The Jacksonville City Council recognizes the problem with the City budget but does not have the guts to take on the unions and Mayor John Peyton certainly does not either. They will need the encouragement and support of people like us to take a stand.

It will require a "fundamental change" in the compensation/pension for city employees including police and fire, moving from a defined benefit type structure to a defined contribution, where they contribute to the majority of their retirement over a longer tenure. It will also necessarily require some belt tightening in the area of fire stations and police substations that will put some services farther away.

God forbid that they would address ideas like sharing police cars between shifts, running errands in fire trucks and sending the fire truck to the ambulance call as suggestions for saving some money.

Concerned Tax Payers of Duval County has been attending these meetings and is attempting to take the lead on these issues. An alliance with them is a good place to start and a way to stay informed.

It is going to be a toughy. You are going up against the good guys. The guys that rescue you when your house is on fire, the guys that capture the bad guys. Everyone wants to take care of these guys to repay them for their service and the risk. It is going to be a battle over fundamentals and people are going to be hurt by the changes necessary to stabilize the City budget. I am not advocating that it’s their fault, but as a matter of magnitude, they have to be part of the solution.

It is however, something we have to do or our City will sink like US Steel, Eastern Airlines, Consolidated Freightways, Social Security and Medicare or so many other companies and programs that no longer generate enough income to support their salaries and retiree pension and medical costs.

There will come a tipping point where we will not be able to provide necessary services any longer as a result if we fail to address out of control budget and tax growth now.

Views: 123


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Comment by BUDDY on April 22, 2010 at 12:24am
Can't handle the facts? Bofore we can tackle Washington, we need to fix over spending right here in our own City.. If you don't like my comments, block me!!
Comment by Jeff Burgess on April 21, 2010 at 7:32am
Hey Buddy: Get your own blog!
Comment by BUDDY on April 21, 2010 at 1:17am
Entitlements are 1% of the budget... one percent.
Americans want health insurance... the majority want a public option.. it is the insurance companies that don't (corporate created tea party).
Lefties object to tax dollars being used to kill people
Rightwingers object to tax dollars being spent to save lives

I have to make my own provision. 100 million a year and rising for pensions is insanity. The same ideology has banrupt the car companies. You can price yourself out of the market. It has been unions that have make unfair demands that have busted many companies and now maybe cities. No doubt in my mind, our City Government and our Judicial System is a joke.
Down with Payton and these City Councilmen have got to go. Reggie Brown, Michael Corrigan, Ronnie Fussell, Kevin Hyde, Warren Jones, Stephen Joost, Don Redman, Art Shad and Jack Webb.
My hat is off to the smart counselmen who voted against the homeowners tax increase.
Let’s recall Peyton.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all retire with 80% of our salary at age 55 after only workings 30 years? We could all retire at age 55 just like our Government workers do If our Federal Government would pay back the billions that they have stolen out of our Social Security for the last 40 years and giving it to people that don't pay anything into it or deserve it. Do you have any idea how many millions of jobs that would open up here in the US? Have you ever asked yourself, why doesn't our Federal Government steal out of their pensions and give it away to people that don't pay anything into it or deserve it? Even people that live in France, Germany, England, Denmark, and most other countries get to retire at age 55 with 70% of their salary. Here in the US, most of us have to work to age 67 and will retire into poverty, it's called Social Security, an average of $16,000 per year. Our Government workers have been on a hayride for the last 40 years at your expense. Jacksonville is now $52 million in dept, next year $110 million and in the year 2012, $240 million. You are going to see our property taxes, and all other Government fees double in the next few years.

