I know there are a lot of disappointed people about the Dartmouth not going to DC this year and I truly apologize for any inconvenience. I was told (by Freedomworks) that Freedomworks was making necessary arrangements but aparenty that was a lie. There is a history to this that you should know from last year, and that I should have paid more attention to before committing to taking the Dartmouth. If it were not for risking having the Dartmouth impounded and not having it availble for our event on the 18th I would go anyway.

912 -2009 when trying to get the Dartmouth into the 912 March, we were graciously given some runaround tasks and then finaly told by Brendan Steinhouser that the DC police would not allow the Dartmouth to participate. This turned out to be a bald faced lie and after consulting with the DC police, we confronted (by email) Freedomworks president Matt Kibbie with this fact. His response given in an email from Brendan; “we raised the million dollars to put on this event and we will do it our way”. (Never mind that the money came from the Tea Party donors)

It was only after being confronted face to face and threatened to make the cash cow Tea Party aware of what had happened Mr. Kibbie relented and allowed the Dartmouth in at the eleventh hour.

Since no arrangements had been made for staging the Dartmouth, I placed it in an unused parking area adjacent to the park where the March was to begin. We set up the masts and decorations and then soon all the trouble started.

Some DC police decided they didn’t like the March and we were harassed and made to move several times, requests for help in staging fell on deaf ears. I was threatened with arrest and having the Dartmouth impounded several times. I made a tape of some of the officers who all quickly lowered the level of the conversation when the camera came out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jahn27oF8Lc We eventually had the Dartmouth surounded by hundreds of people to prevent it being moved again.

This year I thought Freedomworks would be more cooperative and I asked that parking for staging the Dartmouth be arranged ahead of time. Once again I was given a runaround task and told Freedomworks would follow up and get this arranged. I didn’t find out that the event had been moved from Freedom Plaza until the general email came out. No arrangements for parking the Dartmouth have been made and my emails are not even acknowledged.

Freedomworks is good at seeming to work with you while in reality giving you the runaround. In reality they won’t brand their event as anything but Freedomworks and having an icon of the movement too involved takes that branding away. I offered to help with providing a stage and sound for the beginning of the event at no cost and Freedomworks wasn’t interested.

There is an old saying; fool me once shame on you and twice shame on me. Well shame on me and again I apologize for any inconveinence. I urge you to go to the event if you made plans as it is not just about Freedomworks. There will be millions of others there and it will be an exciting event even without the Dartmouth.

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Comment by Glenn Lord Sr. on September 5, 2010 at 10:10am
Yes I know the Dartmouth has the permit to be in the March what it does not have is a place to set it up which was the cause of the problems last year. I comunicated with Brendan several times about this and he asured me it would be taken care of. To date I have received no information from the DC Police or Freedomworks that staging the Dartmouth had been taken care of. I tried emailing Brendan with no response. He only responded when I pulled out because of the lack of staging and then he only said he was sorry it didn't work out. Sorry everyone I appreciate the effort but I am done with Freedomworks. Freedomworks is not the Tea Party they just use the Tea party for what they can get out of it. We have lots to do here that will have more effect than in DC and that is going to be my focus. Thanks everyone.
Comment by CARL & DIANA DOANE on September 4, 2010 at 7:34pm
Glen: IF you choose to go to Washington,Given the new Information from leadership, let me know how I and others can help. The Dartmouth is the icon of the movement. with your past contributions we owe you all the help we can Muster. WE can leave as early as Thursday.

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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