Are FCTP Members Concerned About Accuracy?

Dear FCTP members,

As an American, I believe in the freedom of speech; we can agree or disagree and often it will be the latter.  However, censorship is suspect.  Censorship by a blogger on FCTP doesn't surprise me, however, on 25 July 2012, a post appeared on the FCTP site entitled: "Every American To Be Microchipped In 2013 Per Obamacare (Patriot Update)".  I posted a response questioning the accuracy of the data presented and it was deleted by the blogger.  Yes, I recognize it was the person's right to administrate his blog, but of what was he so afraid?  

My response, to the data provided in the above mentioned blog, was as follows:  I decided to do some research to discern the validity  of the statement.   Since it stated this would occur "Per Obamacare in 2013"  I first sought out certified documents of the Affordable Healthcare Act (HR 3962) and those documents which were instructive of the FDA's regulations on implantable medical devices.  The link provided in the original post for documentation was indicated as: ObamanableCare PDF, which by the description should be a red-flag to all readers as being a bit, shall we say, non-official?   In addition, the video provided in the blog showed documents from the FDA (blurry, but still legible if freeze-framed) so I thought this would be important to validate as well.  

My research led me to the following sites: (Library of Congress)

The next step was a text search of the passed bill for the passages quoted by Paul McGuire, the original author.  The text as quoted could NOT be electronically found in the content of these bills and websites.  I question, therefore, is the statement "Every American to Be Microchipped in 2013 Per Obamacare" accurate? Could the text be buried within the bill?  Possible, but it is not found in an electronic search...  If someone can provide proof I would welcome the opportunity to read the documents. 

The FDA regulates implantable medical devices.  Many of us have such a device, all of which have an identifying number documented in our medical records. That is not news.  It has been done since long before President Obama came on the political scene. (Food & Drug Admin.)


My original post to the above blog was deleted several times, and then the text was manipulated and reinserted upside down in a pathetic attempt to discredit my post.  Sophmoric? Censorship? You decide.

I have now been called "Leftie Lizzie"  by several, to include following, "Lizzie Leftie's  insistence on hijacking this thread has got my curiosity about what she must be so afraid of being told.  If the establishment and  Lizzie Leftie don't like it, it is probably true."    Perhaps, I like accuracy in documentation and concerned the post may NOT be true... I am more "afraid" of individuals with a desire to post items which are geared more to incite than to be insightful, false rather than true.  Perhaps I don't believe everything found on the Internet, and hope others would question and research?  

There are members (less than 10 out of 7300+) who regularly post comments, personal in nature about several members, which is their right, yes indeed, thanks to the freedom of speech! Yet they cry foul if someone thinks the non-stop dialogue on guns (who do they plan on shooting?), and campaigning sounds a tad extreme..  IMHO, they seek to silence any who disagree.   

Information regarding Paul McGuire, (the original author from what is able to be tracked on the Internet of the "Microchip" blog, and the source is included), is as follows and I must wonder, is he simply attempting to sell his book?  Kudos for capitalism, shame for untruths? 

" At fifteen years old, Paul was demonstrating with radical activist Abbie Hoffman and made an honorary member of the Black Panther Party. However, while studying “Altered States of Consciousness” at the University of Missouri, Paul had a miraculous experience hitchhiking in a remote area similar to the movie “Field of Dreams.” Paul re-thought his socialist and humanist world view and rejected it as completely false. Paul has devoted his life to communicating truth to people."       (Link: )

The FCTP website is a strong tool to inform and engage in discussion.  However, if items posted are false, or at least suspect, how does it impact the content of this website and its' goals for the future.  

Was the original post accurate? Is that important to the FCTP organization?

FYI.. "Leftie Lizzie" is a registered Independent, private sector business owner and not a "leftie", "liberal" or any of the other charming adjectives the members here have used...  

P.S.  ... since my original deleted post, articles have appeared on the Internet questioning the 'breaking news' story of the original post.. SO, I guess I am not the only one who doubted...



