The Fed & Mr. Soros; The Movie: Atlas Shrugged; Local Elections; and We the Tea: WHEW!

Please forgive me for such a long post today.  There is so much to tell you and it must be done.  Please give us your time to read this as it is too important to skim over.


The Federal Reserve Bank which now runs our system was founded by a Band of Elite in Jekyll Island, Georgia and President Woodrow Wilson was a puppet in their hands.  He signed into law the Federal Reserve Bank – which is a PRIVATE bank owned by some of the riches people in the world.  The Fed has never been audited and we have no idea who is in charge, where the money is going and what real power they hold in their hands.  We can only imagine and we are certainly feeling the effects of this system.


History is repeating itself.  This weekend, George Soros and his Band of Elite are sitting in elegant hotels redesigning our world economy.  President Obama is in the White House and Soros has his ear.  These people are far left extremists and do not care about the average American citizen.  They care about their riches and power.  Read about it here:


If these men cared about us – maybe my spirit would not be so disturbed about this meeting.  And, of course, there isn’t much I can do about it except:


  • Pray for God’s intervention
  • Educate others about the Federal Reserve and the Bands of Elite
  • Elect men of principle who have courage to stand up to these people
  • Protect my family against any negative affects the elite’s power will have on us


Some will read this and say, “She’s really losing it now.”  Sometimes I wonder that myself.  Then something happens and brings me back to reality.  I’m not crazy.  They are! 


What happened this weekend to bring me back?  Two things:


  • I already knew a lot about the Federal Reserve and this weekend I watched a 30 minute movie about it and how it ties to the foreclosures and our economic situation.  The movie is titled – The American Dream.  The video was sent to me by a concerned tea party member.  This short movie in cartoon format is GREAT for putting the Federal Reserve into perspective.  It is not only educational, it is fun.    We are making this available for our Community Groups to use in their meetings.  (They will have to share it so first come, first served.)  Be watching for the viewing in your community OR you can purchase your own copy for $6.99 at



  • I received a letter from one of our very own who is now in Afghanistan.  Some of you may remember her.  She is our Betsy Ross and was in the military for four tours in Iraq.  She sews beautiful clothing and carries a gun!  She is back in Afghanistan and her note to me is below.  Subject matter:  George Soros!


Let’s go back in time for a minute.  Remember when President Bush said, “the banks are too big to fail”?  Remember how that ignited a fire in the American people and the Tea Party Movement was birthed?  Banks, Federal Reserve, George Soros, Band of Elite, foreclosure crisis, pension crisis…is there a pattern here? 


I’m sorry this Sunday morning’s post is more dire than usual.  The world stage is changing and educating our members about it is very important.  Knowledge is power and you have the power to do for yourself what others will not do for you.


So here’s what we propose: 



    1. RALLY:  Attend the 3rd Annual Tax Day Tea Party Rally at the Landing this Friday night at 6:30 PM.  Be educated and have fun!  
    2. MOVIE:  Purchase your tickets (see below) and attend the showing of Atlas Shrugged at Five Points Theatre next Sunday, April 17 at 2:00.  We will hold a private viewing of this movie that is based on the novel that has generated inspiration and major controversy since it was published in 1957.  The theme is about individual achievement in society – when it is valued and when it isn’t.  The movie focuses on what happens when an individual is undervalued, suppressed or demonized.  But don’t worry – this movie will inspire you!  Join other tea party members and watch it together.  To purchase your tickets, go to:  Depending on the response, we may do this again before the movie leaves town.  Stay tuned!
    3. MEET UPS:  Join a Community Group on our website at  North Florida is spread out so we have set up neighborhood tea party chapters who meet monthly.  They are educational, fun and the networking is great. 


ELECT:  May 17th is Election Day in Duval County.  Electing men of principle starting right here on the First Coast is extremely important. 


