Some questions have been raised about Rick Perry's views on Islam. Islamic infiltration into American politics means that every candidate deserves close scrutiny. My purpose is not to attack Perry, but to conduct a preliminary discussion of the subject. Pamela Geller and Debbie Schlussel have written their own articles, which add more pieces to the puzzle. As with every candidate, the discussion will go on as more materials are brought forward.
First of all it's important to recognize that the Rick Perry question, is also the Chris Christie question, it's the question that comes with every governor from a state with a large and politically active Muslim population. This question will have more serious implications as the size of the Muslim population expands even further.
The multicultural pandering that used to be associated with the Tammany Hall political machine has become second nature in American politics. There is hardly a governor who does not pay lip service to diversity or do roundups of all the religious groups in America. That's an unfortunate reality.
The initial good news is that Rick Perry did not try to influence the judicial system on behalf of a member of a terrorist organization, or appoint a terrorist Imam's political affiliate to a superior court judgeship the way that Christie did.
The worst thing he seems to have done is played footsie with the Aga Khan and appointed one of his people to the State Health Council. He also seems to have met with a group of black clergy, which included a Nation of Islam minister, and made the usual trips to Dubai to talk up trade and academic exchanges.
Then there's the Texas Halal Law, which makes it a criminal offense to sell Halal and non-Halal meat in the same store, without specifically labeling the two, and of misrepresenting non-Halal meat as being Halal. In theory that's not such a big deal. Similar laws are on the books for Kosher meat. But the problem comes with the definition of what Halal is.
"Halal," as applied to food, means food prepared and served in conformity with Islamic religious requirements according to a recognized Islamic authority.
Read more here:
and for more information see;
The ISLAMIST men surronding Gov. Perry is no accident. Elibiary is the most dangerous and is Sharia Compliant Muslim who was hired by DHS in Nov. of 2010, to add to that of Arif Alikahn directly under Janet Neapolitano and then Kareem Shora who writes policy for DHS. Both openly support Hezbollah and Hamas and are part of the Muslim Brotherhood apparatus.
Perry, is bought and paid for in my opinion and with the research I have done. His rhetoric as a concervative does not match his histoy as a Democrat from a Democrat family or his support for non coservative issues in his voting record as a whole, and his support for misinformation and indoctrination of our children via textbooks by the Islamist.
Florida has 27 books with over 200 false and misleading statement in regard to Islam...with our social studies and history books disproportionately teaching about this religion. Some books have as much as 22 pages on Islam with only 1-6 on Judism and Christianity. All things Islam are praised while that of our American Heritage (Judeo Christian religions are attacked).
The Council on Islamic Education is led by Shabbir Mansouri who said "I am waging a BLOODLESS REVOLUTION in America public schools" and his group is responsible for all information in our textbooks nationwide.
Susan Douglas (Muslim convert) worked ther as well, has praised Pakistani Madrassass and follows this line of thinkin has trained over 8,000 public school teachers and essentially millions of students.
This is what is occuring and Governors Perrys assistance is in the aiding the enemies of America and western civilization.
for more information contact randy at
I don't mind helping people but I have a real problem when we start accepting their values rather than expecting them to assimilate into our society.
Everything Perry has done creates separation no where do I see how he or this Shia group is attempting to influence the Islamic world toward a better understanding of the USA and Christianity.
Maybe it’s out there and I just have not found it.
What would the new headline be “Texas with the help of a local Ismailis', a Shia sect of Islam has translated it’s text books into Urdu for distribution in Pakistan and India”
Instead I see: "In 2008, Perry helped expand the Muslim Histories and Culture Project, a teacher-training program spearheaded by Texas Ismailis that introduces Islamic history and culture curricula into Texas schools."
Texas determines what Text Books are used nationwide to a large extent due to the size of the state.
Islam is a oneway street when it comes to influence of culture. That has to change.
Hello Joe,
This is another article about Perry and Islam, and after reading it, you will be far more aware of what and why he has done some things he has done. They carefully point out that Texas has a fairly large Muslim population and he has afforded them nothing really all that different from what we have afforded Jewish people when it comes to food and he has what would be called a good relationship with them (Obama is in bed with them because he is one of them and the only reason he became a Christian was to win public office {and remember his wifey said he couldn't win public office as a Muslim}. Obama would not care what the American wanted cause he has a huge enough ego to think he knows best and it's ok to lie cause Muslims can do that to Christians..........Perry wouldn't or at least that is what I get out of what I have read thus far).
Rick Perry Has Good Ties With Muslims
Our Sunni influenced president calls us the largest Islamic nation on earth. Perry has befriended a branch of Shia Islam.
As Islamic sects fight for control of the USA and the world, “WE THE PEOPLE” must decide what our founding fathers meant by “Freedom of Religion”. Did they mean secular humanism “freedom from Religion” where anything goes or did they mean Islam the strictest cult[1] known to man?
We continue to remove the biblical laws that define our existence from court houses and embrace Sharia law. How much longer before we look like London in flames or one of the Stone Age countries of Islam?
Religion has never mattered more: to individuals, families and our society at large.
Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story wondered if we could survive as a nation if we did not teach our children about religion and morality as restraints upon the liberal sensual desires of freemen.
The central question of 2012 is how do we define Religion?
We began as a Christian Nation based on the Biblical concept of freedom of choice.
It now appears as only a matter of time until the United States of America, which Islam has “deemed amenable to take over action”, will be just another Islamic country. And as they say time is on their side. God is clearly giving us a choice as a nation.
What do you believe?
No Islamic state in the world allows the Bible or open preaching of the Christian religion within its borders.
The newsmax article on the subject is here:
Let me hunt them back up:)
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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