from my blog at

The Drudge Report highlighted a spectacular article from Investors Business Daily over the weekend.–Approval–11–Percent/2010/07/23/id/365462 Ernest S. Christian and Garry Robbins co-authored the article in which they ask the readers, “Will Washington’s failures lead to a second revolution?” This is a very interesting and legitimate question. Never before has Congress’s approval rating been almost non-existent. Rarely does a president’s approval ratings drop as quickly as Obama’s have in his first 18 months. Rarely has there even been so much tension between Washington and the citizens. Rarely have the American people become so involved in the political debate. I am one of them. If you had asked me this time last year if I would operate my own political/news website while working a normal day job I would have thought you were crazy.

First, I will highlight a couple things that the referred article illustrates, and then I will add in some extras for discussion. This quote from the article really grabbed my attention: “There’s no end to the harm an out-of-control president can do.” We are already seeing first hand the kind of harm a president drunk with power can cause. He has fired CEO’s of private corporations. He has forced oil jobs overseas through ill-advised moratoriums. He has nationalized numerous companies and industries such as GM, Chrysler, the student loan industry, and health care. Obama has given the middle finger to standard bankruptcy procedures in order to please his union friends over the bondholders of Chrysler and GM. We can also be rest-assured that Obama will put in place one of the largest tax increases this country has ever seen beginning in 2011. Oh wait, he’s just letting Bush’s tax cuts “expire”. The result of Obama’s path of destruction is a very tense and nervous private sector economy. Nobody is hiring. Even the CEO’s on the Business Roundtable have decided they must speak out against this president and his anti-business agenda.

There is one more quote from this article to talk about:

Under Dodd-Frank, (Obama) and his agents will control all credit and financial transactions, rewarding friends and punishing opponents, discriminating on the basis of race, gender and political affiliation. Credit and liquidity may be choked by bureaucracy and politics — and the economy will suffer.”

Many liberals like to claim this sort of talk as “some conspiracy theory created by Glenn Beck”. Yet, they never explain why. However, the authors of this article are dead on. The Dodd-Frank bill is a 2,500 page nightmare for businesses. Just like in the health care bill that “we must pass in order to know what’s in it”, we are finding out more and more as the days go on just what exactly is in this monster. Just last week, we learned that the SEC is now exempt from the Freedom of Information Act. No longer will the SEC have to answer to people outside of Washington who want to know why a certain decision was made. This very same bill has given the SEC broad new powers to regulate commerce at the same time. Kind of ironic that a branch of the government is given more power and at the same time given immunity from disclosure laws wouldn’t you think? Let’s also point out the part of this bill that will force companies to hire more minorities and women. Great, that is just what we need in a weak economy. No matter if someone is actually qualified on paper to take the job, employers must now only consider one’s race or gender if the work environment is not “diverse enough” in the eyes of holy Washington. Time to breathe into the paper bag.

Gallup released some numbers last week that speak wonders about the job the Democrats are doing. Remember, Democrats have had control of Congress since the 2006 mid-term elections. This also means they have controlled the power-of-the-purse. Don’t tell that to the ignorant masses who blame our problems entirely on George Bush. While he is not exempt from blame, the Democratic controlled Congress of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid is just as responsible. But back to the numbers from Gallup: A whopping 11% of Americans claim to have confidence in Congress – the lowest number ever polled. Also, only 36% of Americans polled claim to have confidence in the presidency. This does not bode well for Democrats.

So yes, a revolution is coming. All one has to do is look at the explosion in numbers for the Tea Party movement, along with America’s utter disgust with the Democratic controlled Washington. There is never ending news about lawsuits from corruption charges against Congressional members, along with numerous counts of unpaid taxes from cabinet members of the Obama White House. The most radical and leftist agenda since FDR is being overwhelmingly rejected by American citizens. Obama, Reid, and Pelosi could care less and are still moving ahead at full steam to implement their radical agenda.

Gallup proved that Americans consider themselves to be conservative over liberal by a 2-1 majority. For the longest time, we have been like the frog in the pot of cool water. Over the years, Washington increased the heat slow enough to where we did not jump out of the pot. However, this administration started boiling the water first. The vast majority of Americans see this administration as an enemy against American values and principles. The drunken haze from his inaugaration has worn off. Now, the hungover has set in, and the American public is becoming increasingly vocal against this dangerous administration.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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