"When you look at the world today,
What is your point of view?"
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From My Point of View
With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide
of the European nations.
it was witnessed in brutal reality November 14, 2015 in Paris, France
Ladies and Gentlemen it is time to wake up! This is what is coming to America, it's only a matter of time!.
This has to be stopped, you need to contact your
Congressional Representatives, tell them to stop this mass (80,000 -100,000) invasion of
UNVETTED Muslims into this nation! President Obama and the United Nations need to be stopped now!
An Amazing and Eye Opening Video
You will not see this on your TV
What you will read below is what is going to happen to America
with Barack Obama in charge, letting 80,0000 to 100,000
Syrian or who ever Muslims into this country UN-VETTED!
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly
You are witnessing what will be shown to future generations as the reason for the fall of an Empire.
At current immigration levels and disappearing birth rates native Europeans are destined to become a minority in their own countries within decades. This is already the case for many of Europe's largest cities.
Europeans have effectively lost their right to exist as cultures and nations in their own homelands and are facing extinction.
Millions of young Muslim men leave behind their family, pay thousands to criminal traffickers to reach the land they have been promised by European politicians illegally.
Dubbed by the media as "refugees", they cross through 6-10 safe countries to reach wealthy nations like Germany or Sweden where they hope to receive a better life at the expense of the taxpayer.
Only a fraction of them are Syrian, as they enter unfiltered, without any documents and without any legitimate right to claim asylum. Women and children are rarely seen, except in the cherry-picked sob stories of the media.
Any indigenous resistance of Europeans who refuse to hand over the countries of their ancestors to often radical and criminal Muslim foreigners is labeled "hateful", "racist", even "Nazi".
The level of cultural, moral and political subversion with egalitarian and Marxist ideologies has reached levels the KGB would never have dreamed of. Equality and tolerance are lies that serve none but a few.
The Left, mainly orchestrated by Zionist interests, is destroying our countries from the inside. Patriotism, the most basic and fundamental trait of any nation that wants to survive, has become something to be ashamed of.
Feminism has destroyed family values and birth rates. Healthy nationalism has been replaced with a culture of guilt, self-hatred, apathy, degeneracy and pathological altruism. We are told to embrace "diversity", in reality this simply means instead of just being a global minority, Europeans are supposed to become a minority in their own countries as well. No civilized society can keep up with the birth rate of third world immigrants, especially when the main goal is integration rather than assimilation. Parallel societies breed poverty, crime and radicalism.
Multiculturalism has never, at any time in human history, worked anywhere. If you believe otherwise, you're delusional. In fact it's the primary reason for every major conflict.
The crimes committed by the EU against the European peoples are directly in violation of the 1948 UN genocide convention, Article II: (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Because of this injustice, far-right parties everywhere in Europe are gaining astonishing amounts of support, becoming the biggest parties in some countries.
Any European that does not rise up to defend his country from foreign invasion because he's too scared of words does not deserve it.
We are still at a point where you will not get imprisoned for your political opinion in most European countries, but this will change very soon. Do not be apathetic, do not be weak. Be someone that can be proud to call himself European.
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Well said, Franklin, If Scott had any guts and integrity, he would fight Obama, but he will not. Just remember how Scott handled Common Core. He lied to our faces. He betrayed those that got him elected. As Governor Scott has the final authority in Fla. He does have the power. He just will no use it. California is a sanctuary state and there are many sanctuary cities. How come NOBODY is stopping them? I also agree with you about Curry . He will push for the LGBT agenda. He is no conservative, but not as bad as Brown was.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, James Madison, John Hancock and 51 other signers of the Declaration of Independence had no authority to write, sign and send King George that document of independence and defiance of King George's abuse and tyranny.
But, they took stock of themselves and their situation and did it anyway...
Scott is now on record as being a coward in the face of obama after his "big shot NO refugees" statement.
How many other coward Governors will tuck their tail between their legs and fold up.....
All it will take for Jacksonville to become one of obama's refugees cities is for obama to dangle some Federal grant money in front of Curry.
We need a LIKE button on this thing!!
Unfortunately, I believe Derby is correct. He can urge Congress to help us, but ultimately he does not have the authority.
Today, Tuesday on the Laura Ingraham Show during the 10 o'clock hour Governor Scott said he had no authority or power to stop Obama's refugee reloctions to Florida. He said we need to slow down an vet the refugees. We know that will not happen under Obama. SCOTT IS ALL WORDS AND NO REAL ACTION. That is not what a true leader says. I am sure Mayor Curry and Sheriff Williams will say they do not have the authority either.
Governor Scott said there would be no refugees in Florida...
UNTIL they can be completely vetted.
Scott always leaves himself a way to flip flop and go along with Federal government bullying.
This has become his MO (method of operation) on issues of obama over-reach.
Scott is not to be trusted any more than Rubio or Jeb Bush.
Just an update from earlier today. Governor Scott has said that there will be no Syrian Refugees accepted in Florida. Thank you for your calls and emails.. Your voices do make a difference.
The video that is posted below from with Ann Corcoran is fantastic.Her work with the refugee resettlement issue is timely.
Mayor Curry , all members of City Council and Sheriff Williams SHOULD BE MADE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO, and then tell us what they plan to do. The same goes for Gov. Scott and every member of the Florida Legislature. We already know Obama wants Islamic Europe in the US. What are Senators Rubio and Nelson doing about it? Any elected official that goes along with Obama should be thrown out of office for treason. Obama should be impeached NOW. What are Republicans waiting for?
A lot of good information in this "Morning Tea," along with the comments.
Thank you.....................rise up all!
Call, email, fax, on line contact to Federal Senators and house Reps will fall on deaf ears just as with other issues.
These "public servants" already know the majority of Americans don't want obama flooding the Nation with "refugees", allowing the nation to be overrun with illegal mexicans and various other actions obama has and is preparing to take.
I believe the last chance the American people have to save the sinking ship that is America is through State Governors and State Legislators standing up to Federal government and the President to nullify and refuse all Federal government Constitutional over-reach beyond the powers given to the Federal government in the U.S. Constitution.
State Governors and legislators as well as the people of individual States must bite the money bullet and refuse Federal government bribes to allow Federal government to encroach upon and control the people of individual States.
Neither Congress, President, Supreme Court or Federal bureaucracy gives a crap what the people of America want.
Residents of indivual States must bring pressure on their Governors and State Legislators to uphold and abide by the U.S. Constitution even when the 3 branches of the federal government will not uphold, obey and enforce the Constitution.
The Constitution limits Federal government to specif powers and areas. All other areas not given to the Federal government are given to the States and the people.
The Governor of Alabama has publicly stated he will NOT allow obama to re-locate "refugees" in Alabama. This Governor has taken a stand to protect the people of Alabama and keep "Harms Way" from being placed in their State and communities by a uncaring Tyrant President. He needs support and he needs other Governors to follow his lead.
I strongly suggest the people not only call their State Legislators and Governor but these lawmakers are in the local communities. Go to their offices and make some personal pleas for them to make their Constitutional stand. Call and go to local City Council & Mayors offices ( groups showing up will make a better case) to make the plea for them to contact State Legislators about saying NO to Federal government over-reach.
The Constitution meant for the people to be governed closer to home, in the States and local communities, not by a far off central Federal government.
Casual bailing will no longer save the sinking ship of America. It must be all hands on deck furiously bailing and repairing the many breaches in the Good Ship America.
Your Federal government or Federal elected officials are not going to do it for you or on their own.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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