I know you will have a hard time believing what I am going to tell you but please know I would never lie to you. I love you too much to do that. You are my friends and I write to you this great news because all who live must know HE LIVES TOO!
A miracle has happened and it will change your life forever. It can also change our precious America back to its strong and mighty foundation -- if we remember today’s message:
He’s alive! He’s alive! My friend Jesus has risen and He’s Alive!
He was the one I told you about. On Good Friday he was dragged away by a gang of murderous men. These evil men wanted him dead because he and his team of disciples were preaching hope and good news to all the people. They had grown tired of my friend because everywhere he went, he would upset their fiefdoms. Jesus would tell the story of hope and he would shine a light on the rulers and their hated-filled hearts. The rulers were ruling with an iron-fist and were chaining the people down. Poverty was rampant and hopelessness abounded. Tyranny was reigning because they had created rules too hard to follow; more and more taxes were required to keep the rulers living in their lavish lifestyles; and the rulers’ friends were getting deals that others could not have. An evil, unfair and unjust world was where we lived until Jesus showed up with His messages of hope and love.
When they killed him they thought his message was done. They thought they had rid the world of this man who would be their King. How WRONG they were!
Today evil rulers are trying their same evil tricks again. They are doing all they can to keep the people down and in chains to big government. They are passing legislation in the dark of night; making deals behind closed doors; and giving special incentives to their friends. Nothing ever changes and the Good News is: Love always Wins!
We do not need to live under tyranny because the one who rose from the dead is with us! He is bigger than evil. He is bigger than fear. He is bigger than any obstacle we may face. He will help us break these chains and he will clean up the mess we have made in our country and in our personal lives. He will help us find our way when we are lost. He will rise up with us daily and walk with you wherever we go. He will send his angels to protect us and keep you safe. There is no need to be alone anymore. My friend Jesus will be with us IF we ignite the power within us.
This story is more than 2,000 years old but every Easter weekend it is relived by those who believe in Him. Millions of people the world over have stopped their normal routine to remember my friend Jesus’ death and resurrection. We do it to reclaim His message of love and reignite the power we have inside us.
Together we can harness the power and make it stronger by Rising Up against the evil that is rearing its head again. Evil is all over this world and has now made its way to America. America is evil’s last frontier and it will stop at nothing to take it down. It is stomping on our liberties, spewing messages of hate and laughing in our faces when we stand up to them. Evil has its hold but the power of the resurrection will break that hold! We just need to Rise Up together and call it out before all men.
Rise Up and be counted among those who believe in the one who died on a cross and rose from the dead so you and I could be free. Don’t let this weekend pass without telling others to Rise Up! This is our day. This is our power. This is our time.
It’s time to Rise Up!
Watch the story from 2,000 years ago and then watch the people from TODAY who are still Rising Up to share His message of love. This is no hoax. This is the real thing. Join me and Rise Up for the one who laid down his life so we could be free. Are you with me?
Happy Resurrection Day! Rise Up!!!!
From 2,000 years ago…
From today…
From the Tea Party Movement
Absolutely awe inspiring, this 3 day series is your bestwork so far. Yes, HE IS ALIVE, I talked personally to him this morning. As I stood in churh this morning, I could feel his presence all around me.
Thank God for his only son, our saviour, Jesus Christ. May he reign in heven for all eternity, and I pray I will be a witness, to it all.
Much love and blessings of GOD to all FCTP members on this the most "HOLY" day of them all.
Tom Wright
Thank you First Coast for all of your blessings to us this very special of all days! HE HAS RISEN, HE
HAS RISEN, THANK GOD, HE HAS RISEN!! Now let us all pray together for his intersession on our behalf as a once great country to guide us back from the abyss to regain our God Loving Country from those who want to rule over us now and forever!
Jesus rose to save us from big goverment and give us liberty on earth? Hadn't heard that one before.
Happy Easter! This is the most special day of all, he died so we might live. Sonrise has it's own special meaning.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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