I keep hearing talk about the Tea Party being the Second American Revolution and I have to admit it sounds great on paper. There are a few in the Tea Party that I think would stand together to fight and I would hope I was one of them if it came to that.

I used to hang around a marina as I had a sail boat docked there and you would often listen to guys talking about the big fishing trip they planned to take one day. They would work on their boats and dream about the calm seas and cold beer not to mention the fish that would hook themselves one after another. I on the other hand planned a sailing trip around the world to exotic places and just like the fishermen never planned on anything but calm seas and peaceful natives.

The subsequent trips to the Bahamas across the Gulf Stream in heavy seas and a bout with Hurricane Mitch off the coast of Cape Canaveral made things seem just a little more realistic. You haven’t lived until you spend two days sick as a dog heaving your guts out and unable to lay in a bed because it is sideways or on end most of the time. It makes it even more fun when you are suppose to be 12 miles at sea and look out to see sand banks off your Port Side. It is too rough to read a chart and a compass isn’t much good in that kind of sea either. The best we did and could was to head east as best we could and pray. Great fun and I sold the sail boat after a time.

I wonder if any of the people talking about and romanticizing revolution has thought about the down sides. Many of us have seen war and it isn’t anything to be looking forward to. Personally I will avoid it if there is any way possible, but left no option it would be no different than choosing a direction when circumstance allows nothing else.

I happen to think our Founding Fathers had no choice and really didn’t relish the thought of going against the most powerful nation in the world, but they did.

I think the question we should be asking ourselves today is; what are the options that can get us to where we want to be with our government without having to sail through a hurricane.

The bravado about revolution is mostly just that, bravado, and while it is fine to think we want revolt and fly flags that say “Don’t Tread on Me” realistically what are we doing about it. They are treading on “me” and thee every day.

I think most people realize armed revolt isn’t going to happen as long as there is not a breakdown of order in the nation. It may and probably will eventually come to that, but I for one don’t look forward to it although I am planning ahead.

I have a suggestion that we don’t have to take over the whole country just one political party and it is the easiest thing to do—just show up. No bullets no hurricanes and you don’t even have to heave unless it is morning sickness. That is it, just show up at your local County Executive Committee and have a say in that bad party we all gripe about. You can even bring your flags if you want and they provide cold drinks. You may find some other conservatives there that think like you and are very glad to see you. You will also find some that don’t, but if we show up in great enough numbers guess what? They will leave just like Charlie Crist did. Yea, great fishing smooth sailing and occasionally a cold beer. Sounds better than revolution to me.

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Comment by David Atlee on May 13, 2010 at 6:33am
The only form of revelution we are capable of is in the ballot box. And yes, there is quite the revolution at hand. Incumbants of both parties are in the fight of their lives to keep their jobs (sad when a volunteer political position becomes a career). But most importantly, according to polls, the majority of Americans are returning to their conservative roots. They see the kind of disasters associated with big government: exploding debt and deficits, high unemployment, and the complete collapse of Greece. Was 1994 a preview of things to come? I am very confident, but we won't know for sure until we get there. Cold beer is only a day away.

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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