Too bad we don't have recall, he'd be gone by now,




This week Liberty County Florida Sheriff, Nick Finch was arrested by Governor Rick Scott for standing in defense of the Constitution and honoring his oath of office. Sheriff Finch believes the Second Amendment means what it says, our Right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. What Sheriff Finch did was well within his authority and in full compliance with the rules and regulations for records retention and destruction. What Sheriff Finch did was stand in the gap where the government is trying to erode your Liberty.



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Sheriff Finch made the decision to not pursue a charge against Floyd Parish; well within the authority of the Sheriff to do. Upon making that decision, Sheriff Finch removed Parish's file from the records and removed his name from the jail log. Well within his authority; The General Records Schedule for Law Enforcement, Correctional Facilities, and District Medical Examiners outlines this authority.



This record series documents each adult and juvenile arrested. The records provide such information as complete name; alias or nickname; residence; sex; age; date of birth; place of birth; height; weight; color of hair; color of eyes; complexion; race; date of arrest and/or offense; offense committed; car make, year, license number, and state; occupation; habits; name of closest relative or friends; scars, marks, or tattoos; any abnormalities; and special remarks. The juvenile records may also include parent(s) or guardian's name(s), telephone number(s), and occupation(s). If the arrest results in an investigation, the record should be filed with the applicable Criminal Investigative Records item. See also "CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE RECORDS" items, "CRIMINAL HISTORY SUMMARY RECORDS/RAP SHEETS," and "MASTER NAME INDEXES."



a) Record copy. Retain until obsolete, superseded, or administrative value is lost.

b) Duplicates. Retain until obsolete, superseded, or administrative value is lost.


You see, when Sheriff Finch used his proper authority to not pursue charges against Mr. Parish, the records pertaining to his arrest lost their "administrative value." Sheriff Finch, by this Florida Regulation was within his authority to destroy this record.



The arrest affidavit of Sheriff Finch gives a pretty detailed account of what took place. But the arrest affidavit NEVER mentions Parish being booked into custody. Being placed in a jail cell is not being booked. If the arrest affidavit is accurate, and we have to trust it to be as it was given under oath, then Parish was never booked so the log that contained his name was in error and the Sheriff's office also had full authority to white out his name and make space for someone who was actually booked into the jail.

Sheriff Finch never broke a law and never even violated a regulation. So what is he being accused of doing?


The arrest affidavit claims Sheriff Finch violated Florida Statute 838.022(1). This statute reads:


F.S.838.022 (1): It is unlawful for a public servant, with corrupt intent to obtain a benefit for any person or to cause harm to another, to: (b): Conceal, cover up, destroy, mutilate, or alter any official record or official document or cause another person to perform such an act;


Is Governor Scott trying to tell us that when Sheriff Finch defended our Constitutionally protected Rights he was acting with "corrupt intent?" Have we really come to the point in our country where honoring your oath to "support and defend the Constitution" and wanting to "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity" is a crime of corrupt intent?


Is Governor Scott trying to tell us that when Sheriff Finch stood in defense of our Constitutionally protected Rights he was conferring upon Mr. Parish a "benefit." The Second Amendment is NOT a benefit it is a RIGHT and the last time I checked it was called a Bill of Rights not a Bill of Benefits.



Do you think Sheriff Finch should just have shut up and enforced the law even knowing it is unconstitutional? I hope not. He took oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States FIRST; not an oath to support and defend unconstitutional laws. If you believe officers should simply enforce all the laws, regardless of their oath, then why in the world do they even take one? Is it just a pleasant formality that looks good in a ceremony or does it actually mean something? It is a man of honor who will stand for his word, even when it might be unpopular, even when it might hurt. Sheriff Finch appears to be a man of such honor. By the way, I can remember an incident in our recent history, where a Sheriff should have stood for what was right and what was constitutional. Instead the Sheriff chose to simply enforce the law. On that day, Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to sit in the back of the bus.


The Second Amendment clearly states our Right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! Sheriff Finch believes in the Constitution. He believes in his oath.

Sheriff Finch did nothing wrong. He defended the Constitution. He stood in the gap for us. Now he's being prosecuted for that. It's time to stand in the gap for him. When our Sheriffs are toppled, then we are the last line of defense.





PEASE SEND THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW.  Let's make sure EVERY liberty loving American knows how to stand against tyranny. 


It doesn't cost you a dime to share this truth, but your silence will cost our children their liberty!





Read and share FULLarticle here:



 In Liberty- for Posterity! 

 KrisAnne Hall
Here is what you will find in THIS email
Video Explaining Arrest of Sheriff Finch
Take a Look!

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Views: 64


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Comment by amanda choate on June 23, 2013 at 1:57pm
The sheriff should have informed his officers and deputies that they would not be making arrests of persons in possession of weapons in advance. That way when he shows up at the jail with the arrestee's brother and walks out with them and the files it doesn't look like he is abusing the powers of his office.
Comment by Holly Winsman on June 7, 2013 at 7:51pm


I felt your post was very vague, leading me to believe you do not know guns or anything about concealed weapons permits. I was very thorough in my post what a CCW is and what it takes to get one. I did not know what you meant and I do not split hairs.  There was no intent on degradation, only increasing one's knowledge.When you speak of guns, CCW's, etc. you have to be very specific so there is no misinformation, it's just a safety measure. Sorry if I offended you, that was not my intent.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 7, 2013 at 6:47pm

You know Holly, I quit.  You have a good time here all by your lonesome, but before I go, let me just say this, most normal people understand when you say concealed carry what you mean without the permit behind it.  You need help dear if you need to split hairs.  You knew what I meant and so will anyone else but you give that a try around someone who has one and is carrying (without the permit behind it or concealed either) sometime :).

