Wednesday, July 13, 2011 Contact: Alex Burgos (202) 224-3041
"If they don’t get their Social Security checks, it’s because the President’s decided to do that, because we still have revenue coming in. ... I think people are going to be shocked to learn the real truth about what the government’s done with their Social Security money."
Sen. Marco Rubio
“The Hugh Hewitt Show”
July 12, 2011
Sen. Rubio: People Are Going to Be Shocked to Learn the Real Truth About What the Government’s Done With Their Social Security Money
Hugh Hewitt: “Senator Rubio, you represent a lot of senior citizens in Florida. The country knows that. I think it’s despicable to scare them this way. What’s your reaction to the President’s threat to hold their Social Security checks hostage?”
Sen. Rubio: “Well, if they don’t get their Social Security checks, it’s because the President’s decided to do that, because we still have revenue coming in. Here’s the other thing I would say. If in fact the President holds up their checks for Social Security, and Medicare, and whatever else he wants to hold up to make his point, isn’t he admitting that all these programs are funded by deficit spending? Isn’t he admitting that all these programs are dependent upon borrowed money?
“And I think the folks who are on Social Security, people like my mom, would be shocked to learn the truth that the money that they’re receiving in Social Security isn’t the money they worked hard for all these years to put away, the government was going to give back to them in their retirement. The government spent all that money already. They spent it long ago on other things. This is borrowed money. This is money that we’re borrowing from our children and our grandchildren. And I think people are going to, if that happens, I think people are going to be shocked to learn the real truth about what the government’s done with their Social Security money.”
Sen. Rubio: This Issue of the Debt Limit Didn’t Sneak Up On Us
Hugh Hewitt: “Do you think the negotiations that he had lured Republicans into over the last couple of weeks have been in bad faith?”
Sen. Rubio: “Well, I wasn’t in those negotiations, so I’d hate to characterize something I wasn’t a part of. Let me say that he was late to the game.
“First of all, the President, this is not a new issue, okay? This issue of the debt limit didn’t sneak up on us. This has been around for a while. We knew this was coming. And then the President’s done nothing on it. He gave a state of the union speech this year, never mentioned any plans about how to address this. He offered a budget before Congress, and the budget was so bad, I mean, it actually increased the debt. His budget was so bad, so unrealistic, that when we put it to a vote here in the Senate, not even a single Democrat voted for it. That’s how bad it was. It didn’t get a single vote.
“So he’s had multiple opportunities to deal with this, and he’s kind of punted and moved the ball along, and focused on other things. And now, with three weeks to go, two weeks to go, all of a sudden, he wants to ride in and act like he’s leading. Well, he’s not leading. In fact, what he’s doing is he’s trying to position this as a political issue, so he can claim victory for his 2012 election. But the reality of it is that people know better, they’re going to realize it, we’re going to continue to talk about it.”
While it's commendable that Nelson offered legislation to protect Florida Seniors, all he is doing is trying to save his political arse! I'm wondering if obama may take him to the wood shed--worse yet, obama may send Sherrif Joe instead!
The budget could be balanced in 15 minutes if we rid ourselves of social security and medicare, boom we are solvent.
Help me understand Social Security Insurance--In 1935 when S S was sold to the folks it was simple-- Each person would pay a monthly premium into a S S LOCK BOX which meant it was to be kept there until each participant was eligible to collect--along the way the treasury at the behest of congress gave the S S lock box an I O U and borrowed the cash-- Then they gave it to congress who spent it on whatever--the point is its all gone--the only thing left are the notes from the U S treasury which not only has no money it is 14 trillion in debt therefore the note is worthless and can only be paid by current premiums coming in to S S or BORROW some more. If you go back to my beginning remember this program--which was not voluntarily but was illegally forced upon us--
was a form of insurance--All insurance be it life health causality liability ANY insurance is programmed for -certain coverage -certain term to determine a certain premium by actuaries -The basic premise being any payout of benefits has no correlation with other policy holders premiums but in fact the premium collected combined with investment income over the term of the coverage for each individual less expenses will pay every nickle of projected payout.If the S S scheme has been honestly run there is no way the fund can run out of money. Any borrowing by the Govt. to fund S S payments can only be a result of the Treasury being unable to pay off the I O Us .If current S S payments have to be paid in full or in part by current premiums received then this describes a PONZI scheme to the T. Isn't that what Maddoff is in jail for? Move over Bernie you may soon have some new cellmates when Americans take over the senate the presidency and keep control of the house.
First, long term solution is change the monetary policy of the United States by placing into circulation the New US Dollar backed by GOLD & SILVER. Second, incorporate the Federal Reserve Federal Charger into the US Government, specifically inside the Department of Treasury. Third-monetize all US Debt public first over a period of one-hundred years, just like Lincoln and Chase did with the financing of the Civil War using the Greenback Dollar. To help pay for the bills let's STOP FOREIGN AID except to Israel, and STOP the WARS and bring our men and women home. Use the money saved from our foreign involvement for the people of the United States of America
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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