It Is Not Politics As Usual Anymore.

Over the last two months NEWSMAX has been pushing McCollum for the Republican candidate for governor. They were pushing hard so I sent them an email stating that they were backing a RINO and I intend to vote for a conservative, Rick Scott. They had stated in an earlier post that Bill McCollum was the only one that could beat the Democrat candidate. In the meantime a number of prominent Republicans lined up behind
McCollum. It occurred to me that they would back any Republican they thought would win the general election regardless of the candidate’s principles or lack thereof. Rick Scott beat McCollum in the primary yesterday. NEWSMAX had sided with the “good old boys” and hasn’t yet realized that we conservatives are serious and are here to stay.

I expect Rick’s win with Tea Party backing will gel some Republican backbones in the general election coming up. That should worry Charlie Crist in the Senatorial race against Marco Rubio, the Tea Party candidate. Rubio isn’t the perfect Tea party Candidate but he is the most conservative candidate in that race. Crist probably won’t get the moderate Republicans he needs to join with the Democrats that were giving him the notion he could win as an Independent. In the three way race with Charlie Crist and Alex Sink, I expect Marco Rubio
will win hands down. Crist and Sink will split the moderate and independent votes that Rubio doesn’t get.

That’s my take and I am sticking to it.

Views: 37


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Comment by John Sauer on September 22, 2010 at 9:43pm
I attended the Beaches Community meeting last night. The main topic was the City Council meeting. We were told that the City Council will vote on the budget early in the 5 PM meeting and then open it to discussion from the floor. It sounds like the Council doesn't care what the taxpayers have to say about it. There are 5 council members that voted NO on the tax increase, 14 voted YES, one has since dropped out of the council. If you can get 4 Yes votes to switch to no the budget increase resolution will be killed. The Beaches Patriots plan to be in the chamber, in the hallways and in the park carrying signs opposing the tax increase. They plan to start at 3 PM. This is the last chance to kill this budget. I suggest you get personal with the signs by putting the name of a council member on each sign with the international sign for NO over his yes vote. This will make them aware that you are tracking their voting record by name. The council members that voted yes are District 4 - Don Redman, District 5 - Art Shad, District 6 - Jack Web, District 7 - Dr. Johnnny Gafney, District 8 - Dennise Lee, District 9 - Warren Jones, District 10 - Reginald L. Brown, District 11 - Ray Holt, District 12 - Daniel Davis, District 13 Dick Brown, District 14 - Michael Corrigan, Group1- Ronnie Fussel, Group 3 - Steven Joost, Group 4 - Kevin Hyde. I plan to be there.
Comment by Joan C. Hall on September 17, 2010 at 1:05pm
As this was our first time attending we arrived about 45 minutes early and parked on the street at a meter. We only had to pay for 1 1/2 hours. It was worth it.
Comment by John Sauer on September 17, 2010 at 12:32pm
I am a resident of St. Johns County now. I will not be allowed to comment at the Jacksonville City Council but I can stand up and sit down with the rest of you. Where do you recommend I park? It has been many years since I worked downtown.
Comment by Joan C. Hall on September 17, 2010 at 12:21pm
Thanks for responding to my inquiry. Your suggestions were very en lightning. Will you be there on the 28th?
Comment by John Sauer on September 17, 2010 at 12:05pm
I reread your post and realized I didn't answer all your questions and I can't because I don't know the facts about Baldwin and Beaches excuses the Council is using. I would be speaking out side of my expertise or experience. I do know that is the tactic Obama has bored us with - "Its Bush's (someone else) fault". The City Council is rolling along on rails and they are laying the tracks as they go along. They don't have to continue in in the same direction and they don't have to continue steaming ahead with all the excess freight they are carrying. They can sit on a side rail until they shed some of that freight. They won't do it on their own.
Comment by John Sauer on September 17, 2010 at 11:45am
At the time of my experience with the City Council I was President if the Royal Lakes Civic Association and I was coached by Dick Kravitz who was my City Councilman at that time. My project was a Planned Urban Development (PUD) zoning change. There was no contention with the Council. The budget challenge will be met with resistance by the council and as you noticed they will insist the procedure be followed to the letter. Additionally, You are not limited to one voice speaking for the group. If you need more than three minutes get enough voices to complete the comments and stand up with each speaker that represents you. You don't have to remain standing during the comment. They may not be called in any specific order or the council may close the comments portion before all comments are presented. They may set a time limit for discussion on the topic. If the Council approves the budget anyway don't throw in the towel. You will be stronger for it and you can form a core group to monitor council activities and assist in future challenges to the Jacksonville City Council. You are not out of your element addressing the City Council as The First Coast Tea Party. The council has been ruling the pond without a meaningful challenger representing the taxpayers.
Comment by Joan C. Hall on September 17, 2010 at 10:40am
John we are with you 100%. If the Republican Party doesn't wise up they will kill their own party. We the People are sick and tired of Government as usual. The Good Old Boys Day is over and they better get used to it. The Republican Party showed their true nature with the McConnell win in Delaware too. I sincerely hope and pray that all INCUMBENTS both Democrats and Republican's are voted out of their jobs. Karl Roves can't even see the handwriting on the wall. Our vote is for Scott and Rubio .
Now I really need your help. Can you explain what the City Council is talking about in the paper today about having to increase Duvals taxes to make up for the shortage in the Beaches and Baldwin due to Mayor Peyton's veto to keep the property tax rate at 2008 levels in 2009. Is this factual or just another spin the Council wants us to buy because they are too lazy to find cuts in the budget.When I read this I have to WONDER is this their way of telling us they aren't about to do anything? I read your comments about the procedure at the City Council and agree with you about sending one person to speak and the rest of us standing up to back them. Has this been done before? Last week was our first time attending a meeting and we weren't aware of the procedures. I applauded one of the speakers and others followed suit . We were admonished by the President of the Council and told public displays would not be permitted. We really need everyone to come out in force on the 28th and make a statement.

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1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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