Yesterday Andrew Breitbart finished his work on earth and high-fived our founding fathers in heaven.


It became a tribute day to Andrew.  Every news outlet, social media websites, tea party websites, national policy organizations, and even Congressmen on the floor of the House were talking about Andrew -- see more about this at  The Conservative Movement lost a strong, courageous and valued leader and created a hole in our hearts too.


Andrew was someone We in the Tea looked up to.  All of us wish we had the courage he had.  We wanted to find the next “undercover video” and send it to him for his approval.  We all wanted him to speak at our tea party rallies and he appeared at large conferences with us.  You always knew that if Andrew was going to be there – the place would be highly energetic.   In the past three years I’ve had the pleasure of being with Andrew at many of these events.  One thing was certain – the place was brighter with Breitbart in the room!   When he would leave, you were energized to carry on the mission and we did.


Andrew took his final walk yesterday.  He left us energized to carry on the mission.  His passing has woken us up even more than before.  We realized -- we have no time left.  We can’t be wimps and sit on the sidelines.  We can’t let petty differences get in our way.  We can’t worry what people think of us or what will happen to us. We must carry on – for our children and for Andrew’s four little ones who called him Daddy.


Andrew will always remain a hero.  Movies, books, and other monuments will be dedicated to him.  He will go down in history as a Conservative Activist who worked like tomorrow might not come and for him – no tomorrows will.  He fought the good fight and Andrew won his final reward.


Andrew lived a Big life and did Big things.  Now he’s met the Big guy in heaven and he can rest for a while.


Speaking of the Big guy -- Can you imagine God and Andrew talking about the mess in America?   I’d give anything to see that one – but alas it is not our time.   

Let your Breitbart shine and carry on.  We have BIG things to do. 




NOTE:  A dear friend at Heritage, Bridgett Wagner, wrote a wonderful message about Andrew.  I am sharing it below.  From the grassroots to large policy organizations – Andrew made his mark!


Bridgett Wagner: Andrew Breitbart had American Heart

Talk Radio host Bill Bennett has explained his own scrappy nature by pointing out he is an Irishman.  He then tells the story of the Irishman who happens upon a fight, muscles his way into the middle and asks, “Is this a private fight, or can anyone join in?”  Fighting is just part of his nature you see.

With a name like Breitbart, you wouldn’t imagine he was Irish, but he was.  Adopted by a Jewish couple, Andrew grew up in the Westwood section of Los Angeles with an adopted Hispanic sister. He said he was a “default liberal” who grew up in West L.A. listening to alternative rock. He drank more than he studied in college and graduated with fewer skills than when he went in.  His ideological conversion began when his father cut off the funding of this life style, and Andrew had to get a real job. “I believe that walking for the first time in shoes that I bought, started … my path towards conservatism,” he told us during a Heritage talk in April 2011 

Much like David Mamet, Dennis Miller, David Horowitz and other former liberals “mugged by reality”, Andrew said he was outraged by the hypocritical display of liberalism. 

Those who only saw Andrew on FoxNews may assume that he was always outraged.  After all, much of what his websites, BigGovernment, BigHollywood, BigJournalism, and BigPeace have uncovered is outrageous.

But, Andrew was also a great friend and inspiration to so many in the freedom movement – young investigative reporters, conservatives and libertarians in Hollywood, students on liberal campuses, Tea Party activists from every corner of the country, and all those who’ve decided they’re outraged too.

The first occasion I had to see Andrew in action over several days was at a Tea Party convention in Nashville in early 2010. He was already a bit of a rock star in this community and swarmed by the media who had turned out in droves to hear Sarah Palin. 

You could also find him in the middle of groups of tea partiers answering questions.  There were flag-wearing contingents who had arrived from the Midwest, couples who’d driven down from New Jersey and Pennsylvania, activists from California, Florida, and all points in between. They were all invigorated by their conversations with Andrew, and they told you about them. These were worried folks looking for answers to how we could turn our country around. 

Andrew inspired. He assured them that these were not private fights in Washington. We were all supposed to join in.

One evening he introduced the packed Nashville ballroom to his good friend – “a great American patriot and a tea party attendee” – singer Jon David who performed an original song that night.  “American Heart” brought the crowd to cheers and tears.  Hearing the stunning news about Andrew’s passing this morning, I thought about this song and how the refrain summed up Andrew’s optimistic scrappy nature so well:

I’m American made
I’ve got American parts
I’ve got American faith
In America’s Heart
Go on raise a flag
Cause I got stars in my eyes
Oh, I’m in love with her
And, I won’t apologize

You can hear the entire song at this link - along with a message from Andrew himself.  Singing in the bathtub!

Views: 414


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Comment by Tracy on March 2, 2012 at 6:48am

He will be greatly missed.

Comment by FCTP on March 2, 2012 at 6:00am
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 2, 2012 at 5:41am

His shoes can't be filled.  He was brave and unafraid no matter what; he was truth and honesty and worked endlessly towards those ideals.  He was bigger than life, but so down to earth, he seemed unaware of what a big part he played in our war to save our country.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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