Phone Florida Membership on U.S. House Judiciary Committee to Pass Lamar Smith's E-Verify Bill 'Markup' Starts Today On Bill To Fire Illegal-Alien Workers & Put Millions of Americans Back to Work
We need the phones ringing off the hook to ensure that the Judiciary Members know there is a lot of public interest in and support of a bill to make it virtually impossible for illegal aliens to hold payroll jobs.
The first votes on amendments may happen today. Then, the committee will resume debate and votes on dozens more amendments next week.
The open-borders organizations sponsored by the Soros, Carnegie and Ford Foundations are waging an all-out grassroots phone campaign to gut or kill Lamar Smith's E-Verify bill. Don't let any Member of the Judiciary Committee hear more phone calls in favor of illegal-alien hiring than the phone calls from you supporting Lamar Smith's bill.
Roy Beck, President Numbers, USA

(The Alert below was sent Wednesday afternoon, Sep. 14.)
Friends, look at the grid at the bottom of this email. It was prepared by NumbersUSA's staff and shows you the 30 ways that Chairman Lamar Smith's H.R. 2885 would ensure that only legal workers get payroll jobs in your state.  It will knock your socks off!!!! The Legal Workforce Act is that good. Everything in your state will change if it passes.  In the history of the United States, there never has been a piece of legislation going through committee that would do so much to turn off the jobs magnet for illegal immigration and protect jobs for American workers.  Now, please do your part to help get this bill through committee in as close to its present form as possible.

Your state is represented on the Judiciary Committee by:





You can also try the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Unfortunately, most of the Democrats on the committee come from the extreme of their Party on immigration issues. But you can still have some indirect effect on how strongly the Democratic Party battles against this bill through the fall by flooding Democrat offices with calls urging passage of H.R. 2885.
ACTION: Please PHONE at the number above and urge rapid and clean passage of H.R. 2885 in the Judiciary Committee markup.

If you are a constituent in the District of a Member of the Judiciary Committee you will find a fax to send at:

Among talking points are these:

Everybody talks about putting Americans back to work but few do anything. The Judiciary Committee can start putting hundreds of thousands of unemployed Americans back to work this year for virtually no cost by passing H.R. 2885.
Make H.R. 2885 the first jobs bill out of Congress this fall. Vote for the Legal Workforce Act in committee.
Pass H.R. 2885 in the Judiciary Committee and make sure that no veteran, no citizen and no legal immigrant is unemployed because an outlaw business is able to hire an illegal alien.
H.R. 2885 is legislation carefully crafted to get through the House and Senate and get the President's signature. It is not about grandstanding but about changing the law THIS FALL and starting to put millions of unemployed Americans back to work over the next three years.
The argument about what to do with 11 million illegal aliens can be done later. For now, though, let's make sure that none of them is taking a job from an American citizen or legal immigrant. Pass H.R. 2885.
H.R. 2885 is the most powerful bill ever to be considered in Congressional committee in terms of turning off the jobs magnet for illegal immigration and protecting jobs for American workers. It is a beautiful pro-American-worker piece of legislation as is. Please pass it in the Judiciary Committee.
You should probably make only one point. Consider whether you are calling a Republican or Democratic office in choosing what you will say.
What we need are hundreds of calls to each Member of the committee to make sure they know that lots of their constituents are watching and that this bill is really, really important to them. Don't assume that any of them are immune to trying to make changes in the bill that will endanger its eventual passage into law or seriously weaken it.
Now, look below at the comparison between what you have in your state right now to keep illegal aliens out and what would happen if H.R. 2885 passes. And pass the grid on to your friends.
You know how incredibly hard it has been to persuade your state legislature to approve any enforcements (look at the middle column on the grid) -- in fact, next to impossible. Let's take care of most of it in one swoop with this federal bill
                                           ROY BECK, President, NumbersUSA
                                                Update: September 14, 2011
              FLORIDA: What Immigration Enforcement Would Look Like With H.R. 2885 Enacted

COMPARE the current level of immigration enforcement (center column) in this state with what it would be if Congress enacts the Legal Workforce Act (H.R. 2885), sponsored by U.S. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (in the right column). Send us questions and comments. (More explanations are below the chart.)

Views: 501


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Comment by Kate Svagdis on September 16, 2011 at 12:39pm
DWS seat is vacant on the committee
Comment by sabrina Wheeler on September 16, 2011 at 10:34am

"Fathom the hypocrisy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured...

but not everyone must prove they are a citizen."

Comment by w. lee dungan jr. on September 16, 2011 at 10:28am
illegals cost the U.S. taxpayer 62 billion last year .E-verify will eliminate their access to jobs and they will have no reason to come here.  the chip thing has already been tried and it failed I mean isn't that how they make obamazombies.
Comment by amanda choate on September 16, 2011 at 9:02am
Everify, whats next, a chip implanted under your skin proving you are an American. Philosophically, as a group that touts as its prime value, less government, how can we support rules like this when they come down the road. Slippery slopes.
Comment by Joseph E. Andrews on September 16, 2011 at 8:19am

I have not read HR 2885, but I don't think I like it.  I do not believe it will solve any problem, but will introduce a lot of new ones.  For example; if "Americans" want the jobs the Mexicans are doing they should apply for the jobs .  Their english, alone, would probably get them hired.  Ahh, but you say Americans won't work as cheap as the Mexicans so we must pass a bill to fire Mexicans and pay Americans more money to do the same work.  But we forget that the Law of Supply and Demand are also at work here.  If the work costs too much the businessman cannot make a profit and the work does not get done.  OR if he raises the price of the output the customers won't buy it and the business fails.  Then neither the Mexicans nor the Americans are working and the customers don't have the product to buy.  Folk, you cannot repeal Law of Supply and Demand.

HR 2885 represents nothing more than another onerous intrusion of the Federal government in the free maarketplace.  We have way too much of that already.  IMHO

Comment by Danny Kirkpatrick on September 16, 2011 at 8:11am
I called all the Rep's listed above and was informed that Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was no longer involved.
Comment by Robert Young on September 16, 2011 at 8:06am
This is a bill that is needed. Give it all the support possible.
Comment by CJ on September 16, 2011 at 6:48am
Excellent post Debbie, Ill call for sure!

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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