The headlines got to me again today.  The call out for Democracy seems to be the buzz word of the year.  

I remember watching the Egyptian Arab Spring unfold and tried to understand what was really going on.  The Mainstream Media and the White House supported it and used the words “democracy” for all.  They helped the people in the street become “free” from the hands of their leader, Mubarak.  This was supposed to be a good thing.


This week, the truth about the Arab Spring in Egypt finally made headlines and since I’m a professed Christian, this one really got to me – “Christians under siege in post revolution Egypt.”   Could this really be happening?


See for yourself at:


These words moved me -- “Outside the Coptic Hospital in Cairo, where bodies of 17 slain protesters were brought, a Coptic woman named Iman Sanada with a small cross tattooed on her wrist, lamented the deaths and shrieked: “It’s my right to live as a citizen and not a second-class citizen.”


Remembrances of Sunday School lessons swirled in my head and Moses stating to Pharaoh, “Let my people go” resonated in my soul.  History repeats itself and I thought, “Oh Egypt, will you never learn your lesson?”


More headlines caught my eye.  The red flag of Communism is Occupying the streets of America.  The Communists are marching with Occupy Chicago and one of their leaders is identified as Organizing for America’s organizer for President Obama.  You can find this information at


In the article, the leader states, “we plan to use the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic of mass occupation to restore democracy in America.” 


There's that word again... democracy.  I thought, “America is not a democracy, Mr. OFA Leader and Communist instigator.  America is a Constitutional Republic that is the best type of government possible for ALL people because it gives us the freedom that no other form of government can.”  See more about the differences between a Republic and a Democracy:


Suddenly the words of the pledge filled my head  -- “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands – One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”


As the pledge swirled in my head, I read an article about the Occupy Movement where President Obama supports their efforts.  You can find the article here:


He stated:


"American people understand that not everybody's been following the rules," he said. "These days, a lot of folks doing the right thing are not rewarded. A lot of folks who are not doing the right thing are rewarded. That will express itself until 2012 and beyond until people feel they are getting back to old-fashioned American values."


Read that again.... “Those who are not doing the right thing are rewarded and we are going back to old-fashioned American values?”    


On the surface, his words “sound” good, but ring hollow for those who are truly seeking American values. 


What about those who seek Justice?   The family members of murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry want justice from our government for the crime committed against him.  Brian is considered “collateral damage” in the Fast and Furious scandal that the mainstream media is trying to push under the rug of secrecy.  Our government is responsible for the death of Brian Terry and where is Justice for him?



What about those who sought to choose their leader through the civic duty of voting?   Americans want to know why the Black Panthers were not prosecuted for doing wrong as they intimidated people FROM voting in the 2008 election.  Pictures and videos proved they were guilty and justice was not served and no one was committed of this crime. Why? 


Is this what Democracy looks like? 


Just when I thought I had read enough, another headline caught my eye. 


Occupy Orlando being led by the Muslim Brotherhood


The Muslim Brotherhood, really?  Are these the same ones who are killing Christians in Egypt?  That could never happen in America, could it?  Read and watch the video from Occupy Orlando here:


Can we take anymore of these headlines?  Shall we turn our head and pretend it isn't happening here?  No is the answer.


The headlines are not for the weak but we are not weak.  We are strong. 


Americans are not like any other country on this planet. We will not allow occupiers, communists, decievers, liars or Islamic extremists to take our country -- our Republic -- down. 


We will fight and we will win.


Here’s why. 


Good wins over evil.  Always has, always will.  Evil can be recognized easily and it shows up in words of hate, lies, injustice, immorality, and deceit.  Be wise and listen intently to the words of those who shout in the streets about "injustice" or "democracy."  Remember these words of scripture from Matthew:  "Be aware of wolves in sheep's clothing."


Good shows up in documents written on behalf of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  That is our foundation and that will be our resurrection too.  Remind yourself of your rights as an American citizen and they can be found in the Bill of Rights.  Look them up.


So fear not - America will rise again and she will rise up because you will rise up.


How do I know?  Because the words of Isaiah 41:10 began replacing the headlines I had just read.  Isaiah’s words “…do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you”


Protecting the Republic is not for the faint of heart but fear not, God is with us and He will lead the charge. 


I think we'll end this blog with our song as a reminder to the greatness of America and the Republic for which she stands!



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Comment by William H. Barrow on October 21, 2011 at 1:48am


A true democracy is a lynch mob with no law to govern them.I will take the Republic ruled by constitutional law. Caddaifi beaten shot in the head and put on display that's a U.N. Oboma democracy at work.

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on October 20, 2011 at 8:13pm
Roma and Tom try  there is an archive of Ron Paul there also you can hear more about Rep. Paul at his site Ron I urge you to learn more about Dr.Paul he is a man of peace and an advicate of individual liberty that truely is concerned about the future of our Republic.
Comment by Barbara Cox on October 20, 2011 at 8:08pm

Here is something RP said in August and the link so you can read it for yourself. I googled to find it.

