City Council Bill 2011 361 Regional Transportation Center; more info on the background. You will be shocked!

If you want to see the "Plan" and this very much looks like something from the Peyton "reign" .... 2006, go here and scroll down to the article with pictures (hmmm is it just me or is parking missing totally from these pictures?).
Below info is primarily from this link, and various pages off this homepage. I have taken the liberty of doing cut and paste on some. Interesting reading, and don't believe for a minute this is a no cost project. The JTA has ideas of grandeur and MUCH power.

Governor Charlie Crist signs a legislation bill (sponsored by the late Senator Jim King and Representative Audrey Gibson) that explores unifying the regions seven counties transportation initiatives under one governing entity.

House Bill: HB1297 can be found here:

The membership of the Regional Transportation Study Commission is established by Senate Bill 2470 as follows:

Studies and Legislation

The idea of developing a regional approach to transportation in Northeast Florida has been discussed for several decades.

In 1987, Executive order 86-148 created the First Coast Regional Transportation Study Committee. The committee’s report recommended the creation of a 5-county regional transportation authority that would be governed by a 9-member governing board. No action was taken on these recommendations.

In 2009, House Bill 1213 was enacted requiring the JTA to perform a Regional Transportation Authority study at the direction of FDOT. That study affirmed the need for a regional approach to transportation in Northeast Florida but also recommended additional study. Most importantly, the 2009 Regional Transportation Authority Study Final Report found that the development of a regional transportation elements plan is needed as the basis for further action on any regional transportation initiative.

On June 4, 2010, Governor Crist signed Senate Bill 2470 into law (Public law 2010-212). Public Law 2010-212 establishes the North Florida Regional Transportation Study Commission (RTSC). The RTSC is required to submit its final report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by December 31, 2012. Its final report must make specific legislative recommendations, including a regional transportation elements plan, the defining characteristics of transportation elements of regional significance, and an implementation plan for undertaking a regional transportation elements plan.


On June 4, 2010, Governor Crist signed Senate Bill 2470 into law (Public law 2010-212). Public Law 2010-212 established the North Florida Regional Transportation Study Commission (Commission).

The Commission members include representatives from each of the 7 counties in Northeast Florida (Baker, Clay, Duval, Flagler, Nassau, Putnam and St. Johns). Additionally, the Chair of the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization, Chair of the Northeast Florida Regional Council and the District II Secretary of the Florida Department of Transportation serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of the Commission.

The Commission is required to submit its final report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by December 31, 2012.

The final report must make specific legislative recommendations, including a regional transportation elements plan, the defining characteristics of transportation elements of regional significance, and an implementation plan for undertaking a regional transportation elements plan. The implementation plan may include the establishment of the regional transportation authority, draft legislation, and any other recommendations the Commission deems appropriate.

Underneath this, you will find a list of study reports and additional laws for setting this whole thing up. Pay special attention to 2009 Regional Transportation Study Final Report.

This report gives a really good picture of what the JTA has planned and it is going to be VERY expensive, and they see themselves as being extremely powerful and without pretty much any oversight at all. This was from 2009, so I can only imagine what the report due on 12/31/2012 will look like, but that is the point. The report is not due until the end of 2012 which is 1 1/2 years from now. Still plenty of time to take a look at this and the fiscal impact on the taxpayers (the fiscal impact is going to be huge cause these folks are going to build an empire for themselves). I feel the reason Peyton and JTA are trying to do the land transfer now, is to start a process they plan on forcing us into. A study was done in 2008 or 2009 about the use of public transit and what people wanted, and only 13% of those in the poll said they would use such a thing. Most asked for better roads. Timing is everything though, and the study will be after Obama is removed from office hopefully, and he is the high speed rail/high rise living in centralized areas guy (with everyone walking, using public transit and riding a bicycle).


The study commission also had a criteria of having the meetings for this study commission in each of the areas making it possible for people included in the whole area to be covered to attend a meeting or meetings, but thus far, they have each and every meeting in the same location in Palatka.  If you check at this link, you can go to each meeting, then click on meeting  information on the left, and it takes you to a page that gives you more info including the location (it is the same for every meeting). 

