It’s 4:00 AM and after tossing and turning since 3:15, I finally could not take it anymore.  I quietly got out of bed and closed the door to the bedroom so my husband could sleep.  My head had been filled with headlines and they were beginning to run into each other creating confusion and chaos.  Much like what is happening in our world today.


The biggest headline of the last few days has been about a dirty old man in Congress who thinks it is okay to be a dirty old man in Congress.  As he gave his press conference about this matter, I felt as if I was watching a rerun of President Clinton when he looked in the camera one evening years ago and proclaimed to the world, “I did not have sex with that woman.”   


We knew he was lying but we had to endure his arrogance about his perversion in the Oval office.   And the irony of this week’s headline is:  President Clinton officiated the marriage ceremony of the dirty old man to a now humiliated pregnant wife a few months ago.   Mr. Weiner learned a lot from President Clinton and it wasn’t all about Democratic strategy.


There is a lot of laughter about this headline along with a lot of off-color jokes.  We laugh at them because with a name like Weiner and his photos to match, you just can’t help yourself.  Reality is…this is not a laughing matter and…


They’re cheating on US


This illicit behavior by our “leaders” is becoming an everyday headline.  The big tough guy, Arnold, disappointed us when he admitted his 10 year lie to his wife, his family and to his followers.  This was a “doozie of a lie” and included the words “Surprise, I had an affair and I’m the father of a 10 year old son.”   After admitting such a head-spinning story, he proceeded to move out in the public arena planning his next movie as if that was okay and no big deal about the lie.  A small black-lash happened and he has gone radio silent for a while.  Don’t worry, however, “he’ll be back” and…


They’re cheating on US


Then we have Mr. Edwards.  The slick ambulance chasing attorney from North Carolina who ran for President was indicted this week for using campaign money to hide his affair and love child from his now deceased wife.  Mrs. Edwards battled breast cancer and treatments which kept her hugging a toilet from the side effects.  All the while her ambulance chasing husband was chasing a campaign worker and meeting up with her in hotel rooms to take the “pressure” off a tough campaign.  Poor Mr. Edwards – his wife hugs a toilet while he hugs a mistress.  And to top it off, Mrs. Edwards finds out about a love child from this meet up and has to endure rejection and humiliation while battling the cancer that finally took her life.  The good news here – Mrs. Edwards told Mr. Edwards “I’m done” and left him.  She finally was able to find some peace in her life before she died and…


They’re cheating on US


We haven’t heard of any illicit sexual encounters with President Obama yet but he’s playing games too.  His golf game is getting pretty good.  His trips abroad with his entourage of 500 people or more reflect more of a rock star than a President.  He’s toasting world leaders and drinking champagne while eating roast duck.  And back home the American people are counting coins to purchase gas and pay their light bills.  Unemployment is rising and Mr. President “poo-poos” our concerns and tells us to hold on – “he’ll be right back to fix this after he takes another trip abroad or gets in another 18 holes ” and…


They’re cheating on US


All these headlines of today took me back to history classes of long ago.  I kept thinking of Nero and the great fire that consumed Rome and destroyed most of it.  The headline could easily have read:  “For six days and seven nights, citizens watch helplessly as Rome burns.” 


Rumor had it that the great fire was set by Nero and his men so it could be rebuilt to his liking.  Nero instead blamed the Christians.  He persecuted, tortured and executed them in the city square.  The citizens did not buy into this belief and continued to blame Nero for the fire. 


How ironic that “Nero” is here again.  Our headlines and theirs are similar.  Ultimately, the great fire helped bring Nero down.  Roman citizens became discontented with his reign, his army threatened mutiny and he was declared a public enemy by the Senate. 


The American people are also discontented with the reign of immoral, corrupt and dirty old men politicans.  Citizens have grown weary of the persecution of others and want our leaders to take responsibility for their actions instead of using the “blame-game.”   


Two thousand years later, people are still hungry for moral leaders who love the people and are there to serve them instead of their own voracious appetites of greed, lust and power.


It’s now 4:45 AM and I am sure sleep will not come until we clean house in DC or anywhere else government officials are playing games and snapping pictures of their “wieners” instead of doing their job.   


They need to stop fiddling around.  America is burning and Americans are burning mad!


We have a message for those who want to be our leaders.  We’re on to you and your immoral compass has been exposed.  We’re sick to death of this stuff.  We’ve had enough.  We’ve been scorned and your cheating on the American citizens is going to tell on you at the polls.  We hope you lose sleep over this declaration – ‘cause we’ve been losing sleep under your "leadership."



Views: 41


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Comment by Debbie G on June 9, 2011 at 1:55pm

          This "cheating on us" behavior is alive and well here in Jacksonville too.  I went to the Jacksonville Economic Development Commission (JEDC) meeting this morning to express concerns over the potential $2.75M+ that is slated to go to Everbank to aid in their $26M move from a southside location to downtown. 

          I am not opposed to business development or the revitalization of downtown.  I am, however, opposed to using subsidies to initiate/promote business enterprises.  Downtown had been an issue of consternation for many years.  Rather than throwing tax dollars at a move that will add to the taxpayer bill and produce no new revenue for Duval County why not look at the “why” downtown has had decades of downturn.  The city is broke and JEDC, the current mayor, and current select city council members support investing in moving a company from one section of town to the other.  Some will benefit, businesses downtown, with this move, some will lose, businesses on the Southside, but ALL taxpayers will pay the bill.

