Did we make the endangered species list?

Before I begin, let me assure everyone reading this that I love animals.  We have three dogs, two cats, eight koi, five laying hens and two bird feeders.  (Sounds much like a Christmas song doesn’t it)  We love animals and we spend a lot of time and money taking care of their needs. 


You would think I would be thrilled with reading that the Obama administration took steps to add more than 500 species of the animal planet to the Endangered Species List.  News about Endangered Species List  I wasn’t thrilled.


All of a sudden there is a “fast and furious” attempt to get these animals on the list.  For some reason, this administration loves things that go fast and furious such as the eroding of our liberties, pushing through legislation in the dead of night, handing off weapons to Mexican cartels, and racing to get loans secured for bankrupt solar companies who give money to Obama’s campaign.


Here’s the irony to this latest attempt to save the animals on this list.  Isn’t this the same group who repeats over and over again that we were not created by God?  Lest we forget that we evolved?  So if animals are still evolving, who are we to worry about their endangered status?   Maybe they are evolving away and their time is up?  (Don’t hit me – remember I love animals)


Isn’t this the same group who believes it is okay to abort innocent little babies from their mother’s womb?  Has the Obama administration added Unborn Babies to the list of endangered species?  Are they regulating abortion clinics to ensure that all unborn babies are protected and allowed to live?  Did We the People make the list of the endangered species?


Forgive me for being cynical.  When a “slimy American eel and tiny Texas kangaroo rat” have more liberties than We the People, you know there is something wrong in America.  Our culture has been turned inside out and we are watching our country’s foundation destroyed one regulation at a time.


The last two years has worn a hole in our trust level with the government.  Back door legislation from the White House through bureaucratic departments does not create warm and fuzzy feelings between We the People and our government.    The right side of the aisle looking very similar to the left side of the aisle does not create those warm and fuzzy feelings either.   Candidates saying one thing in a debate and finding their records do not match their words also do not create warm and fuzzy feelings.


I would like to introduce you to the only one who I can put my trust in…that would be the God of the universe and the one who created you and me and the tiny kangaroo rat in Texas.  He created the unborn babies and accepted them back to heaven when they left the womb way too early. 


This is the same God our founding fathers looked to when they wrote our freedom documents.  This is the same God who says in Jeremiah 29:11 (MSG) “I know what I am doing.  I have it all planned out – plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.”


When I read the stories of corruption at the top of our Governmental structure and all the way down to city commissions, I know His plans are bigger than what we see.


When persecution comes through untrue stories about those in this movement, I lean into Him for comfort and reassurance we are doing the right thing.


When the days are long and the suffering is too, I rely on Him and His promise for my future.  


When all is fast and furious around us, I repeat my favorite scripture verse, “Be still and know that I am God.”


As we read the headlines, watch the political games and we uncover the stories hidden from us, remember this… these men who believe they control our lives are tiny – as tiny as the kangaroo rat.   God can place them in the palm of His hands and with a flick of His finger send them away to do no more harm.  He also has the ability to tenderly take you in His hands and assure you all is right with the world for those who believe in Him.


May your weekend be filled with wonderful memories and warm and fuzzy feelings with your family, friends and your God.

Views: 512


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Comment by Steve Tikas on September 30, 2011 at 10:02am

I hope I am misunderstanding you but it sounds like you are saying that racism is not socially or spiritually destructive.  If that is true your comment about the environment loses all credibility.  Racism is hating someone based soley on one trait or another that is not even something they have control over and is something that God has bestowed on them.  That is against everything Jesus spoke about while he was on this Earth.  Again I hope I am misunderstanding you. 

The entire bible is telling us how we should live not just those books even those books give more specifics then others.  Again by saying having right knowledge and then acting in contrary to it assumes that things to do with the environment are by in large based on greed.  I think most countries do things to help people in order to turn a profit.  As long as you do things with the idea of helping people first you are not doing it for greed.  Now in the end it may turn out bad but that doesn't change the right meaning that it started with.

You make a good point about the extinct species but in time all species become extinct.  Take the dinosaurs, wholly mammoth.  Regardless of what truly killed them in the end it was God who are we to say that it is not in God's plan that they become extinct in this way.  As far as irrational conclusion you are assuming you can understand the grand plan of the Lord.  To me many things seem irrational but who are we to question His plan.  If you believe that the Lord knew the end from the beginning you have to assume that he knows about all of this and it is in accordance with his plan. 

Your argument is like the people without faith that ask if God is so loving why does he allow such injustices to happen (they are usually speaking in regards to people but the same argument applies here).  God mind is so far above our mind that we cannot hope to comprehend his thoughts and actions.

Comment by Paul Davis on September 30, 2011 at 9:27am
Certainly there is much said about greed in America, perhaps because there is so much of the former in evidence. And is is such a socially and spiritually destructive phenomena. (Racism not so much, but it is still around and that isn’t our topic here.) Wisdom literature (Book of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Song of Solomon, and others) seems to require us to give thought to how we should live, and charges us to generally act responsibly. To have knowledge, but to then act contrary to what we know to be correct behavior is (to my way of thinking) a presumptuous sin that requires repentance, rather than a strategy for right behavior. When we act contrary to our own self interest in our private lives, or in society, there are natural consequences of those behaviors, even when we repent of the wrong that we have done.

Yes, God has the capacity to create a plethora of planets filled with species overnight. However, we also need to observe how he is working out His plan on this planet here and now. I don’t observe that he is creating species to fill the void left by the passenger pigeon or the dodo bird. I don’t see pristine forests popping up to replace the huge cypress that was harvested a couple of generations ago. Harvesting a renewable resource is not greed. Killing the goose that lays the golden egg is. When talking about extinction, we are discussing killing the goose.

