This is such an evil man, and he is out to destroy our country. Some how, some way, he must be stopped. What he does with his money is treasonous.
On April 8, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi headlined a Boston conference on ''media reform.'' She was joined by four other congressmen, a senator, two FCC commissioners, a Nobel laureate and numerous liberal journalists.
The 2,500-person event was sponsored by a group called Free Press, one of more than 180 different media-related organizations that receives money from liberal billionaire George Soros.
Soros, who first made a name for himself in investing and currency trading, now makes his name in politics and policy. Since the 2004 election, the controversial financier has used his influence and billions to push a laundry list of left-wing causes. Pick an issue and his Open Society Foundations likely fund the liberal position - pro-abortion, pro-illegal immigration, pro-national health care, pro-drug legalization, pro-Big Government, anti-Israel and, ultimately, anti-America.
He spent $27 million trying to defeat President Bush just in 2004. That was a drop in the bucket compared to the $8 billion he has donated just to his Open Society Foundations. Soros followed that presidential failure by earning the well-deserved reputation as one of the top liberal contributors. Soon after the election, ''Soros headlined a meeting of 70 millionaires and billionaires in Scottsdale, Ariz., to discuss how to grow the left's ideological assets,'' explained the Aug. 18, 2005, Christian Science Monitor.
He continued to lead after the meeting was finished. Through his foundation network, Soros has helped numerous left-wing operations either be born or grow. Many of those are either associated with the media - such as Free Press which pushes for media regulation and government-funded journalism - or have media components to their operation.
That has given Soros far more influence than even many of his harshest critics realize. He has managed to insinuate himself and his money into the media culture, making connections with the nation's top publishing organizations. He has direct ties to more than 30 mainstream news outlets - including The New York Times, Washington Post, the Associated Press, CNN and ABC. Each one of those operations has employees, often high-level ones, on the boards of Soros-funded media operations.
read more here:
Now this depresses me, i can not stand that man. I guess i can start using the label Sorosian Progressive Democrats?
There is no more Democratic party or a split, just confused Old Democrats who are trying to figure out where their party is and what happened to it. It was killed in the 2010 elections. Every moderate blu-dog was voted out of office instead of the Progressives who are taking the party towards Marxism. Just as Obama told Rhodes that people falsely accuse him of being a socialist is a true statement, he is NOT a socialist, he is a Marxist right down to the bone.
*sigh* I never thought i would see the day when Marxists would truly take over our country.
Truly an evil man!
By Michael Moriarty
August 16, 2011
George Soros now rules over half of the Earth: Eurasia, North America and, with his foot in Brazil, a large hunk of South America.
With a Sorosian Barack Obama running the United States, a Sorosian Vladimir Putin running the neo Soviet Union of Third Millennium Russia, and that earliest of Sorosian visionaries, Dr. Henry Kissinger of Harvard, running an eternally Sorosian dialogue with the Tweedledees and Tweedledums of Red China, we have an entirely Sorosian New World Order.
The old euphemism for Marxist, the eternally resurrected treasonous lie called Progressive, has once again, as with Henry A. Wallace failed the smell test.
Therefore the new word for Progressive must be Sorosian.
HOLLYWOOD Sorosified: Oh, those rumored “splits” in the Democratic Party?
George and Media Matters will fix that ? unless, of course, Geoorge is so disappointed with his Oval Office Mini-Me’s that he’s given the order for his Wolfhound to bite!
The Greek Gods were thought to hurl down their thunder and lightening in the same way Dr. Evil casts his spell over the Earth.
He’s scared the hell out of most of the world and, I think, he suggests the tensions between North Korea and the newly Marxified Obama Nation of America increase to levels of incipient violence.
Dr. Evil was raised in the violent terrorism of Nazified Hungary so he knows how to slowly, slyly, cunningly Sorosify what he considers the “illusions of a Free World.”
Putin is his kind of Wolfhound and Stalin and Mao were his kind of men!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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