative city council members in but not mayor? Weird.

Comment by Robert Henderson on May 22, 2011 at 2:23pm

In 1948, Lyndon Johnson got the nickname "Landslide Lyndon" after barely winning the runoff race for Texas Senator. Voter fraud was the reason he won! "According to the Texas Election Bureau, an unofficial election agency run by Texas newspapers, Stevenson led at midnight by 2,119 votes out of 939,468 counted. 'Well, it looks like we've lost,' Lady Bird told Dorothy Nichols on the phone."
Or so it seemed. The votes kept coming in and the results went back and forth; victory was now declared for Stevenson, now for Johnson, now for Stevenson. After most of the tallies, the governor held a slight advantage. Then, six days after the election, a funny thing happened: 203 votes turned up in Box 13 from the pint-sized town of Alice, Texas. Even funnier: 202 of those votes were for Lyndon Johnson. The Stevenson campaign smelled a rat when it was discovered that the votes had been cast at the last minute and in alphabetical order. Charges of election fraud ensued, and the disputed contest went all the way to the Supreme Court, where Justice Hugo Black upheld Johnson's 11th-hour win. He was declared the winner by 87 votes.

It would take almost three decades for the truth to out. As Thomas Woods reports, in 1977 "the election judge in Alice admitted that he had helped rig the election." "Landslide Lyndon" always found a way to win. (This is from, check it out)

Now we have our own "Landslide Alvin."  I don't doubt the count, which is all that Holland would talk about, at least as reported by Abel Harding in the paper today, and I am not too much concerned about the 1900 absentee and provisional ballots. I am very concerned and suspicious, however, about the legitimacy of some of the Democrats 20,192 early voting ballots. How many, also, were what call 'Barbeque and Bus Ride' to the polls ballots?

To twist a quote by Andre Gide and apply it to Democrats: "It is better to be loved for what you are not, than to be hated for what you are." Keep shining you light, all, support will continue to grow!

Comment by JL Gawlik on May 22, 2011 at 1:26pm

I don't think anyone is ignoring the TeaParty. I think they are trying to pretend that the TeaParty does not matter and is just astro turf. The way the Progressive Liberals constantly attacks the TeaParty claiming is a political party and not composed of Americans from all class/race/political party levels just proves we are a threat, we are getting our message out.


Roma, you are right in saying we are a threat, great statement, it just amazes me that our founding fathers had so much insight when they created the founding documents over 232 years ago, it just astounds me. I just love it when they get so rabid, they foam at the mouth or use foul language and name call, that right there PROVES they can not debate on substance, principles or values, they agenda is clearly to fool the American people that they are for their Liberties and Freedoms or a government take over, they pervert the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, our U.S. Constitution. They are the complete opposite they resort to demagoguery, race/class warfare and fear mongering of our seniors and less fortunate.


The Tea Party clearly is NOT being ignored, just look at what has happened out west and in NY state, phony Tea Parties have popped up and phony so called TeaParty candidates have popped up, that is WHY it is so important to stay a movement, one that picks candidates but NOT a party like the Republican or Democratic party. If that happens, then it will loose it's cause and be manipulate like the other two. I would like to see a union party formed, personally IF a third party is formed. PEOPLE need to wake up to the fact that the old Democratic party is dead, taken over by the Socialist Progressive Democrats. We need to get out the word, you can not vote for party because some progressives have embedded themselves in the Republican also. You vote for who supports the U.S. Constitution, our Freedoms & Liberties, smaller government, less bureaucracy, mandates, regulations, and reformed tax, etc., content of character, track record, principles, and values. If Americans had applied that in 2012, President Obama would not have been elected period. Cain not even ever having been elected into office has a better track record with what he has done, and supported in life and his vast experience. I love his simplistic common sense approach to his visions, doctrines, policies. He says it all when he states that the founding fathers have done all the hard work for us. 

J.R. that is what i was talking about, everyone, especially the Jewish people need to listen to both speeches side by side and the disingenuous parts of it are very clear. He does this all the time, he actually did a lot of it during his campaign speeches and then when he was off mike or prompter he was completely the opposite, that is why i force myself to listen to him, each time he speaks. That is what people need to be pay attention to. I love Cain's candor about he can not say what he will do until he sees the facts about intel and what is going on with our country and for any candidate to state what they would do if elected is disingenuous. He is just so refreshing, in my opinion. 


Great comments all.. i am listening to Senator Jim DeMint being interview by Chris Wallace.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 22, 2011 at 12:55pm

JL, and Herman only figured he would get around 5,000 people for the announcment and got 15,000.  There is a message there and the man himself has a whale of a message!  People are actually watching now to see who uses a teleprompter..............and do not want someone who needs one!


Comment by J.R. on May 22, 2011 at 12:39pm

Bravo, Jim Ryan!  I agree with everything in your comment, but would prefer going back 12 months on the voter registrations. We could all go to the Attorney General's website and file our complaints and a request for an investigation and we could also circulate a petition for same. Push come to shove, we could also ask Gov. Scott, who is the chief administrator for the State of Florida, to look into this matter and make a recommendation to the Attorney General and the State agency that governs elections. Out of state and international interference and electioneering in our county election is unacceptable, if not illegal, and no stone should be left unturned in getting to the truth of what the actual legal totals were for the votes cast.

Comment by J.R. on May 22, 2011 at 12:28pm
JL, Obama is now trying to walk back his comments about Israel, including his stated demand that Israel must to give back territory that will essentially divide Israel in half, with an 8 mile wide stretch of territory dividing the two halves, which would make it impossible for Israel to defend itself. Obama is only walking his documented words back in an attempt to recharacterize (lie about) what he said or meant. And now, people everywhere are screaming "liar, liar, pants on fire." Pathological lying and pathological governing are his forte and he's earning his bona fides in the Muslim world for this betrayal of Israel and severe damage to this country's foreign policy.

There's nothing in Obama's constitutionally enumerated powers as President that gives him the power or right to command a sovereign foreign country to do anything. 

Comment by Jim Ryan on May 22, 2011 at 12:22pm

The Florida State Attorney General should step up and have a full scale investigation into the Jax. Mayor's race.  Inpound everything and put a name and face to every ballot and then count them.

From the total there were not that many to begin with if only 30% of registered voters voted.  Start with all the new registered voters who registered in the past 6 - 9 months.

It's also pretty easy to recogonize the oversight in reporting by the TU after the damage has been done.  To accept it makes you look like a fool.  We need individuals and representatives who will roll up their sleeves and fight.  The talk a good game is a losers game.  We need leadership.  Coach Lombardi type leadership.  

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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