We should be friends with Israel, and I don’t think we do a very good job at it. But I don’t think giving money to our friends is the right thing to do. I’m against all foreign aid, and if we cut out all the foreign aid today, we would cut out 7 times more foreign aid from the enemies of Israel. But I wouldn’t give foreign aid to Israel. I want Israel to have their own national sovereignty, I don’t want them to depend on us either for the money which socializes their economy and they’re in financial trouble as well, and I don’t want them to depend on us to tell them how to draw up their peace treaties or what to do with their borders. So yes, we should have friendship with them, we should trade with them, but total dependence on United States and on our money is a bad risk for them because we’re in bankruptcy, we’re not going to be there forever, we are going to come home and I think their dependency on us is very, very harmful to them.

you can also read what he says about quite a few "hard" questions there. But I don't think they are hard questions for Ron Paul because he is very centered on upholding our wonderful constitution that was made to limit the power of government from taking from people the fruits of their labor. I would like to make my own decisions about my donations, contributions and purchases.

Comment by amanda choate on October 20, 2011 at 5:04pm

My favorite quote from the bible: Ezekiel 25:17.

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on October 20, 2011 at 8:36am
Ron Paul has never said he would abandon Israel. He simply said they do not need finacial aid from the US. He also said that they are an Independant nation that can make decisions concerning their welfare on their own without asking permission from the US. If they need our assistance they can ask for it and if it is in the interest of the US to assist them we will, if not we will not and the same goes for the rest of our alies. If we ask England, Mexico, Canada, Japan or any other of our allies to assist us it is not a given that they will so why should we be any differant. Just because we are alies with them doesn't mean we should pay their way. If your friend has a flat tire you may want to help him change the tire but should you bare the expense of a new tire? I think not.
Comment by Steve Tikas on October 20, 2011 at 7:45am

@Roma & Tom

No I haven't and I do see that as a valid concern.  I'm up for a conversation on how to do that.  I don't see why we can't pull our funding over a course of five or ten years.  I think it should be immediate but I would be happy if we at least were moving towards the goal even if it is over more years then I would like.

I also agree that they are dependent on us but the sad fact is sometimes when someone is dependent on something the best, and sometimes, only way to help is to cut them off.  The idea of well they are dependent on it so we can't do anything is the same logic that some apply to welfare programs here at home.  This is just a international form of welfare.  We could apply the same logic to any other country that we give funds to and try to say we shouldn't stop because it might hurt someone.  We need to worry about our own house and how it is crumbling to pieces before we worry about other countries. 

If we were to pull all of our funding for all countries other then Israel we would be shooting ourselves in the proverbial foot.  The Arabs dislike us in part because of our support for Israel just imagine how they would use this to foster more hate against us. 

I don't agree that it would be signing their death warrant I think they have more then enough military might to defend themselves.  They also have something that no other country but Pakistan has which is nuclear weapons and quite a few of them. 

I'm sorry I don't see that one issue as being a cause to not support him.  He is the only one with a consistent record of following the Constitution on not just some issues but every issue.  He is the only one so far with the balls to propose a real plan for cutting spending.  He isn't the only one to talk about sound money or auditing the Fed but he was damn sure the first one and he did it before it was popular.  He is the only one that uses the word liberty (this is probably the biggest thing for me personally).  He is the only one talking about the end goal of being to get rid of the income tax not another way to collect it or tweaking the broken system we have now.  I'm sorry he is the only one I would even think of supporting in the primary and I hope and pray I can also support him in the general election.  If he makes it past the primary I see him blowing Obama out of the water.


Comment by Steve Tikas on October 19, 2011 at 10:46pm
Yes you are so right Mrs. Cox.  If his foreign policy was so horrible why would the troops support him by so wide a margin.  Ron Paul's top three campaign donors where different branches of the military were the other candidates had money coming in from banks, large companies, and the usual cast of suspects that buy the election from one year to the next.  Just more proof that Ron Paul is the only one that will not be beholdened to anyone but the American people.
Comment by Barbara Cox on October 19, 2011 at 6:03pm
My understanding is that (besides the fact that no country can run an empire on play money) Ron Paul's foreign policy is built on this premise that Jefferson said so clearly “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations...entangling alliances with none”. Our military seems to approve of that premise in that in the third quarter, Ron Paul alone received half of the contributions from active military personnel (the other half split among Pres. Obama and other republicans.)
Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on October 19, 2011 at 3:53pm
We do agree on Ron Paul and I also agree with him on alot of his foreign policy. Some say he is to extreme I say these are extreme times and should be met with extreme policy. We have a military presents in as many as 150 nations around the world that is to many we are giving aid to countries that do not support us at any time in the UN. It is time we take another look at who are friends are and cut the purse strings to those that do not need our aid such as the Arabs and the motives of those who are recieving our aid. As Senator Paul has reflected we can not support the world.
Comment by Steve Tikas on October 19, 2011 at 3:30pm

Well then we agree.  I think you are right the motives of the brotherhood and CAIR, as well as the unions, is to start riots which like you said will turn into martial law.  That has been my biggest fear with the OWS protest as most of these people are misguided youth that have been told something for so long that they actually believe it and will follow anyone that tells them what they want to hear which is you don't need to take care of yourself that is the job of the government.  I think many in the movement have the right idea but they allowed the movement to be hijacked by communist, unions, and now people like the brother and CAIR. 


All of these things are the reason we need someone like Ron Paul is office that has spent his entire career fighting against the very thing that is driving this protest which is not capitalism it is crony capitalism and our corrupt political system.  Many that are demonstrating now might not know that but that is what started the movement in the first place.  I know many in here don't like Ron Paul due to his foreign policy position (which I personally think he is right about) but our biggest problem right now is not foreign policy it is the economy and he is the only one with the balls to take on the root causes of the problem as he has been doing it for over 20 years.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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