How about your City Council… Did you know that council members get paid about 45K per year plus medical for a part time job and then each one of them has a full time aid that makes 55K per year...I mean com'mon! Gimme one of dem jobs..right? I think they could keep the councilmen's calanders, answer some phone calls and reply to some emails in part time hours and or for a lot less money.. they are a secretary for pete sake..I can't see it If you go to the COJ.NET website and scroll down on the home page you can download the proposed city budget which is a whopping 373 pages and details every bit of what is nearly a BILLION dollars (993.8 million to be exact). On page 7 is where it clearly states a 5% reduction in operating budgets.. Now I believe that is not including pay roll, as that isn't considered operational costs.. But I could be wrong on that.
You can start by asking the Mayor to cut half of the Journey budget for the 40 new police officers as they just recieved a federal grant for 55 new officers.
Next, you can ask the Mayor to cut some of the internal service funds that are forecast for 12 million above last year.
Next, you can ask the Mayor to cut Enterprise Funds back to what they were last year saving another 22 million...yes that is how much he wants to increase spending on the stadium, ball park and performing arts etc... In tough times it is not unreasonable to expect that we don't increase these things.
Next, why don’t you ask the Mayor to cut some of his appointed AMIO positions all of whom make from the high 40's to the mid 130's and there are like 166 of those positions for which he has expanded from 130 over the last 3 years... These are not advertised, interviewed or other proper government positions.. and they have a ton of connected people in those positions if you know what I mean... anyway these positions alone account for 11.2 million a year.
Next, you can ask the Mayor to cut about half of his $658,000 for lobbyists.
Well, as I have amply demonstrated for you there is no reason for them to hit salaries if they just cut some of the fat.. oh and there is plenty more.. like the mayors miscellaneous expenses budget.. I think that is like 30 million with no real definitive use other than as his discressionary "what if" account. You could also tell him no more trips to Paris.
A Jax lineman makes $36.00 an hour, that’s $75,000 a year “not counting overtime” and a retirement of $64,000 a year for life. The average salary in Jax is less than $40,000 a year. Even JEA’s retirement pay is $ 26,000 more than the average pay in Jax. That’s not bad pay and benefits for someone that hide’s in the woods 6 hours a day. A JEA manager told FCN that they need to hire 6 more lineman. Try to figure that one out!!

Eliminate the personal use for police, fire and other city vehicles. STOP letting firemen use those huge fire trucks to go to the grocery store or restaurant runs on the clock. Did you know that it costs $1200 for a fireman to fill in for another fireman if they call in sick or take a day off. All we need at those fire stations outside the old city limits is one lieutenant and maybe 2 or 3 certified,that’s “certified volunteers”. They will go through the same training that a regular fireman does. The top pay for a certified fireman would be $8 to $10 an hour; they can also be used to fill in when needed. Believe me, thousands will apply. Others Cities have tried this and they are very happy with the results.
No more accumulative sick leave and why are we paying for all those employees cell phones? Some City Employees retire with as much as $110,000 in accumulative sick leave.
If Peyton’s afraid of the unions than maybe its time to step down and let’s find some real men and women with the guts and backbone to run this city in the proper way.
Comment by Jeff Burgess on April 12, 2010 at 5:16pm
Valerie, I understand why they say they do it and I also understand empire building. Some of those policies were put in place before cell phones and computers. Believe me, I am not throwing stones at the job they do, I am saying we don't have that much money, what do we get for the money we have? I spent years as an internal auditor in a union environment and routinely removed millions in fat every year. I have been in the environment where you spent the rest of your budget so they don't cut it next year.

We have to address the issue. It will not be easy or fun, but it will be easier now than later. By the way, that million dollar ladder truck was at the Winn Dixie at Monument and St Johns Bluff this morning. The tallest building for miles is 35 feet.

I agree with you that the pork must go. We could not balance the budget though even if we got rid of all the pork and many essential services.

