A Breaking News Press Release from Senator Marco Rubio



Wednesday, July 13, 2011                                      Contact: Alex Burgos (202) 224-3041




"If they don’t get their Social Security checks, it’s because the President’s decided to do that, because we still have revenue coming in. ... I think people are going to be shocked to learn the real truth about what the government’s done with their Social Security money."


Sen. Marco Rubio


“The Hugh Hewitt Show”

July 12, 2011



Sen. Rubio: People Are Going to Be Shocked to Learn the Real Truth About What the Government’s Done With Their Social Security Money


Hugh Hewitt: “Senator Rubio, you represent a lot of senior citizens in Florida. The country knows that. I think it’s despicable to scare them this way. What’s your reaction to the President’s threat to hold their Social Security checks hostage?”


Sen. Rubio: “Well, if they don’t get their Social Security checks, it’s because the President’s decided to do that, because we still have revenue coming in. Here’s the other thing I would say. If in fact the President holds up their checks for Social Security, and Medicare, and whatever else he wants to hold up to make his point, isn’t he admitting that all these programs are funded by deficit spending? Isn’t he admitting that all these programs are dependent upon borrowed money?


“And I think the folks who are on Social Security, people like my mom, would be shocked to learn the truth that the money that they’re receiving in Social Security isn’t the money they worked hard for all these years to put away, the government was going to give back to them in their retirement. The government spent all that money already. They spent it long ago on other things. This is borrowed money. This is money that we’re borrowing from our children and our grandchildren. And I think people are going to, if that happens, I think people are going to be shocked to learn the real truth about what the government’s done with their Social Security money.”



Sen. Rubio: This Issue of the Debt Limit Didn’t Sneak Up On Us


Hugh Hewitt: “Do you think the negotiations that he had lured Republicans into over the last couple of weeks have been in bad faith?”


Sen. Rubio: “Well, I wasn’t in those negotiations, so I’d hate to characterize something I wasn’t a part of. Let me say that he was late to the game.


“First of all, the President, this is not a new issue, okay? This issue of the debt limit didn’t sneak up on us. This has been around for a while. We knew this was coming. And then the President’s done nothing on it. He gave a state of the union speech this year, never mentioned any plans about how to address this. He offered a budget before Congress, and the budget was so bad, I mean, it actually increased the debt. His budget was so bad, so unrealistic, that when we put it to a vote here in the Senate, not even a single Democrat voted for it. That’s how bad it was. It didn’t get a single vote.


“So he’s had multiple opportunities to deal with this, and he’s kind of punted and moved the ball along, and focused on other things. And now, with three weeks to go, two weeks to go, all of a sudden, he wants to ride in and act like he’s leading. Well, he’s not leading. In fact, what he’s doing is he’s trying to position this as a political issue, so he can claim victory for his 2012 election. But the reality of it is that people know better, they’re going to realize it, we’re going to continue to talk about it.”



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Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on July 23, 2011 at 9:39am
Mr. Deardorff, this material might be helpful, signed into law by Bill Clinton, 1999.  This opened the floodgates for Fanny Mae & Freddy Mac.  Provided Barney Frank-farther with all the "free" capital needed by the freeloaders and moochers, and other union groups.  The baby boomers financed "generation X" to breed themselves into the majority; they were "entitled" because they were.  We would be a different country today if we had armed ourselves with the truth provided by common sense rather than succumb to the socialistic Empire of George Soros and Jesse Jackson.
Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on July 23, 2011 at 8:29am

Mr. Deardorff, I wholeheartedly, substantially, endorse the points put forth.  I will give you an example of how this government, Demorat & RINO, hate this idea.  I have a bud that flew 294 combat missions in 'Nam in '68.  Warrant Officer .  He worked as a paralegal for an outfit that produced a "note" backed buy gold or silver, followed, filed all the government papers to comply with Federal Reserve Law, (there shall be no central bank), was tried in the prettyman court, Wash. D.C., (the same court where Erik Holder failed to prosecute me) and was found guilty of conspiracy by our "free" government.  There were no victims, real victims.  No laws were broken; yet he (an employee only) was sentence to 17 years.  If you own gold.silver, hide it from the government.  Today, this government is your enemy.  None of the warnings of Adams, Franklin or Jefferson were heeded.  You get the leaders you deserve...

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 23, 2011 at 8:21am

Actually, what amazes me about Obama is his solution is cut social security, cut defense department, and the latest and probably one of the worst is to disallow medical care to those needing it selectively, so he is willing to allow people to suffer who need medical care to continue his food stamps program as that is far more important to him than the elderly, the sick and the ability for the country to protect itself. 