The First Coast Tea Party has proudly ENDORSED the following individuals due to their character and visions.  PLEASE Contact their campaigns and Volunteer to help any way you can. Some of their opponents are funded and supported by their very own Bands of Elite so we need to rally the Tea Party behind these courageous individuals and help them WIN!  This is a critical election because Duval County is considered a key county in the 2012 elections and even DC Elite are putting money into some opponents’ campaigns.  Do we want them to dictate who will lead us locally?  NOPE!!  So let’s get to work and contact the campaigns of the following candidates:


Mike Hogan for Mayor --

Clay Yarborough, City Council, District 1 --

Matt Schellenberg, City Council, District 6 -- 

Dick Kravitz for Tax Collector --


We have much work to do.  The world is turning and you are on it.  You are important.  You matter.  Your life counts.  Don’t let the happenings of today affect you.  No matter how bad things may be, we the tea are here and we are all working together for the good of our country. 


If our words haven’t encouraged you to get up and get going maybe Suzanne’s words below will.  She’s walking in Afghanistan right now. 


Happy Sunday and again, if you want to DONATE to the First Coast Tea Party to offset the costs of the Tax Day Tea Party Rally, you can do so at:  We would be so grateful!


Here’s Suzanne… 

Hello from Afghanistan.  Just another rainy day as I travel throughout Afghanistan.   I love traveling throughout the country.  It gives me a first-hand experience and ability to have conversations with local Afghanistan nationals as well as with the citizens from NATO. I get to speak with and converse with people from South Africa, Croatia, Romania, Kosovo, Napal, India, Pakistan, Sweden, Germany, Poland and the list goes on.

We talk a lot about politics here.  The latest conversation today actually blew my socks off!!!   The topic of discussion was two-fold: George Soros and the Tea Parties in America. Now these two topics are polar opposites.

The people in the former communist countries are very aware of George Soros.  To say that they detest George Soros is an understatement!!  They referred to him as a communist and speak of how he is manipulating their economies. Wow!!!  To hear this from people I never thought were so involved in governments and politics was eye-opening.

I have a lot to learn about the reality of the EU and its reach and effect on people. There is yet to be one person who wants the EU in their countries business.  They all see the EU as corrupt and a way to oppress the former communist countries into a new form of communism, if not a new form of "Economic Slavery."

I was taken-aback at how the EU is so oppressive and dictates to countries such things as who can plant, what they can grow or sell, what each country can distribute.  If one country is doing well in an industry they are capped on exports and the remainder of the exports are "re-labeled" with another country’s information so that the lesser producing country can get income from someone else's labor, effort and production (in other words if country A has a better product than country B, Country A must re-label that product as coming from Country B and county B gets all the profits).   Sounds like redistribution to me!

What was equally as interesting is that they brought up the fact that Obama is a puppet to George Soros (now where have I heard that before)!!!   Despite Obama's propaganda and rhetoric, I have yet to find any "foreigners" here who can say anything positive about him or his administration. They refer to Obama as "YOUR PRESIDENT “and it is meant to be condescending.

What I can tell you is that these same people in these now very familiar and very often discussed conversations are all looking to this "American Tea Party" for hope and direction.   It made me very proud to be affiliated with the Tea Party knowing that still, although many people in many countries are angry with American's...that they look to America (and American's) for HOPE!!!

When I reflect on the conversations, and at times I feel like a spokesperson for what the Tea Party stands for and what the true Tea Party movement means, I feel so proud to be able to educate and inform people on our mission.

So to each and every one of the people in the First Coast Tea Party, I tell you this and I tell you truthfully...Keep up the good fight! A great many people are watching you and the entire Tea Party movement to bring about renewed civility, a path, and the process for overcoming corruption in governments, and being strong in conviction to principles.

From the first March on DC in 2009, I have been so incredibly proud to be affiliated and associated with true Americans who are continuing the roots to the foundation of our great country. The Revolutionary ideas did not happen overnight or in a year... Those ideas were born of similar actions of so called leaders over 235 years ago. The ideas and the Patriots were forging and pressing toward Liberty way before the Declaration of Independence was signed....and it is the Spirit of those patriots that lives again now in each of the Tea Party members.

You are a beacon of hope, the continuation of the Greatest Generation and the pride of the people over our Nations Great History that remains alive in the hearts of people all over the world.