Putnam County BOCC
County Commissioners Meeting Room
2509 Crill Avenue, Suite 100
Palatka, FL 32177

  • Two citizens of Baker, Clay, Flagler, Nassau, Putnam and St. Johns County appointed by their respective Board of County Commissioners
  • Four citizens of Duval County appointed by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville
  • The Chair of the Jacksonville Transportation Authority, who shall serve as Chair of the Commission.

Non-voting Members (3)

  • The Florida Department of Transportation’s District II Secretary
  • The Chair of the Northeast Florida Regional Council
  • The Chair of the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization
Members (17)What is the RTSC?



Michael Cavendish

Michael Cavendish


Baker County

Photo Unvailable

Jimmy Anderson
Commission Member

Gordon Crews Image

Gordon Crews
Commission Member


Clay County

Travis Cummings Travis Cummings
Commission Member
Photo Unavailable John Mahoney, III
Commission Member

Duval County

Photo Unavailable Eric Green
Commission Member
Photo Unavailable

Pete Kelly
Commission Member

Photo Unavailable Sam Mousa
Commission Member
Robert Rhodes Robert Rhodes
Commission Member


Flagler County

Milissa Holland Milissa Holland
Commission Member
Jon Netts Jon Netts
Commission Member


Nassau County

Steve Rieck Steve Rieck
Commission Member
Ken Willette Ken Willette
Commission Member

Putnam County

Kenny Eubanks Kenny Eubanks
Commission Member
Vernon Myers Vernon Myers
Commission Member

St. Johns County

Jay Morris Jay Morris
Commission Member
Joe Stephenson Joe Stephenson
Commission Member


Alan Mosley Alan Mosley
District Two Secretary
Florida Department of Transportation
Elaine Brown Elaine Brown
Northeast Florida Regional Council
Doug Conkey Doug Conkey
North Florida Transportation Planning Organization

Views: 96


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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 23, 2011 at 11:04am

CJ, there is no sunshine (and apparently the people's opinions don't matter either)!


CJ said:

Video of Rules meeting from Monday still not posted

Not much sunshine there!

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 23, 2011 at 10:14am

They know absolutely nothing about the RTC or they would not think they can require city council approval or JEDC approval.  If they do this, they have lost control over that land unless we can stop this RTC garbage at the state level.  Shame on them for not researching this!

quote from post below of meeting notes:

The committee discussed reverter clauses for both the RTC parcel and the three development parcels covered by this bill and the desirability of having all development on the parcels come to the JEDC and the City Council for approval. Council Member Crescimbeni adamantly opposed JTA being in the property development business.


Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 23, 2011 at 10:12am
CJ, the land bill is still deferred status in TEU?  I sure hope so, but you have posted some results from something and am confused what it means.  Could you say if you come back on :).  Thanks
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 23, 2011 at 10:07am

Ok, so I missed it..........must have been working on this.  Too much.  I watched and everbank was approved out of rules committee by a 7 to 0 vote (with Jack W and Brown voting).  John C also voted yes.  The Riverwatch parking lot was also passed 7 to 0, and Parador was approved by 5-2 vote.  Brown asked to see the number of blacks (Lee cleaned it up to minorities when she clarified) currently in the employ of both companies at all levels.  399 and 400 were passed over as they had already been approved by the committee as a whole council meeting.


For those who did not watch the meeting, Lee went into some big explanation about needing permission from the chair to leave a meeting....on and on; however, she apparently has forgotten leaving a meeting much the same way about 4 years ago and being brought back in handcuffs since she walked over a budget vote.  People do have selective memory about these things, don't they?

Comment by CJ on June 23, 2011 at 8:49am

Joost couldnt make it either


Video of Rules meeting from Monday still not posted

Not much sunshine there!

Comment by CJ on June 23, 2011 at 8:44am
Clay and Clark couldnt make the meeting
Comment by CJ on June 23, 2011 at 8:43am

Meeting posted 5pm monday the 20th

June 20, 2011

5:37 P.M.

