Romney was for abortion as governor and is now for the Right to Life. He has flip-flopped on several issues.
So has Gingwich, although i love to hear him debate because of his knowledge of the Constitution and the separation of powers. I thought he showed self-interest when he threw Ryan under the bus, he should of stated i am not that familiar with it and just stayed away from it. His ego gets in the way. We need someone who is going to demand that all be run by the guidelines of the U.S. Constitution, BUT we also need a Constitutional Fiscal Conservative Congress in BOTH houses. Or we are just going to loose even more. Pelosi, Reid and Obama should all be prosecuted for treason in my opinion, for breaking their oath of office and many ethic and abuse of power violations along with Eric Holder. Just my thoughts.
What is so interesting, so much federal spending is in the social areas, and should NOT be. Just as abortion should NOT be paid by federal dollars. I am just a common citizen, last night when Bachmann made that statement, she was right, along with the gay/lesbian issue, those are social issues and the Federal government should NOT be involved but they should be INVOLVED in upholding our rights, our U.S. Constitution, etc.. It went off like a lightbulb what has perverted our parties.
Social issues... those should be left up to states, local, communities, churches period.
We need candidates who will stand up for what our country was founded on and bring Patriotism back, end our hyphenated society and make people realize WE ARE ALL AMERICANS, FIRST.
This is going to be very interesting to see how it all develops.
I finished watching the debate with an ‘anyone but Romney’
attitude. He looked rather smug talking
about understanding the ins and outs of his socialized medical plan in Mass. True patriots should all see through his
comment. He is a pint sized version of
Obama. I like Herman Cain, but he needs
to polish up his foreign policy positions.
Thank you, i have been writing a lot of letters today about the oath of office they take in Congress. I use to really be horrible about writing but with my husband's guidance and the dictionary, i have gotten quite good if i say so myself! LOL!
My former English teachers would be shocked, i have a speech impediment where i mispronounce certain words (cul de sac, Mitsubishi, debris, etc.) that my kids tease me about since they were just toddlers! Thankfully they have inherited their father's talent.
Listening to ALL of them was very inspirational. That is WHAT the Republican party needs to get back to and we need to get the SOCIAL issues off the federal agenda, that is where our government and both parties have gotten so perverted and off course, those issues should remain to the States and local area close to the people. The Founding Fathers intended for the Federal Government to remain small with just a few goal, protecting our rights, U.S. Constitution, our country from domestic and foreign enemies and commerce. That is IT! Their goal was for each state NOT to be the same but each one to unique and individual like the people. We need to get back to Patriotism. I think if the GOP national, state and local would do that, THAT would fire up the base.
I was very disappointed in what Mike Yost stated about the state and local GOP can not support just one GOP candidate, if they have a field of more than one. They are supposed to be there to help the people vet out RINOs. That WHOLE attitude allowed Audrey Moran to participate disingenuously. That is blatantly LYING to people what a person truly represents, that is WHY the Founding Fathers were against parties or a two party system, you can read about here: The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow. Jim Crow Stories . Democratic Party ... (interesting LYING back then, stemmed from the Democratic party.) IF that is what they stand for, i am NOT donating to them ever again. The whole Democratic party has it ALL together and the GOP is really missing the boat, votes, in my opinion. They are compromising and NOT standing up for States rights or our U.S. Constitution.
I LOVed it when Bachmann stated that she would NOT interfere with State's rights and that is where Social issues should remain. Gingwich came off very strong with his Constitutional knowledge. Which I think that should be what the GOP puts out as their goal. Because going by those guidelines in free enterprise is what will pull us out and repealing all of the mandates, regulations, EPA, Health Care Reform bill and just getting the Federal government out of the way.
We need a return of Patriotism.
You are so right on also.
Roma, i have never understood given large tax breaks or money to business, if you are going to do it for one, you should do it for all. Listening to many business men over the years, they always go where the money is and right now it is in Brazil, Malaysia, India, and the far east. I was listening to investor Jim Rogers of Rogers Holdings/Commodities and he followed the money several years ago to Singapore. Listening to Jon Huntsman Sr. (the father of the political candidate) he did the same thing and went to the Far East years ago.
Apparently with all the damage from our politicians the growth and money is shifting. I am amazed that they could not see that years ago. Many of the big players with the money have moved out of the country for more favorable business atmosphere. The EPA which is not a department that serves a clear purpose, is actually another political machine, just like big unions. They are all trying to manipulate the market, businesses, and economy. Just like the Federal government they are destroying it by trying to control it. You can NOT do that, it must flow on it's own, and allow failing businesses to fail, grow, start up, let bubbles burst, and markets settle on their own. That is how a free market works, not with government or outside tinkering and manipulation. IF the financial markets, banks, auto industry had been allowed to FAIL, they would of gone into bankruptcy and dealt with the problem by lowering salaries and benefits for high ended CEOs, many would of been let go for obvious reasons, any union involvement in salaries would of been renegotiated (that is where the crux for Obama and Democrat Progressive Liberals problem was and NOW they own 48% of the auto industry that our tax dollars went to and it HAS NOT been ALL paid back like Obama stated, he lied again.) unnecessary property and holdings would of been sold and things would of settled with other business and business swooping in to pick up the pieces. We would of been well on our way to recovery within a year. But, the process is still being propped up by the Federal Government and the easement of the Federal Reserve runs out on June 30th. As far as Jeff Immelt is concerned he has taken billions of dollars of work out of our country, shut down large factories, use our tax dollars as he own personal funding which is unconscionable. George Soros has done the same thing.
Free Trade/Enterprise should be that ... Free with NO manipulation from anywhere but to be allowed to flow and ebb.
How did everyone like the debate, if you could call it that? It was more like watching speed dating. I like all the candidates, disappointed in Pawlenty. Many though he would rip into Romney. Bachmann and Paul really got vocal. Normally i do not watch CNN, but afterwards Anderson Cooper's show, i watched a bit of his analysising with his Progressive Liberal panel and had to turn it off because he was not re-playing complete statements, only bits and pieces which i thought was disingenuous. It is going to be interesting to see how it all develops, just 16 months til Nov 2012.
Awesome to see you're there to prepare the First Coast Tea Party for Septembers event. Although, take look at Herman Cain, a Tea Party Member that is in need our support. Looking for a Cain, Rubio ticket...
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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