No greater burden can be accepted and carried forward than by great patriots like all those who are Tea Party Members today and more tomorrow!!!

Your impact is great...NEVER GIVE IN...NEVER GIVE UP!!!!

I miss you all...God Bless you,

Suzanne Love -- from Afghanistan 

April 2011

Views: 26


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Comment by Ernest Lephart on April 14, 2011 at 11:01am

Great post Mrs. Tucker. I feel the same urgancey as you tha t we must get involved with our government by electing responsible people and supporting them when they do good for our country and weed them out when they loose site of what they were elected for.

Thanks for mentioning the movie "Atlas Shrugs" many people  have worked hard to bring this movie to the public's attention. We have to reward them by showing up so that this movie will be shown at more venues. Jacksonville is one of the testing cities to see if the movie will bring enough viewers for the movie to be shown at other cities. I'm sure this movie will be more insightful then another speech by Barry Soetoro, Barack Hussein Obama II who ever he is where ever he is from pretending to be our President.

Comment by tamara stephenson on April 12, 2011 at 9:44am
I know this has nothing to do with the discussion, but the new Foo Fighters album was recorded on analog tape in the lead singer's garage.  excellent disc
Comment by Cilla Whitcher on April 11, 2011 at 10:34am
I guess all those years ago when people were talking about the Fed Resv and saying how bad it was and everyone called them "nuts" or "conspiracy nuts " well that worm has turn hasn't it.   I listened and always thought there had to be something to the thories, there was so much evidence.  Now is our time and if we don't take care of this who will.  The weak willed, gutless people running the government?  Don't even let that cross you mind.  They only want their jobs and it has nothing to do with helping the saving OUR country!!  To quote Patrick Henry " .. we must fight!  I repeat it, sir, we must fight!  An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!
Comment by FCTP on April 10, 2011 at 8:52pm
Suzanne said to forward her letter to anyone you wish.  And, we will hand this out at our event Friday night!
Comment by Sandy McCorvey on April 10, 2011 at 5:22pm
Suzanne's letter is wonderful.  Maybe with her permission it could be read at the rally on Friday if there is time in the program?  What she said about the EU restrictions and distribution of wealth among similar producers is like it's been taken from the pages of "Atlas Shrugged."  I have some neighbors who are originally from Albania and they say the same things that Suzanne wrote in her letter.  People who have lived through and escaped from communism see the handwriting on the wall here in this country and they are terrified they're going to have to live through it again.  We The People must never tire and must never give up. 
Comment by Robert H. Davidson on April 10, 2011 at 12:46pm
Forwarded to my list! Happy Sunday
Comment by Lance Thate on April 10, 2011 at 12:16pm

All last week the Media was about the Government Shut Down. On Friday the day this Soros event started Fox took Glen Beck off to cover the potential shut down.  But, this was the Real Story!

Thank you Billie for getting this message out.


Comment by William Korach on April 10, 2011 at 12:11pm

Thank you for bringing the wicked machinations of Soros to the attention of the Tea Party. Soros is a strange man whose life is a paradox. He was born Jewish, but seems to dislike Jews. He is a self proclaimed atheist, and hates the State of Israel. He has made billions using the free markets, but says he hates the free markets and wants socialists to control the world. He claims to care about humanity, but has severely damaged the currencies of several counties through ruthless trading that made him his billions, and caused misery to the citizens of the countries he tried to ruin. He funds organizations like the National Federation of Teachers, and the Tides foundation that opposes our American heritage and founding principles.

What can we say about Soros from his behavior? He appears to be a dangerous, egotistical, power-hungry autocrat. He would build a global tyranny under his council. Others attending his conference are probably there to assure their own role in the Soros New World Order. Beware this man, and watch the organizations he funds.

Comment by Kate Svagdis on April 10, 2011 at 11:49am

I claim freedom from the elite! I claim freedom from Soros and the evil one!

Thanks for the reminder, Billie!

Comment by FCTP on April 10, 2011 at 11:43am  More breaking news of the Soros conference.


National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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