We have to go by what He says in scripture, and we have to go by what we see in front of us as we go through life. Do to otherwise is disobedience through presumptuous sin. Paul’s Letter to the Romans says that the very rocks cry out his message. Mathew tells him that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without the Father caring about it? He doesn’t care that entire species are wiped out for future generations? To me, that is an irrational conclusion. One does not responsibly “tend” a garden by removing its capacity to ever regenerate.
Comment by Steve Tikas on September 30, 2011 at 9:20am
That story is horrible.  I have said I don't believe we should institute a national religion or any laws that protect one religion over another.  I do however think that everyone should be free to voice the opinion that their faith dictates in a rational way.  Honestly I would be proud of my son or daughter for standing up for what our family teaches is in line with God's will and I hope if my children ever come into a similar situation they will respond as Dakota did.  I actually hope they voice it to the class not just as a comment to the kid sitting behind them I'll gladly defend my children in that parent teacher conference.  I could understand the suspension if he said all homosexuals should be killed or burnt as a heretic but for just saying it is wrong that is ridiculous.
Comment by William Korach on September 30, 2011 at 8:48am

Sadly, in our schools, many are persecuted for their faith and others kept in darkness. Here's just one example in The Report Card

Student Punished for Christian Faith

28 September 2011

Fourteen year old Dakota Ary attends Western Hills High School in Fort Worth Texas. He is an honor student, plays football and has never been in trouble at school; that is until earlier this week. According to Dakota, the topic of homosexuality has been discussed on a number of occasions in his German language class. [...]

Read the full story www.thereportcard.org

Comment by Steve Tikas on September 30, 2011 at 8:42am

North Dakota also has the advantage of the oil shale that has put thousands back to work.  That is an example of environmentalism gone amok.  The oil industry alone could put tens of thousands of Americans to work in good high paying jobs but we can't do that in fear of what might happen.  When are we going to get serious about things and stop electing the same old politicians as usual.  And this is not going to be overly popular but most in the GOP party are just as bad as the Dems.


Jim Mars is one of the last investigative journalist but you definitely need to listen to him with an open mind because he says some things so far our of the realm of the norm it isn't even funny.  Creature from Jekyll Island is something everyone that cares about our economy should watch.

Comment by david weed on September 30, 2011 at 8:36am
This is the result of the UN Agenda 21. And Steve is right, our current economic problems stem from the FED and those who control it. The only way to bypass the FED is to create a State Bank similar to the one in North Dakota. 3% unemployment, yearly budget surpluses, and no interest financing of infrastructure projects and low interest loans to citizens. The State of California Legislature has passed a bill through both houses to create a state bank there. It is currently sitting on Governor Brown's desk. I have been contacting Florida representatives to push the idea. Ref. Bilderburg Group- Daniel Estulin, Bank of North Dakota [ you can talk to a bank Rep. as I did.] " Rule By Secrecy" Jim Marrs, Info Wars.com, Rense.com, "the Creature Of Jekyll Island"
Comment by Steve Tikas on September 30, 2011 at 8:25am

Mr. Davis you are making a few assumptions that I would like you to think about.  If God doesn't want them to be extinct he will find a way to keep them hidden or in some other way alive.  Two that if we don't put them on the list they will become extinct and that if it is His plan for them to be extinct that putting them on the list will stop His plan.  Three even if they did become extinct that God could not recreate them if He so chooses. 

I understand what you are saying about greed and I am with you but all things that somehow effect one creature is not necessarily greed.  Greed by definition is the excessive desire for wealth and/or power.  Moving a creature, disturbing his habitat, even killing of a creature does not automatically mean that it was due to greed. 

Greed and racist are the two most overused and misused words in America.  When you overuse and misuse words you water down the meaning to the point that when a real situation arising that are caused by one of those things no one even pays attention.  Like the boy who cried wolf syndrome.

Comment by Paul Davis on September 30, 2011 at 8:16am
I do not understand the mentality that believes that our Lord created the heaven and the earth, and all that is within it, and given man dominion to rule over it, and charged him with seeking wisdom and prudence... but on the other hand is satisfied to bring a permanent end for all time to thousands of species by poor decision making and greed. The love of money is the root of all evil. The loss to future generations in exchange for the greedy short term beneift of a few does not square with my understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But, of course, I also believe that selfishness of Ayn Rand philosophy is diametrically opposed to the concept of laying down one's live for another.
Comment by Steve Tikas on September 30, 2011 at 8:15am
The comment from Roma and Tom shows why we need someone that will stand up to the bankers, the Fed, and others that are really destroying our country.  Some in the GOP field like Herman Cain don't even want to audit the Fed he just wants them to go back to doing one thing.  Sorry Mr. Cain they are doing one thing and it is screwing this country.  The other GOP candidates have only recently jumped on the bandwagon of audit the Fed.  Only one has been leading the charge for 20 years, well before it was popular and that is Ron Paul.  I know some don't like his foreign policy but lets be honest people the problem with our country is the economy and he is the only one with the guts to stand up to the people that are actually holding this country hostage.  Well I shouldn't say that I think Bachmann has the courage to do it too but there are too many things about her I don't like so I can't support her.  Please feel free to disagree with me if you would like.
Comment by sabrina Wheeler on September 30, 2011 at 8:15am
Brings back memories of the San Joaquin Valley becoming a dust bowl in order to protect the 3 inch delta smelt. This smacks of Agenda 21 as well...

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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