The story of a beagle that survived the gas chamber appeared on the Drudge Report.  Our family has many beagles on our “dog family tree” and our son presently has two, Minnie and Madison.  We spent Halloween with our grandchildren and our grand dogs.  One beagle was dressed up like a banana and the other had a man on a saddle sitting on her back.  As we walked the neighborhood with our granddaughters as cute little butterflies and the dogs dressed up in their garb, the girls heard words such as “oh so cute” and “precious” while the dogs heard belly laughs as people realized they were dressed up too.  We are not sure if the beagles were humiliated but the night ended well for them with puppy treats alongside our granddaughters with their bag of goodies.


We love our dogs and it saddens me whenever I see stories about animals being euthanized.  I am stunned at how many dogs go unwanted every day.  It seems that people get a puppy and when they tire of it or it isn’t cute anymore, they drop it off or let it go.  They no longer care about keeping it safe, fed or loved.


Reminds me of America.  America served its purpose and now that she is ill, some just want to rid themselves of her and start over again.   Those who are occupying Wall Street show their signs of hate towards America, capitalism and anyone with moral values.   They are hell bent on pushing America into the gas chambers along with Europe.  They want to occupy parks and streets instead of occupying the halls of Congress or outside the White House where the blame lies for America’s demise.   Rules, regulations, legislation and corruption have taken America as close to the gas chamber as you can get.   The Occupy Movement is chanting in parks blaming CEOs instead of standing up for America and working to rid Congress and the White House of corrupt politicians.


I have a feeling that America is better than all this and if pushed towards the chamber, she will fight to live.  There are many who will fight for her and stand with her against those who wish to see her demise and they can be found in the Tea Party Movement.


This weekend we will hold a Rally to the Right and a Tea are the World Concert.  Join us this Sunday, Nov 6th for this important rally where you will be moved by the concert in honor of fallen American soldiers and you will hear from experts about the attacks on America.  You can find more information at  Presidential Candidate, Rick Santorum, will also be joining us. 


America may be targeted for death by some but the Tea Party Movement has plans to keep her growing, keep her strong and keep her as the shining light upon a hill.  Protecting America is our job.   Protecting America is your job.  Will you rally with us this Sunday to protect her in 2012?


Here’s the story of Daniel the dog.  She was my inspiration today as she walked out of the death chamber wagging her tail and giving me hope for America.


And here's a picture of Madison – our grand-dog --  the Great Banana!


Views: 266


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Comment by FCTP on November 2, 2011 at 9:21pm
Comment by tamara stephenson on November 2, 2011 at 6:28pm
The First Coast Tea Party’s mission is to promote the principles of our founding fathers – individual liberty and responsibility, limited government and moral leadership.

We believe our mission statement is concise, focused and hopefully speaks to ALL Americans.

The tea party movement strives to embrace the concerns of all Americans, to focus on the issues, to inform the electorate of the activities of “our” government and to share ideas on how to restore our country to a constitutional footing intended by our founding fathers.

Those Americans who participate in the Tea Party Movement are free thinkers and individuals who want to be a part of “their” government, regain their liberties and fulfill the God given promises set forth in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

The tea party movement places no labels on anyone and is open to all who share our mission and want to have a voice in America’s future.

We are a nonprofit, grassroots group comprised of Americans of all walks of life who contribute their individual skills to the effort. Our primary tools are personal conversations, letters, rallies, visits to the offices of elected officials, telephone calls, discussion groups, educational and informational sessions, media coverage, news releases and independent Tea Party groups.

We are NOT affiliated with any political parties or interest groups.

The First Coast Tea Party founded in Jacksonville, Florida is powered by participants who volunteer sincerely in the movement.

We are patriots who believe elected officials are sworn to serve the country and their constituents transparently. They should be motivated by a desire to preserve and protect America and to uphold the principles that assure ALL Americans of thier constitutional rights, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

We are proud to be Americans and firmly believe in its youth and its future.
Comment by amanda choate on November 1, 2011 at 12:35pm
Well said Roma and Tom.
Comment by Robert Young on November 1, 2011 at 9:55am
Yes, I will proudly stand up for America and honor my oath to defend her against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I stand with the Tea Party because they believe in a Constitutional Conservative Government . I don't understand why after Ron Paul announced his plan for America, cutting deficit spending One Trillion Dollars his first year in Office, a balanced budget in his third year, abolishing five Government Departments and Agencies to reduce the size of Government and allow energy and other businesses to create more jobs, stop Foreign Aid, defund the U.N. cutting Defense Spending, mostly by spending cuts to defense contractors, eliminating some and limiting others, closing foreign bases and bringing our Troops home which will aid our economy as their pay will be spent here in America, that this did this not get more coverage and support from the Tea Party?  No Candidate is going to be perfect, but Ron Paul's plan will get our Country back on the right track of Constitutional Conservative Government and reducing the size of our Government.  If you haven't read his plan, you should. Deficit cuts of One Trillion Dollars the first year and a balanced budget in three years, not maybe ten years down the road, are things we need. He cannot do these things by himself. We, the People must get out and Vote!! Elect Ron Paul President in 2012 and give him a House and Senate controlled by Constitutional Conservatives.

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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