Comment by Holly Winsman on June 7, 2013 at 1:56pm

Patricia, a concealed carry is normally called a concealed carry permit, so you saying he had a concealed carry but no permit is not correct. You pick up a packet at your local gun shop/range, fill out four docs, go get fingerprinted about 50 bucks, pay you fee to the state- about 178 dollars, when you submit the paperwork.  Fingerprints go electronically to Tally.  A concealed carry permit is referred to as a CCW.  In this packet you are given the guidelines of what you can and can NOT do and each state's gun laws including if there is reciprocity. NY state is the only state that has no reciprocity, imagine that!!!! We have gotten soooooooo far from the Constitution, that has been planned for a long time, now police and law enforcement and GOVERNORS SUCH AS SCOTT FEEL AS THOUGH THEY CAN FIRE A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER FOR DOING HIS CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY.  SCOTT SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE IMMEDIATELY, THIS IS TREASON. This is the whole reason for the 2nd Amendment, when a government goes beyond their scope, tyranny will prevail and we are seeing this first hand!!!!!!!

Patricia, unless you are a gun owner and have had to deal with those in the know and those that do not know or who chose to ignore, you can research all you want, it's worthless time spent.  Know the Constitution and your God given rights, that's your knowledge base right there.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 7, 2013 at 1:07pm

Another word to the wise.  I spend roughly 4 to 6 hours each and every day keeping up with what is going on in the country, so please don't lecture me on this (or anything else........shame on you).  You don't even know me and you certainly don't know enough about me to use the tone of voice you are using in your last comment.  I am not your enemy nor am I a liberal, but I at least attempt to be well informed and not go off on a tear.  If you don't like our concealed carry laws then get a petition going and get the signatures needed to put a repeal amendment on the ballot (wasting time telling me how stupid I am really is a bit of a waste of time since I already know what the second amendment says and also understand it took years to get where we are and short of a revolution, you can't set things right over night).

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 7, 2013 at 1:00pm

I did not miss the boat.  I simply checked to find out what the state laws are.  Not those sheriff's have been ignoring but ones that have been in effect and have been enforced.  Concealed carry laws have been in effect and inforced for some time in our state.  I understand you are upset, but Florida has some of the least infringing gun laws in the country, and although I agree, there should be none, it would appear the man had a concealed carry without the permit to legally do so in the state of Florida.  Do I understand there should be NO laws infringing?  Certainly that was the intent of the founders, but right now, we have many, many irons in the fire.  Probably we also need to know more about this as I don't really know enough about it which is why I tried to get more information.  Word to the wise, no matter how much you trust someone (and certainly KrisAnne is an excellent source), be very wary of not doing your own leg work on something.

Comment by Holly Winsman on June 7, 2013 at 12:29pm

Patricia, it's people like you that miss the boat completely.  Read the Constitution, it says NOTHING about gaining a license to carry.  It does  not designate hand gun over rifle, it does not designate Musket over AK-47, it does not designate length, width or height.  Any state where you have to have a license is in direct violation of the Constitution, plain and simple. AZ and TX are open carry, you buy, you carry and that's the way it should be, anything else is an attack on our Constitution.  Florida is in direct violation, this man did nothing wrong, he does not need a license to carry.  This is how a country goes down, the sheeple don't know what's fact and what's not, so the rights of the people start to fade, sound familiar? The 2nd Amendment was to keep us from having a tyrannical government, period. Florida has one million license holders at almost $200.00 a piece, can you say PROFIT? Also, these permits are worthless and not required by the Constitution but at least the state governments knows who has arms and who doesn't, just a little Orwellian.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 7, 2013 at 9:37am

I have taken the liberty of checking the gun laws and exceptions.  It appears the gun in his pocket may have presented the problem, but we don't know if there is a Castle law in Florida and when I try to find it, I keep getting info about "stand your ground". 

Anyway, here is what I found and apparently from what I can find, the gun in his pocket may have been a concern and that is the question that needs to be asked I would think?


Unless covered under the exceptions, it is unlawful to openly carry on or about the person any firearm, or to carry a concealed firearm on or about the person without a license.

  • Persons having firearms at their home or place of business.

  • Enrolled members of clubs organized for target, skeet, or trapshooting, while at, or going to or from shooting practice.
    • Members of clubs organized for collecting antique or modern firearms while at or going to or from exhibitions.

    • Persons engaged in fishing, camping or hunting and while going to or from such activity.

    • Persons engaged in target shooting under safe conditions and in a safe place or while going to or from such place.

    • Persons who are firing weapons for target practice in a safe and secure indoor range.

    • Persons traveling by private conveyance if the weapon is securely encased, or in a public conveyance if the weapon is securely encased and not in the person’s manual possession. (clarification from info I did find:  If you transported a gun or its in your car and you do not have a concealed carry and unless your State has a castle law then it has to be in plain view.. not on you what so ever while you are in your vehicle.)
    • Persons carrying a pistol unloaded and in a secure wrapper from place of purchase to their home or to a place of repair and back.

    • Persons engaged in the business of manufacturing, repairing or dealing in firearms.

    • Military, law enforcement personnel and private guards while so employed.

    It is lawful to possess a concealed firearm for self-defense or other lawful purposes within the interior of a private conveyance, without a license, if the firearm is securely encased or is otherwise not readily accessible for immediate use.

    A firearm other than a handgun may be carried anywhere in a private conveyance when such firearm is being carried for a lawful use.

    This exemption does not authorize the carrying of a firearm concealed on the person.


Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 7, 2013 at 9:00am

Thank you for posting.

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You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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