High Noon Showdown for Tampa….. HAMAS vs. Al Qaida By Randy McDaniels
Tampa Bay Times reported a Muslim from Kosovo Sami Osmakac, was arrested on attempted terrorism charges. In addition to wanting to blow up key targets, Osmakac said he wanted to die for his religion. More disturbing than the report, is watching American media and law enforcement continue to give legitimacy and submit to current and former members of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), which is a federally designated HAMAS entity in America.
In T.V. Westerns, we knew the Good Guys from the Bad Guys. We knew when they met in the street and the gun smoke cleared, the Good Guy would stand victorious and the town was safe again. Unfortunately in today’s world were not talking about men with character like Matt Dillon, were talking about men like HAMAS Operative Ahmed Bedier vs. Al Qaida Operative Osmakac (alleged). It is now Bad Guy vs. Bad Guy and to the victor goes the spoil….that is unless Americans learn to understand the shared ideology of these competing forces and take action.
Simply stated; the only major difference between Muslim Brotherhood entities like CAIR and Al Qaida is TACTICS and TIMING….nothing else. The Islamic Jihadist has two key goals in common; the desire to make Islamic Sharia Law the law of the land and to establish the Global Islamic State (Caliphate), meaning world submits to Sharia law under Islamic rule… period. Muslim Brotherhood Entities like CAIR/HAMAS want to win America via Cultural Jihad or by stealth means over time and Al Qaida wants to win NOW thru Violent means, different approach same end.
So who is right or doctrinally sound? Factually and legally Bedier and Osmakac are both simultaneous opposed and simultaneous correct in regard to Islamic doctrine due to the progressive nature in which the scripture was handed down and in which Islam became progressively militant as gained strength and spread. Bedier and Osmakac believe they are at different stages in the Hijrah (Migration) to conquer enemy lands for Islam and therefore are in different stages of the Jihad. Osmakac is simply in a later stage of Jihad in America than Ahmed Bedier.
Example: Qur’an 2:256 “There is no compulsion in religion” is an early Meccan verse at time when Mohammad had to get along to go along, yet the final and authoritative verse on religion is Qur'an:8:39 "So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world)." This verse came in a later stage of the Hijrah and later phase of Jihad, one which mandated violence. Jihad is obligatory on all Muslims, but not all Jihad is violent. |
Historically, CAIR has never helped bring the FBI any really viable information which resulted in an arrest of a terrorist, and in fact CAIR/HAMAS has a history of defending them. This is a Bad Guy vs. Bad Guy scenario and both are working in accordance with Islamic Doctrine and Sharia Law. Another thing to consider; why did “Moderate” Bedier run to the police and FBI after this “extremist” Osmakac was threatening him….to be a boy scout and help the FBI or save his hide?
Interestingly, In this Times article, CAIR gets to play the victim card, then condemn the FBI, while at the same time promoting the fact they are look highly upon by the very Law Enforcement they just condemned… talk about having your cake and eating it too. Shibly had the audacity to ask "Would there have been any real plot without the support and assistance of the FBI?" Suggesting entrapment, then subsequently boast how the FBI submitted to him, I mean briefed him (CAIR), prior to the arrest. Curiously, when was the last time the FBI thought it was necessary brief a Christian organization prior to arresting a Christian?
Tampa FBI, did you forget about CAIR’s stance regarding assisting the FBI, or how about the FBI’s official policy regarding CAIR?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has “Suspended any formal engagement with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).” This decision “Comes in part as a result of EVIDENCE gathered through the FBI and presented in connection with the Holy Land Foundation trial where CAIR was listed as an “un-indicted Co-conspirator.” John Mueller FBI Assistant Director March 9, 2009 |
“In a Muslim community that is often wary of FBI tactics in terrorism cases, some viewed Osmakac with suspicion as he promoted his extremist views” said Ahmed Bedier, founder of United Voices for America, a nonprofit group promoting Muslim participation in the political process."For a while, we thought he was an FBI informant himself." Continuing, "He hated democracy," Bedier said. "In his perverted thinking, he thought by Muslims taking part in the democratic process, they were giving up their faith."
Hearing that statement by Bedier, is quite ironic considering that in just 84 years, Egypt fell to the Muslim Brotherhood thru demonstrations and democratic elections and not violence. It is interesting to note the Egyptian government killed the father of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan Al Banna, and hung his contemporary Sayyid Qutb, because they understood the brotherhood was a religiously motivated revolutionary organization. Currently the Muslim brotherhoods “Freedom and Justice” party which emerged victorious in the recent elections is doling out FREEDOM from manmade law for JUSTICE under Islamic Sharia Law in accordance the Brotherhood mission just as many CAIR national leader have advocated as the law of the land in America.
I wonder if this is the democracy of which Ahmed Bedier of the UVA speaks?
Ahmed Bedier, former CAIR/HAMAS leader and believer in democracy, freedom and justice, flew to Egypt to take part in the revolution. Upon his return Bedier posted a picture of himself waiving the Egyptian flag in Tahrir Square. He stated in the caption below the picture “I was proud to be part of the Revolution”. It is very chilling to think this man now runs an organization dedicated to getting his brand of Muslim in political office via UVA and his Capitol Leadership Academy (CLA) which now operates in Florida, Washington D.C. and Missouri.
Interestingly, in another article later in the day, the Tampa Bay Times was quick to tie how the Muslim Community helped nab Osmakac, and the tried to tie this to CAIRs leader and HAMAS operative Hassan Shibly.
In the artice the times references a Press Release titled Education Groups In Florida OUTRAGED!HAMAS entity has regular speakers in Tampa Public Schools! the letter referenced was submitted by a coaliton of Education and Patriotic groups protesting the fact this HAMAS operative had gained access Tampa area students. The depicted this well presented and factual information by civic groups as a "Distastful Act". I personaly think the Times failure to protect these children and conduct unbiased reporting is Distateful!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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