Friday, February 4th and Obama's Winter Storm

from my blog at


TGIF indeed. It has been an extremely long week complete with long hours, little sleep, and worse weather. Lets just go ahead and say I will be getting plenty of sleep this weekend before I enjoy Super Bowl Sunday. Looking at the weather in Dallas right now, is there any more reason to never let the Super Bowl be outside of either Florida or San Diego? A lot of Dallas residents are extremely ticked off that they are basically being left out to dry during the rolling blackouts due to a winter storm from hell while the Super Bowl festivities remain fully powered up.

Speaking of winter storm from hell, Obama is facing a political storm from hell as of late. The federal judge in New Orleans who ordered Obama to end his drilling moratorium is pissed. The Obama administration has basically given the judge the bird by continuing the moratorium, and now the judge is holding him in contempt. From the judge: “Such dismissive conduct, viewed in tandem with the re- imposition of a second blanket and substantively identical moratorium, and in light of the national importance of this case, provide this court with clear and convincing evidence of the government’s contempt,” Feldman said. But hey, we’ve got to get our green energy economy moving forward so we can create jobs! No mention from Obama of the jobs lost in the fossil fuels industry with policies like his moratorium.

Do we expect anything different regarding the recent ruling on Obamacare? Of course not. This bill is Obama’s baby. This is what he campaigned on. This is what liberals have been pushing for the last 70 years. If he has no problem defying a federal judge on a drilling moratorium, you can guarantee yourself that this administration will continue to implement Obamacare even though the ENTIRE bill has been ruled void by a federal judge. The ruling from the judge in Florida only reaffirms what many of us have been saying since this bill was even introduced – that it sucks. It must be a complete joke of a bill if the Obama administration has to issue nearly 1,000 waivers to businesses and unions so that they “can keep their current health care” plans due to crippling future liabilities Obamacare presented their respective organizations. Until this administration wins an appeal from a higher court, they are not allowed to continue on with their health care bill. When was the last time a president was declared to be in contempt by two Federal judges at the SAME TIME? Because you know that as soon as this judge sees the administration ignore his ruling, he will do just that. As Rush Limbaugh said this week, we are seeing an increasingly “lawless president”.

Now on to foreign policy. This guy is rivaling Jimmy Carter in regards to foreign flops. Remember Honduras in the early part of his presidency? The people, with the help of the military, ousted José Manuel Zelaya because he attempted to defy their constitution in order to make himself a dictator. What did Obama do? He only made it impossible for anyone from Honduras to travel to the United States and completely pulled foreign aid from that country. So much for those people wanting freedom. Remember the riots in Iran during their election? Obama basically sat on his hands while anti government protesters were killed in Iran – by the government of Iran. Now we have the Egypt fiasco. Indeed, this is a very complicated situation because Mubarak has been a strong ally for the United States in that region. Israel is now ticked off at Obama for what they see as him turning his back towards Israel in this situation. He also wants Mubarak to step down immediately. Ok, then what? There are hundreds of thousands of people in the streets throwing rocks at each other with no direction on what to do next. Word from Washington is that they are pushing for Mubarak’s Vice President to temporarily take over until everything is resolved. Only problem is the Egyptian constitution mandates that the speaker of parliament is supposed to be the interim president in case of an emergency. Well, we all know just how much Obama loves constitutions…


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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