Your Monday Morning Tea: The Trans Pacific Partnership

Credit: Judith Stevens


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From My Point of View

The Trans Pacific Partnership

     It seems the TPP isn’t a trade treaty at all. It’s really an investor protection treaty, granting corporations the right to sue countries for laws that potentially hurt their ability to make a profit. These lawsuits, involving hundreds of millions of dollars, would be heard by secret tribunals run by corporate lawyers. There would be no right of appeal. If finalized, the TPP would also allow oil and gas companies to overturn fracking bans, Monsanto to overturn GMO labeling laws, investment banks to overturn banking regulations and the telecommunications industry to overturn Net Neutrality laws.

     In other words, the intent of the TPP is to allow corporations to overturn the environmental, labor and health and safety laws as well as regulations of member countries. There's even a special 'transparency' clause inserted by the pharmaceutical industry that would allow them to challenge formularies (in the US this would include Medicaid and the VA) that would promote cheaper generic medications.

     Obama is using this as an opportunity to permanently impose much of his agenda on a large portion of the globe. It is basically a gigantic end run around Congress. If adopted, this treaty will
fundamentally change our laws regarding Internet Freedom, healthcare, copyright and patent
protection, food safety, environmental standard, civil liberties and so much more. This Treaty
includes many of the rules that alarmed Internet activists so much when SOPA was being debated.
      It would essentially ban all 'Buy American' laws. It would also give Wall Street banks much more freedom to trade risky derivatives and it would force even more domestic manufacturing offshore.

     The delinquent Republicans gave Obama fast track negotiating authority so Congress will not be able to change any part of the Treaty but merely vote it up or down. The 30 chapter product was recently concluded and 12 national governments signed off on it so now it is up to each country to ratify it and this is currently happening in our government. The mainstream media will be singing it's praises and telling the American people about all the wonderful things that this new treaty will do for them. You would think that the American people would not be duped again after the bad outcome of other past “free trade” treaties.

     But maybe all is not lost, More than 100 state and local governments have introduced or passed resolutions opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). In addition, more than 100 resolutions opposing the TPP were passed at recent precinct caucuses in Iowa and State and local elected leaders have voted to officially oppose the TPP in New York, NY; San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA; Nashville. TN; Miami, FL; Baltimore, MD; Oakland, CA; Columbus, OH; Springfield, MA; Kenosha, WI; Berkley, CA; St. Paul, MN; Toledo, OH; Eugene, OR; Duluth, MN; Brockton, MA; and Granite City, IL.
“The grassroots opposition to TPP at every level of government shows that working people in communities across the country are standing up and fighting back against corporate trade deals,” said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. “

   Join the effort, plan local demonstrations and call all your elected leaders to oppose this monstrous Nightmare that will turn us into the (Pacific Union) or PU.


 "After five years of negotiations, this week in Atlanta the trade ministers from all twelve nations finally arrived at an agreement to the biggest economic treaty in human history, co-opting their masters’ Trans-Pacific Partnership after hashing out their final bones of contention and bringing their New World Order one giant step closer to Sending their final 30 chapter product for each of the dozen national governments to now sign off and ratify, once that hurdle is navigated, enter the Brave New World Order of a one world government. Back in May US Congress already voted to give up its oversight role by handing its reigns of authority over to presidential dictator Obama to personally fast track it. To accomplish the passage of the May fast track bill, Big Business bribed US Senators to vote in favor by a 65-33 margin with a carrot stick sum of $1,148,971 between January and March 2015 when the bill was debated on the floor. This sadly is how business as usual gets done in Washington.’Obama is using this as an opportunity to permanently impose much of his agenda on a large portion of the globe…The Republicans in Congress foolishly gave Obama fast track negotiating authority, and so Congress will not be able to change this treaty in any way.  They will only have the opportunity for an up or down vote"

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Comment by FCTP on March 12, 2016 at 9:08pm

Thank you Franklin

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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