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Comment by Lizzie on July 30, 2012 at 9:05pm

Leanne, I would like to thank you for making an excellent point, one long overdue.  During the next 99 days there will be new members joining the TP.  Will they stay or will they read the blog posts and ugly comments  and decide to leave?  Leanne, I think your hope is they will stay, but unfortunately some will be driven away. 

The question remains... will the information new members find posted here be accurate? 

I also would suggest if one  decides to create a blog post which is containing something they think is inaccurate, they should STATE that fact... at the start of the post, use a basic disclaimer statement such as "not sure if this is true/accurate"...  To simply copy and paste a story off the web and create a blog post gives the impression the FCTP is endorsing the validity of the post... 

Leanne, you do a great job in spite of some things which happen here... keep up the good work.


Comment by amanda choate on July 30, 2012 at 7:39pm
Ken that is the very problem that Libertarians face. Do you have no laws or do you have laws gauranteeing freedom. Tough choice.
Comment by Leanne King on July 30, 2012 at 6:58pm

Do me a favor please, stop the attacks.  Most of the time they have nothing to do with the blogs that are posted. They reflect poorly on the individual and on the Tea Party. If you want to argue then take it off line. Stick to the facts of the blog, share opinions, read and learn. But, stop the personal attacks and the cruel remarks. We have lots of new people who  join the Tea Party everyday they are welcomed and told to surf the site. They come here and see this? Really?  Tea Party members are better than this..Be a Patriot, be a Warrior, put your energy with the things that will make a difference this election year. 99 days left. Too much to do to be doing this....I will say please one last time.


Comment by amanda choate on July 30, 2012 at 6:38pm

You don't know who I support. Gary Johnson, his opinions and mine dovetail pretty close.

Let's Talk About The Issues

Civil Liberties

Civil liberties are so foundational to America that the first eight amendments to the Constitution address them directly. These amendments enshrine government’s duty to protect individual liberties, including the rights to free speech and free association.

But today, government has created for itself sweeping powers to monitor the private lives of individuals and otherwise intrude upon our daily activities, our households and our businesses. The extent of the government’s reach today would be unrecognizable to the Founders.

Much of the recent erosion in civil liberties has occurred in the name of national security. But we can – and must -- combat threats to our safety while adhering to due process and the rule of law.


End the assault on privacy

THE FREEDOMS ON WHICH AMERICA WAS FOUNDED are now under attack from the very people charged with protecting and upholding them.

  • The PATRIOT Act should be repealed, which would restore proper judicial oversight to federal investigations and again require federal investigators to prove probable cause prior to executing a search.
  • Habeas corpus should be respected entirely, requiring the government to either charge incarcerated individuals with a crime or release them.
  • The TSA should take a risk-based approach to airport security. Only high-risk individuals should be subjected to invasive pat-downs and full-body scans.
  • The TSA should not have a monopoly on airport security. Airports and airlines should be encouraged to seek the most effective methods for screening travelers, including private sector screeners. Screeners outside of government can be held fully accountable for their successes and failures.


Government must be neutral on personal beliefs

WE ARE A NATION OF MANY PEOPLES and beliefs. The only way to respect all citizens is to allow each to make personal decisions themselves.

  • Life is precious and must be protected. A woman should be allowed to make her own decisions during pregnancy until the point of viability of a fetus.
  • Stem cell research should only be completed by private laboratories that operate without federal funding.
  • Government should not impose its values upon marriage. It should allow marriage equality, including gay marriage. It should also protect the rights of religious organizations to follow their belief.

..and if I were an Obama supporter, so what. Or a democrat or liberal? The tea party was formed because the bailout of the banks was so atrocious. We gave billions to them with no strings attached. Bush gave billions to atuo industry with no strings attached. Does that mean that Republicans are the problem. John Boehner cried on the floor of the House to get TARP passed. McConnell voted for it . Palin said she was for it. Cantor voted for it. So who was against it? Who was willing to hold banks accountable? Who John? No one. And now all the banks are for Romney because he has promised them carte blanche, do whatever works for you. I am against whoever the banks are for and that includes Obama. Koch Brothers, sorry, I am against whoever they are for. The military industrial complex, I am against who ever  they are for. These guys have turned working men and women against each other while they take everything from us, while we support their efforts.

