Update: My best friend passed away tragically…did you know him?

Thank you to so many who reached out yesterday.  Your emails and calls of concern and support helped eased the pain of my friend’s death.


There is not much more to tell as the team members who had been with him are definitely in hiding.  I received word from one who got messages out to the rest of us.  Their biggest fear is they will be taken away and the same fate will happen to them.


We have word that they are wondering if their decision to follow him was the right one.  They are questioning if maybe they followed a foolish man or maybe even a man who was not in his right mind.  They are running over and over in their minds all the things he told them and they know it sounded good – but – what if he fooled them all?


Thomas has really become doubtful.  This is interesting because Thomas was a loyal team member and stood up for my friend many times throughout their mission.  At one point in their travels, my friend was going to a dangerous area but Thomas said “Let us also go, that we may die with him.”  WOW…how many team members would follow their leader into a dangerous area knowing that they may, too, die? 


Thomas was also the one who once asked where they were going so they would know the way and my friend said, “I am the way.”  That was good enough for Thomas and he followed him wherever he went.   To know that Thomas is now doubting is very troubling for me.  I hope he will have peace soon and will remember all the great things his leader performed.  Thomas must look back and remember the miraculous things he did so Thomas and the others can move forward with the mission. 


Thomas left the other team members and is hiding somewhere else.  His doubts about the man he had chosen to follow are weighing on him deeply.  Please pray for Thomas.


My friend was laid to rest yesterday according to his faith.  There was no big ceremony because today his faith celebrates the Sabbath.   Maybe tomorrow a new day will dawn and we can have a service he is so deserving of.


I will fill you in on more details tomorrow.  Until then, may we all enjoy this special day of life that was not awarded to my friend.  Spring is in the air.  New life is all around us.  As you go about your day -- breathe in the nectar of the spring flowers; watch the birds as they tend to their nests; hold a butterfly on the tip of your finger; sit in a garden and listen to the wind rustling the leaves; and rest in the assurance that death has no sting and new life dawns every spring.


Take a listen to one of my favorite songs “Morning has broken” then go outside and enjoy the sun that brightly shines on all of us even in our darkest days.



Views: 54


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Comment by Joe Story on April 24, 2011 at 8:22am

Morning Has Broken - Live 1973 that was a great hit, a great song Cat Stevens did not write it. It was taken from a hymnal in a book store.  Cat was a pop music superstar, singing gentle hits about peace trains and moon shadows, now he's Yusuf Islam, barred from the United States for suspected ties to terrorists.


Fear caused him to loose his way and convert to Islam. Now Allah is his god and he is forced to pray and give charity because of his belief in Mohammed as the last prophet.


Like Cat Stevens, we as a nation have our priorities wrong.

We should never be confused there is only one GOD AND WE ARE SAVED BY FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST HIS SON.


Before it is too late we need to change course.


Listen:   Christ in America again!


As a people we are looking for government to provide what God has withheld.  Our government is not our provider, God is.  Frustration and futility are the corrective disciplines of God.


Who is left among us who saw the country in its former glory? Think of how we have removed God from our society in the past 40 years! How do you see it now? Does it not seem to you like nothing in comparison to the country we had before we tossed God out of our land?


Even in today's circumstances the Lord of hosts, says take courage and work for "I am with you;--- My Spirit is abiding in your midst; do not fear."


The Spirit of the Lord is with us when we follow Him in wholehearted obedience. We have the reassurance of the empowerment of the Spirit when we choose to work with Him on the building of His house here on earth. What we need is God in America again!


We cannot provide a rebirth of individual virtue based on moral character, only God can stir up the spirit of the remnant of His people still living in the land.


The Spirit of God comes not only to renew human life from within but also this sanctifying renewal spreads to the full range of human activities and the society at large. There is no limit to the operation of the Holy Spirit when by faith you believe JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD!


He is risen indeed!

Comment by E.C. Dawson on April 23, 2011 at 4:30pm
Though Thomas doubted he came to realize who our friend is. Sometimes we doubt who He is when we are suffering and there are no answers. Just like Thomas if we see the blessing in suffering, we too can understand . All things work together for good to them who are called according to His purpose.
Everyone has a calling : Some are called to suffer & bear the results of fallen humanity in the most violent way; to be victimized by disease , retardation , affliction, to be objects of disdain. This is their vocation & they are particularly blessed of God & loved by Christ in it's acceptance & fulfillment. Our suffering helps us attain life everlasting ! Speak to me Lord, let it be to me according to your word !
Glory to you Lord Jesus, faithful friend , ever true ! Always there for me , I will defend you with my last breath ! You who were lifted upon the cross , the sun went dark , the earth shook in fear , rocks were rent , many graves opened and the bodies of Saints arose , the most blessed sabbath , Hades groaned ! Christ having slept shall arise on the third day ! Blessed art thou Our God Our Redeemer

Thanks for the message Billie ! God help us to go where He leads even when it is difficult !

Comment by Susan Lamb on April 23, 2011 at 12:02pm
Billie, it looks like your friend granted St. Louis a miracle last night. If today's reports hold up, no one died in the devastating tornadoes that hit the area. Isn't it wonderful, despite all the sins with which we disappoint him, he continues to love us? Easter blessings to you and yours, Sue
Comment by Danny Kirkpatrick on April 23, 2011 at 11:56am
Happy Easter everyone and may God bless. Jesus entered my heart when i was 12, i am 53 now, i remember it as if it were just yesterday. :)
Comment by Kay Ragan Durden on April 23, 2011 at 10:21am
Hey Billie,  It is wonderful to know that He lived, died, and lives again to let us know how to do the same.  He gave us His Word to follow.  Just wish more would read His Book, it's all there.  The path we should take to follow him.  Have a wonderful time with your sweet family this beautiful weekend.
Comment by ACT Jacksonville on April 23, 2011 at 9:13am

Great Post Billie.... thought provoking.


I am thankful for the fact I KNOW without doubt Jesus lived, died, and resurected so I may live with the knowledge I have eternal salvation through his grace and mercy!  The fight we fight is his... and it only through his power we are able to be effective at shinneing light on the evil that abound in the world today.


God Bless all of my fellow Patriots!

Comment by Lanhamhimer on April 23, 2011 at 9:04am
I will take the time to smell the roses;-)
Comment by Kate Svagdis on April 23, 2011 at 8:47am
He is Risen! Happy Easter! God is good
Comment by PAMLER HARDING on April 23, 2011 at 8:35am

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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