Washington Set Straight; Hometown America Next Morning in America with Jim Davis blog.   Republicans in Washington are on the right track. In the House of Representatives, they are fulfilling their p…

Washington Set Straight; Hometown America Next

Morning in America with Jim Davis blog.


Republicans in Washington are on the right track. In the House of Representatives, they are fulfilling their promise to vote to repeal Obamacare. Senate Republicans should join the chorus to get the legislation voted on in their body as well. A recent poll shows that Republican politicians are more trusted in all of the top ten issues identified by the American people.

Rasmussen reports here that because they are listening and representing the American people: Republicans have earned significantly more of their trust than the Democrats. Even the Democrats stronghold of Education has failed to keep them in the public’s favor.

Here at Morning in America, we have been touting this accurate perspective from the beginning. As the National politicians learn their lesson, (the lesson that voters will not be treated as chattel, nor will they continue to sit idly by while they are presumed upon). The lines are now clear, those who stand WITH the America people are the heroes; those who stand against them are now the villains. This is indeed the “Morning” we’ve been looking for.

However, the work is not yet done. The message that was sent to Washington must now be sent to local governments as well. Here in Jacksonville Florida a recent poll shows that only 24% of the citizens believe they are being heard or represented by the local leadership. My discussions with conservatives across the state indicate this is a wide-spread perspective. With local governments raising taxes and fees on out of work, and “afraid their going to be out of work soon” people: it’s obvious that localities haven’t yet gotten the memo. It says simply: “Stop it”!

The similarities are stark. In Washington, the unions and special interests groups were choosing who the candidates were, and subsequently what the issues were. The American people were being ignored, insulted, and patronized. The political paradigm was “tell them this” then move on to do what you’re told.
We have the same dynamics in our state and local races. There are unions that assert influence, “interests” that make their fortunes off of the local tax base, and those with the influential connections to sustain programs that either aren’t beneficial, or deliver results too small to justify financing from local coffers: yet they continue any way. They will even recycle a former politician to insure their interests are covered- just do what they say. These influences perpetuate the status quo- and the status quo is no longer acceptable.

Americans want locally what they want nationally: budgets balanced without raising taxes, a fiscal environment where businesses can thrive; and subsequently jobs are available. They want their local governments to be honest with them instead of playing cheap shell games with the budgets, they don’t want their Mayors threatening their safety when the public opposes legislation or policy initiatives. They want their local Representatives to represent them; power-brokers notwithstanding!

Yes, it is Morning in America because we’ve reached the ears and minds of our Representatives in Washington. But it’s not yet noon-time: and the local politicians have yet to read the memo. When they are either brought back in line, (or replaced) they too will garner the significant trust of their communities. Until then, they are tarnished by a reputation of being considered “out of touch” by 76% or their constituents.

There is still so very much yet to be done. . .

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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