I am not a socialist or communist, I am a populist. Heck, I am just like that drunken sleaze John Morgan, for the people, so go ahead and call me whatever names fit.

But everyday, until the day I die, I am siding for the working man and ALL the members of his family, so help me God. So let me have it.

Comment by amanda choate on July 30, 2012 at 5:55pm

Roma, my posts that have deleted have not been abusive or untrue but rather document untruths put forward by others, namely "John". When John lacks the ability to carry the day via the facts, he chooses obfuscation. And yes, that does try my patience. Because, I too consider myself a conservative. Not the kind of conservative that beleives the govenment should get involved in my uterus or my bedroom, but a conservative nonetheless. And I don't believe in "no" government, but I believe in useful government that places the interests of the individual first. Powerful interests will be able to own enough congressmen that they do not need my help to protect their interests. Nor will I quietly go along as others, AFP in particular, attempt to subsume the Tea Party to meet their own goals.

Robert Penn Warren wrote in All the Kings Men this line, " nobody ever helped a hick but a hick hisself!" This ethos was put forth by Willie Stark, a small time counry pol who becomes governor of Louisiana. Well the only people I have cared about helping were hicks like myself. Small potatoes.

And I have no interest in helping in politician that forgets it is the littlest of people that matter. The Kochs and Goldmann-Sachs seem to be doing all right without my help. And good for them. When some hard working family loses everything because of one illness, people who have done the right thing at turn, but one illness ruins them for lifetime. Why can't we be for that guy? Why can't we be for the gay person who is kicked off a campaign because he is gay? Why can't we be for the innocents who were slaughtered in a movie theatre because of an indifference to the outcomes of who get an assault weapon? Why can't we be for the teacher, cop fire-fighter, paramedic, city worker or any worker in this country? What would happen if those guys got the breaks for a change? How did these people get demonized?? They are, for the most part, decent, hard-working, family oriented folks, just like most of us struggling to get by. Why isn't the tea party for them? Wouldn't the Tea Party be stronger with them?

When I see who we have chosen as our enemies I am confused. When I hear that we are against Dodd-Frank and Glass-Steagal, it makes me wonder, why are we for the banksters? What have they doen to get our support. They have lied to us as clients, created credit default swaps that bet against our economy, stolen billions from us in the form of government backed mortgages, lied about the prevailing interest rates, bankrolled drug cartels, begged us for money to save them and then complain that we want to over-regulate their asses, all the while they create systems so dense that no government accountant could ever decypher them.

So omit my posts, that is cool. But imagine the coalition that could have been created. Instead we have birthers, deniers, and others that limit progress with their diversions. Focus on the prize.

Better more accountable govenrment. Government that will give you the bad news with the good.

Politicians that are in it to make long term solutions, that will maybe benefit someone who isn't even born yet. Kind of like what we have done our whole history. we were always more concerned about the next generation. Not anymore. We are the Greediest Generation.

Comment by Lizzie on July 30, 2012 at 5:11pm

Roma, my comment/response to the post WAS deleted, was not abusive, and it was deleted several times by the author long before your response appeared. By the time you posted, the 'web' bloggers had started to debunk the report... you were a little late.. But I am pleased you cared enough to check it out. The member who posted the original blog, obviously knew he had been outed on this article by that point...

Unlike yourself, I do not create "nicknames" for TP members; and my comment regarding "extreme" was in the context that I try to defend the TP to others, but find some have views which appear outside of some comfort zones; and I do not attack but I will question, and I do not agree with all the viewpoints here. Freedom?

The original post was INACCURATE, I was pointing it out, and the inaccuracy was ignored, post taken at face value. Roma, shouldn't members of the TP question the authenticity of links and posts, want to know who the original author is (too much is not credited back to the author) and if the data presented is true? Language should be presented to be insightful, not to incite.

I repeat the point of this post. Is accuracy important to this website? I believe you are too intelligent to willing accept links and "reports" that are false. But we all will have to decide.

Comment by Leanne King on July 30, 2012 at 4:16pm

 was reading thiscarefully and needed time. Interesting as I got some info on this today. Have not read it yet.

National Debt Clock


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Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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