"We are all Catholics now" is a movement started by Glenn Beck, and the details are as follows with recommendations about actions to take (either by phone or Email to your senators and representatives).
There is a raising awareness on the persecution of Catholics, at this time, by the Obama administration, and a mandate which would force Catholic organizations to pay for birth control, the morning after pill and the like which based on the teaching of the church (from way before Obama was born certainly and back 100s of years) would be a mortal sin for Catholics. freedoms granted by the Constitution. Today he is going a step beyond raising awareness by providing action steps for what you can do. Trying to force Catholics to do this also runs counter to the first amendment of the constitution which says:
"The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.
Originally, the First Amendment applied only to laws enacted by the Congress. However, starting with Gitlow v. New York, the Supreme Court has applied the First Amendment to each state. This was done through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court has also recognized a series of exceptions to provisions protecting the freedom of speech."
At any rate, Glenn's "”We are all Catholics now” movement focused on organizing people to contact their Senators and ask them to vote for a Conscience Protection measure is planned to appear as an amendment to the Highway Transportation bill. The amendment is being offered by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO).
While it’s unknown exactly when the vote will occur, the plan is for it to happen this week.
So what can you do? Organize and follow the instructions below:
Here are his directions for getting involved and making an impact:
Call the Capitol and speak with your Senator. The numbers are: 202.224.3121; 202.225.3121; the toll free numbers for the Capitol Switchboard include: 1-866-220-0044 1-877-851-6437, 1-800-833-6354, 1-888-355-3588, 1-866-808-0065, 1-877-762-8762, 1-800-862-5530.
Call the switchboard, ask to be connected to a Senator from your specific state (it will take two calls, one for each Senator).
Whoever answers:
1. Tell them that you want to tell the Senator to vote for the Blunt conscience protection amendment.
2. Ask them if they know how the Senator will vote on that amendment
3. Tell them you want to be contacted back about how he voted (be sure to ask for accountability — they hate it, but it makes them call you back).
4. When you call, be sure to tell them “We are all Catholics now”. This key phrase will let them know you are part of a larger, organized movement working in support of religious freedom.You can also take this opportunity to talk to your U. S. Representatives. Use the same switchboard number, and ask for your U. S. Congressman by name. Follow the same steps, but this time asking your Congressman to SIGN ONTO the Fortenberry Conscience Protection bill. Jeff Fortenberry (NE) is working on companion legislation in the House.
If you don’t know your U. S. Congressman, you can go to https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml, enter their zip code, and your Representative will come up by name. You can then call and make the request, or you can simply email your representative after you enter your zip code.
Also, if you want to email your Senators, the contact page is http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm.
Don’t try to contact Senators or Reps that are not yours; it won’t work, and they won’t listen.
Info from the following links plus some of it is in my own words based on what I have read about this:
Amanda, someone apparently went out in the area around Georgetown University (tuition to this school is 41,000 and room and board is 13,000 and then, we have books and other requirements on top of that which pales the 3,000 the young lady spoke about before congress), and what they found was that there are several places in close proximity to the school that offer totally free contraceptives which would eliminate the $3,000 expense for the 4 years this young lady was complaining about and wanting the catholic church to pay for against their beliefs. So, this is not about contraceptives, this is about violating someone's religious freedom.
John, quite seriously, so do I. We should not be forced to buy anything period, but most especially something we have religious objections to (I know that isn't what you said, so please don't correct me, because I do agree with you but I would expand what you have said personally).
I don't think the federal government should be doing even half of what they are trying to do and that goes back to before this president, but almost everything this president has done really falls upon the states to nullify!
Your examples are not good ones Amanda (and I mean it in a kind way). First of all, we have a constitution which anyone who comes here knows is the law of the land, and the last time I checked, DOMA was still the law (no matter what Obama has done; he does not have power to impose or write enforceable law; only congress can do that), the bit about Kosher food won't fly, because Jewish people do eat Kosher food and have their own suppliers and some food suppliers decide on their own to process and and have thier foods certified as Kosher (I don't remember hearing the Jewish people were trying to or ever have tried to force thier food requirements on anyone else unlike Muslims who would in a Chicago heartbeat along with everything else). We don't allow our children to be mutilated against their own free will, but somehow, I have a hard time putting that up against forcing Catholics to pay for birth control, day after abortion pills and the like which is a mortal sin for them...........I am thinking about by degree and significance. One is a human rights issue and the other basically not one and certainly birth control is readily available in many places and therefore does not require forcing someone to commit a mortal sin for them specifically to provide it. You have to be very careful what you use for examples as clearly some of the examples you are using do not really violate the first amendment and forcing Catholics to pay for and provide the birth control clearly does violate the first amendment and there is no argument you can make that will make it otherwise. It is what it is. The Catholics have had these tenets since WAY before this country was founded and the first amendment does clearly say "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof............" In the case of the Jewish people, we don't, in the case of the Muslims (who are totally exempt from the health care law because it violates their religion to buy insurance....hmmm isn't that pretty similiar but they got exempted), and as far as the things you are talking about for Mormons and the mutilation, do you really believe it doesn't happen? I have heard Muslims do it anyway or take their young girls over to the middle east and have it done. In the case of the Muslims, about the only country that has them classified as what they are is Italy who does not give them any religious wavers or consideration; they classify them as a political group with religious elements which is what they are, but we have a president who was raised as a Muslim (and is still one in his heart), so they will be allowed what others are not allowed (and that has to do with this president who believes as they do because he was raised in their mosques).
Catholics are not being persecuted. They receive over 300 million a year in donations that are received tax free. If that is persecution, I want some of it. And for the very same reasons that Sharia does not usurp US law Catholic rules do not usurp US laws. We do not allow female circumcision in this country, a Muslim ritual, we do not allow polygomy, a Mormon ritual, we do not require all food be kosher, Jewish. So there are many times when religions are required to modify their rules to enjoy the many other freedoms provided by this country. Plus they hire individuals who they know may not share their beliefs and to require them to follow tenets of the Catholic church would soon relegate the care or education they provide second class.
Our country places the individual ahead of the institution. And I support that.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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