          Another point of interest in this legislation is that the 527 Jobs for Jacksonville Inc. established by Sam Mousa on December 6, 2010 that aided in Alvin Brown’s election received donations from contractors, developers, sports team owners, insurance executive, design-build firm owner, and real estate management respectively ; John Coxwell ($10K), Ed Burr ($15K himself and $10K through Greenpointe), Wayne & Deloris Weaver ($75K combined), Thomas Petway ($25K) and Preston Haskell ($5K), The Regency Group Inc. ($10K).

Comment by JL Gawlik on June 9, 2011 at 1:50pm

That is good to hear about Hasner, when i read that C.A.I.R. was out to destroy his political career then i researched him and found him to be a constitutional fiscal conservative, I knew then his name needs to get out to the public and who he is. I wish people would not vote IF they only vote for name recognition. Brown running against Corrine Brown put his name out their in 2010. The fact that Progressive Corrine Brown backed him should of been a warning sign, he is NOT a conservative, like he stated and that makes him a LiAR like Weiner and the rest of them.


Here is a response from Congressman Allen West on Weiner:


You gotta' LOVe that guy! I was listening to presidential candidate Herman Cain speak on his candidacy and was really moved by WHY he is running for President. He stated he was moved by his first grandchild being born, he felt a urge to run for the Senate, he lost and then got stage four cancer battled with lots of prayer, he says that by doing that he felt a message from God to run for President, especially because of the state our country is in, and he wants it to be the great country it once was for the sake of his grandchildren. Very inspiring man. He was a mathematician for the Navy, i find his whole bio fascinating and when he talks, like West he talks from the heart and it is so refreshing to listen to someone like that and not have to read between the lines like you do with Obama, Crist, Alvin Brown, Reid, Pelosi, Weiner, Wasserman-Schultz and people them. It should a felony to lie to people to gain an elected office, period and so should breaking your oath of office.

Comment by Dorothy Brown on June 9, 2011 at 1:42pm
Billie, thank you for this blog. You've expressed exactly how I and other Americans feel about these issues!!! God bless you.
Comment by ACT Jacksonville on June 9, 2011 at 1:13pm

Adam Hasner is a dear friend and a true Patriot who does not shirk at standing against social ills and for what is conservativly right.


Chirst is in bed with Muslim Brotherhood members such as Ahmed Bedier, Imam Musri, and Kharrum Wahid and anyone who admires this morally corrupt man should never be put in office let alone allowed to remain.

Comment by JL Gawlik on June 9, 2011 at 12:34pm

My head is spinning from doing research this morning on the computer, this just came in from the Sharktank:

Apparently Florida Senator candidate George LeMieux announced his fiance chairman: Peter Rummell, that name sounds familiar doesn't it? He helped Alvin Brown become Mayor of our fair city.

Also there is a comment below by a new to me blogger:

Charlie Crist is donating to Allen West’s Democrat opponent, and now LeMaestro picks a finance chair who supported another Democrat.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it?

“I’m a Charlie Crist Republican.” – George LeMieux


It is becoming more clear we need to replace Senator Bill Nelson, who lies just as much as Weiner with Adam Hasner. 

C.A.I.R. has set their sights on him to destroy his political career, that alone gives him my vote. He is a very constitutional fiscal conservative who will go to the ends of the earth to save our country. We've got to get his name out and get people familiar him, the Progressives are lining up to win Nelson's seat. We can NOT let that happen.


Comment by JL Gawlik on June 9, 2011 at 11:53am

I was very happy to see Weiner get his just desserts, a friend after seeing him argue with Megyn Kelly on Fox news, told me that she thinks he is a misogynist, l thought he was gay:

On his web site he vilifies online sexual predators:

Even his ex-girlfriend Kirsten Powers, a liberal Fox news analyst has been hurt by his deception, his lying to her before she appeared on Hannity this week and she stood up for him:

Now if the truth can surface on Pelosi, Reid, Wasserman-Schultz, Frank and all the other narcistic Progressives. Interesting Kirsten did a column last year on Obama 'A perverse pride in foolish policies':

Great articles and comments all.

Comment by ACT Jacksonville on June 9, 2011 at 11:48am


More moronism from Hillary Clinton’s State Department  where weiners wife a PRACTICING MUSLIM works  . . . and it could bring tens of thousands more–and possibly millions more–Muslim aliens into the U.S. who shouldn’t be here.  AND give them citizenship.
Comment by ACT Jacksonville on June 9, 2011 at 11:37am

Has Anthony Weiner converted to ISLAM?   who is his wife Huma Abedin?    She is Hillary Clintons Deputy Chief of Staff of Operations.


She is backed by Muslim Brotherhood Imam Feisal Rauf and Namous....hmmm  



Comment by Kurt D Wullenweber on June 9, 2011 at 11:23am
Hey Tim, I say we "aerate" them all!!
Comment by Neil Bird on June 9, 2011 at 10:38am
Spot on, Tim...

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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