Your position is exactly why these things are so difficult. Can you imagine what will happen wehn we try to cut Social Security or means test it? Doing nothing won't help. Ask the folks in California. They no longer have money for essential services, let alone pork.
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on April 12, 2010 at 4:12pm
Oh and as for sending the fire engine to rescue calls.......they run because oftentimes the rescue is at another location and the engine can get to the rescue call more quickly. Every "firefighter" on JFRD is also a paramedic. So any of the men/women who respond can begin assisting victims. Also, oftentimes Rescue may roll up on a call where there is more than one victim. They need more than just the two people on the Rescue to handle the call. Jeff, I appreciate your passion, but maybe you should visit a station and do some research before you start passing judgement on all this. I'm sure on the surface people would have criticisms about CSX employees and policies, but that's because we not in your shoes, doing your job. It's always easy to sit back and criticize what somebody else is doing if you don't understand the "inside scoop".
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on April 12, 2010 at 4:08pm
The fire dept is not "using trucks to run errands". When you see firemen stopped at the grocery store they are usually returning from some "errand" they have already been on, like training or inspections or an actual emergency call. Keep in mind these men & women are on duty for a 24-hour stretch. They live at the station for an entire day and night. Even if they did take the fire engine to the store, what does it cost? A couple of dollars for fuel? They are being paid the same if they are at the grocery store or at the station at a call at your house. You obviously have never been around a fire dept because otherwise you would know they are worth every penny.

If you want to "sacrifice" something, let's sacrifice the pork - things like the symphony, the art walk, the museums, the day cares, the festivals, parades, fireworks and other non-essential stuff that the City pays for. There is more than a boat-load of pork to go after without EVER having to touch fire and police.

Jacksonville's fire department pays well and they get a good return on their money. As a result of their good pay and benefits, they are able to hire the "best of the best". For every opening JFRD has, they get HUNDREDS of applications from all over the country. Jacksonville's fire dept has a stellar reputation around the country. In fact other depts send people here to study our department.

As a result of having a top-notch fire department, your home & property insurances are LOWER than in other areas. Were you aware of that? One of the things that housing insurance companies look at when they are rating an area is the quality of the local fire department.

Ask the people's whose homes were saved in the woods fire in Dinsmore this weekend what the JFRD are worth. They will tell you they are worth every penny they make and more.

Same for the police dept. I am not the #1 fan of the JSO - there are some real jerks that work for them. But they are worth every penny. I sure as heck don't want their job. I'm thankful for them and appreciate what they do. They have a thankless task. The LEAST we can do is pay them a decent salary and pension.

Keep in mind again that fire & police protection are the very things that a city government should provide for its people. Just like the federal government should provide a military. "Smaller government" means going after pork - not going after essentials.

And about the retirement? That may be the way CSX does it, but that doesn't mean that's how every company does it. I work for St. Vincent's and we can retire from there after 30 years of service, regardless of our age.
Comment by Jeff Burgess on April 12, 2010 at 12:10pm
The original post referred to firefighters using trucks to run errands. The photo was an example that I saw this morning.
Comment by Jeff Burgess on April 12, 2010 at 12:06pm
Private industry, and I know because I have been there, does not retire in 20 to 30 years. For instance, CSX pays a base percentage plus 1.5% of base pay for each year of service and they are one of the most lucrative retirements around. After 40 years at CSX you can approach 80% of your pay. regardless, you can't draw the pension until you reach retirement age unless you take a reduced amount and that is still limited by age.

When I went into the military in 1971, I got $50 a month as and E2 with the promise that if I stayed for 20 years, I would be able to retire. Original Police and Fire employment was similar. You accepted less now with a promise of better retirement. Over the years, the pay got better but the retirement was never adjusted accordingly. Combined with the increased life expectancy the debt to the city is unsustainable.

To be responsible, we are going to have to address Medicare and Social Security in much the same way. We are only months behind states like New Jersey and California in heading for insolvency unless we are willing to make some hard choices. What do you think it costs in total to operate the truck in the photo with 4 men?

Remember, we are about smaller government and financial responsibility. We are going to have to address some of the sacred cows to be responsible.
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on April 12, 2010 at 11:58am
What is the purpose of the photograph?
Comment by Jeff Burgess on April 12, 2010 at 11:50am

National Debt Clock


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If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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