Moody's has now given the specifics of saving our credit rating, and as they have said now raising the debt limit or not raising it will not matter, unless they see, at the least, 4 trillion in cuts, they will lower or credit rating.  So, the ball is now in the Obama court and frees the republicans from the responsibility of the credit rating.  He either cuts spending by 4 trillion plus or we are as they say screwed.  He can do as Moodys says or he can not only enjoy star billing as the worst president in history (out ranking Carter).  He can also enjoy star power for being the first president in our country's history to destroy our credit rating.  What a guy!

Comment by Robert G. Deardorff on July 23, 2011 at 7:50am

RETURN TO GOLD & SILVER STANDARD. Follow the money where we will find the problem. Everything we are facing today is result of something. Financial ruin started in Germany under the Weimer Republic. The same as in the United States today; the German Marc went to zero, where it totally failed in to buy anything (1921-1923). I know we are talking about Social Security and Medicare. The programs Social Securty and Medicare are directly deprived of the necessary support due to monetary manipulation. The only and best way to start our country all over again is with monetary reform. Let’s start with returning to gold and silver backing the U.S. Dollar. The problems we face today with Social Security and Medicare are strictly due to inflation as a result of having a currency that can be manipulated, by simply printing more and more. Gold & Silver, returning to
it will STOP all spending other than for war and expenses in which we have no money. So once again we talk and discuss the problems not the solution to the problems.

Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on July 23, 2011 at 7:31am
An interesting event is unfolding due to the efforts of Tea Party Members.  A.M.A.C, the antithesis and bane of the George Soros controlled A.A.R.P., is gaining rapidly as Tea Partiers switch.  It is our source of advantages with benefits going to a conservative based Senior Advantage Program.  Tea Partiers will have an alternative that is not the pseudo/defacto branch of the Mafia controlled A.F.L.- C.I.O.
Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on July 22, 2011 at 11:54pm
Imagine the luxury a private C.E.O., C.O.O., etc., could spend the yearly budget in four months, then tell the B.O.D., they'll have to borrow more or file for bankruptcy.  I don't know factually who the first Prez was to do it, but I do remember when the last Prez wanted it, Harry-Carry Reid and Hussein both ranted vehemently against it.  So, the turkey came home to roost...Hussein expedited the matter with Whackey-Bernacke's Q.E.1 & Q.E.2, and as soon as the debt ceiling is raised, along comes Q.E.3.
Comment by robert c tipton on July 22, 2011 at 8:24pm


Is it possible that the fake debt ceiling crisis was  created over the past several years by B O 

to give him an opportunity to declare an emergency. Would he then declare that such an emergency 

leaves him no choice but to assume extraordinary powers. Such power would enable him to bypass


the constitution --congress-and of course the dumb ass american citizens--and direct the Secretary of Treasury to continue expenditures beyond the debt ceiling. The Treasury Secty  reports only to the

 president and takes his instructions from only him. Such a move would of course create a constitutional battle and unacceptable chaos.That would be B Os opening to assume more unconstitutional powers--which has been this arrogant demons long range plan from the beginning. I have no idea if this is correct but tell me--given his history and his associates--is it possible??

Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on July 22, 2011 at 7:56pm
Oh, and for the amanda followers, I did file for bankruptcy because of IRS interference.  I am still a declared enemy of the IRS, that its only function is KGB (SECRET POLICE) type exercises.  What did the GOVERNMENT do before the 16th. amendment?  There was a time that there was no "personal income tax".  Does anyone know about the history of the "Victory Tax" during World War Two?  If american citizens enjoy this needless tax (while Hussein's good-buddy G.E. pays no tax), I would appreciate people considering a "fair tax" with NO exemptions or exceptions.
Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on July 22, 2011 at 7:45pm
Actually, Tea Partiers need to stay on track of the founding, core principles that drive them.  Avoid the distractors that try and divert the attention from cutting federal spending without stealing from the working people the few "loop holes" they have left, such as mortgage interest deductions.  In every democratic and RINO senators plan wants to cancel this last bastion of private home-ownership.  Not one executive or RINO has indicated they would not lay-off one federal employee before reducing social security benefit and they've (executive branch) stolen 500 billion from medicare already.  I encourage that the elimination of the mortgage interest off our taxable income should inspire every mortgage holder to quit paying.  Nationwide, this would have an affect that would crush wall street investment bankers and collapse that thieving branch of Hussein's promoters.
Comment by Theresa Pletcher on July 22, 2011 at 6:26pm
Amanda why don't you sell your computer and take a trip to DC and worship your dumbocraps...since you have no clue what is going on here and your posts are a waste or your time and ours!

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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