06.23.2011 Rules Committee Meeting Notice 


FROM:            Jack Webb

                        Council President


TO:                 Council Member E. Denise Lee, Chair         

                        Council Member Stephen Joost, Vice-Chair

                        Council Member Richard Clark

                        Council Member Bill Bishop

                        Council Member John Crescimbeni             

                        Council Member Art Shad

                        Council Member Clay Yarborough



RE:                 June 23, 2011      10:00 A.M.            Rules Committee Meeting


A meeting of the Rules Committee has been schedule for Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 10 A.M. in the Council Chambers, 117 West Duval Street, City Hall, to complete work on remaining agenda items, given the loss of quorum at the regularly scheduled meeting on June 20, 2011.


Please mark your calendars accordingly.   If you have questions, please call Legislative Services at (904) 630-1404.


Thank you.


cc:       Council Members/ECA’s                              

Cheryl Brown, Director                                             

Dana Farris, Chief, Legislative Services Division

Carol Owens, Assistant Chief of Legislative Services

            Kirk Sherman, Council Auditor                                

Janice Billy, Asst Council Auditor

            Steven Rohan, Deputy GC



Include 10 year reverter clause.


  1. 2.      All development of the 3 parcels will require approval of JEDC and City Council.



Rules minutes posted June 22 - Votes changed

ORD Declaring Surplus Parcels (RE #s 074828-0000, 074829-0000, 074830-0000,074832-0000, 074834-0000, 074836-0000, 074837-0000, 074838-0000, 074839-0000, 074840-0000, 074843-0000,074844-0000, 074846-0000, & 074859-0000; Auth Conveyance of Fee Simple Title to JTA for use in Regional Transportation Center (RTC) at No Cost in Lieu of $5 Million Cash Contribution from COJ to RTC Proj; Waive Provisions of Sec 122.424 (Appraisal Assessed Value Over $25,000), Ord Code, to allow Conveyance to JTA at No Cost; Amend 2011-2015 5-Yr CIP Apvd by Ord 2010-558-E to Delete "JRTC Bus" Proj (Dist 9 - Jones) (Hodges) (Req of Mayor)

Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 6/14/11

1. 5/24/2011 CO  Introduced: R,F,TEU

    6/6/2011 TEU Read 2nd & Rerefer;    6/6/2011 R Read 2nd & Rerefer

    6/7/2011 F Read 2nd & Rerefer

2. 6/14/2011 CO PH Read 2nd & Rereferred; R, F, TEU

Bill Summary                                                    Fact Sheet

R: Amend/Deny                                               TEU: Defer



JEDC Executive Director Ron Barton stated that the proposed land conveyance is a good deal for the City because the conveyance of $1.2 million in land will relieve the City of its current obligation of a $5 million cash contribution to the Regional Transportation Center project embodied in the City’s 5-year CIP.  That obligation has been continually deferred to future years because of tight budget conditions.  In his opinion the development prospects for the convention center area all hinge upon the successful development of the RTC.  The committee discussed reverter clauses for both the RTC parcel and the three development parcels covered by this bill and the desirability of having all development on the parcels come to the JEDC and the City Council for approval.  Council Member Crescimbeni adamantly opposed JTA being in the property development business.


AMEND/APPROVE 4-1 (Crescimbeni)



  1. 1.      Include 10 year reverter clause.
  2. 2.      All development of the 3 parcels will require approval of JEDC and City Council.





Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 23, 2011 at 8:20am
CJ, and where is the notification to the public for this special meeting of the rules committee?  They really have given the public less than 24 hours to run this boon doggle.  If the council members show up that are supposed to be there, then, they won't need brown and brown or jw, will they????
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 23, 2011 at 8:18am
Connecting Florida Transit and Florida Economy
page 12
Compact development is walkable. It encompasses residential and commercial development and can be
adapted to urban, suburban, and even rural settings. Single-family houses, townhomes, and apartments all have
a place in compact development. Compact development means neighborhoods or employment centers with
most or all of the following:
■ concentrations of population and/or employment;
■ medium to high densities appropriate to context;
■ a mix of uses;
■ interconnected streets;
■ creative approaches to parking, including ―park once‖ strategies;
■ pedestrian-, bicycle-, and transit-friendly design; and
■ access and proximity to transit.
page 14
Transit tied to land use also provides environmental
benefits. Developing around transit service will help protect urban areas from
underdevelopment and rural and environmentally sensitive areas from
overdevelopment. By reducing driving, developing around transit can also have
significant climate change benefits. Compact development patterns with transit
service can reduce carbon emissions from 20 to 40 percent in comparison to autoonly
development patterns.
page 16
Collaborative partnerships will be needed to develop plans , policies, regulations, and investment strategies that integrate high-quality transit service with compact development .
2008: 1,315,218.
County bus service, limited
intercounty transit service,
and the Skyway people–
To understand the future of transportation in the greater Jacksonville
metropolitan area, start with the natural features: the St. Johns River, the
beaches, and expansive open spaces of natural lands. With large tracts of
uninterrupted land bisected by the St. Johns River and a roadway network
defined by I-95, I-10, and I-295, development since the 1950s has spilled
out from the downtown core along the major transportation corridors.
Today, downtown Jacksonville is still the second-largest employment
center in the region, but much of the existing and new employment
inhabits suburban pockets along the interstates and major highways.
Transportation is a challenge in northeast Florida. Sustainable transportation
is an even greater challenge. The average commute time in northeast
Florida is over 25 minutes and driving continues to increase as residents
locate in areas farther and farther from employment and services. Transit
use is low, though climbing, and pedestrian safety continues to be a
significant concern.
Northeast Florida, however, recognizes the value gained by taking meaningful
steps toward building a sustainable regional transportation system, including
significant investments in transit that serves regional and local travel. One of
the region’s assets, moreover, is the Jacksonville Transportation Authority
(JTA). An independent state agency, JTA is charged with planning, building,
and operating roadways and operating transit for the Duval County area. This
forward-thinking notion of combining roadway and transit in one agency,
supported by a half-cent local-option sales tax, is helping the area make real
progress on plans for improved regional transit options.
[ N or t he a s t Fl o r i da , h o w e v e r , r e c o g ni ze s t h e v a l ue g a i n e d by ta k i n g m e a ni n g f ul s t e ps
t o w a r d b ui l di n g a s us ta i n a bl e r e gi o n a l tr a n s p o r t a ti o n s y s te m , i nc l u d i n g s i g n i fi c a n t
i n v e s t m e n t s i n t r a n s i t t ha t s e r v e s r e gi o n a l a n d l o c a l t r a v e l . O n e o f t h e r e g i o n’ s
a s s e ts , m o r e ov e r , i s t h e J a c k s o n v i l l e Tr a n s p or ta ti o n A u t h or i ty (J T A ).
30% is not exactly an overwhelming consensus, is it????
What’s the best solution to reducing traffic in north Florida?
▪ Improving mass transit: 30 percent
▪ Building new roads: 28 percent
▪ Developing communities where people don’t have to drive so much: 26 percent
Responses to the 2008 North Florida Transportation Survey, from a
representative sample of Clay, Duval, Nassau, and St. Johns County residents.
Comment by CJ on June 23, 2011 at 7:15am

Rules Comm. meeting today (Thursday) at 10 am

Jacksonville City Council President Jack Webb has named himself and two others as substitute Rules Committee members for a meeting Thursday. Don Burk/Times-Union
Don Burk/Times-Union
Jacksonville City Council President Jack Webb has named himself and two others as substitute Rules Committee members for a meeting Thursday.

Jacksonville's City Council Rules Committee will meet Thursday with three substitute members to finish an agenda that was interrupted this week when members walked out early.

Council President Jack Webb named himself, Dick Brown and Reggie Brown to fill in at the 10 a.m. meeting.

"This is being done to complete the agenda that was properly before the Rules Committee," Webb said, adding he was "concerned with the sudden loss of quorum."

That loss happened after the committee voted down a bill transferring land around the Prime Osborn Convention Center to the Jacksonville Transportation Authority. Committee chair Denise Lee, who supported the transfer, declined a motion to reconsider the vote and ignored a challenge to that decision, after which several members walked out.

Thursday's gathering means the committee could act before next week's council meeting on bills involving a downtown parking garage project and a possible 200-employee expansion by EverBank.

Webb said he wasn't concerned with getting those bills voted out, but did care about the committee taking up all the business it had scheduled.

Brown and Brown will fill in for committee members Richard Clark and Clay Yarborough, said Webb. He said President-designate Stephen Joost has a schedule conflict for the start of the meeting, so Webb will stay until Joost arrives.


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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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