It’s been two weeks since the big election night win for Conservatives. It took two years for that win to happen. Two years of watching our liberties bullied by individuals who had the mallet and the podium. It was painful to watch Liberty under attack and our personal lives impacted by those who thought they knew what was best for us.
Americans love their freedom and desire to live in peace and harmony. We work hard and we play hard. We compete on the national stage and we help others who are down and out. It’s the American way and it’s a great way to live.
I took this week off and stayed away from the computer except to write our Thanksgiving blessing. It was a needed time to reflect on “what’s next?” Do we feel it is safe to turn our country over to the new Congress and go back to our lives as they were? Do we believe the lame duck Congress will do the right things and leave Liberty alone for the next couple of weeks? Do we believe we can keep up the pace we have for the last two years and continue to stand guard at the Liberty Watch Tower?
Those were the questions I took with me into this week of Thanksgiving. I wondered if it was time to dust off my consulting practice and go back into the private sector again. This was the week to talk to God and ask Him to give some clear direction. Stay in this tea party movement and be a part of taking it to the next level or bow out, shake hands and say the mid-term elections finished the job.
I didn’t agonize over the questions in my head. About ten years ago I learned that when one door closes another one opens. I had heard that and experienced it for myself and found out the cliché was a great one.
As the week progressed, no clear answer was forming although I was calm because I knew God would send me the right message. He always does and when you allow Him to drive the message, it makes living a lot easier.
Then this video showed up in my inbox and I knew the message had arrived. This is my favorite song – “He raised me up.” My daughter created a photo montage of my dad’s life and she used this song as the background music. Every time I hear it, I think of my dad, a single father, and how he had raised me up to be the person I am today. When that song plays on the radio, I immediately smile and cry at the same time.
This video message in my inbox was different. The song was the same and the video showed a father and son holding on together as they came to the finish line. As I watched the video, I thought of how hard it had been these last two years. The exhaustion felt by me and others in this movement was sometimes very difficult to bear. There were months of little sleep, weeks of running against the clock of injustice as corrupt legislation was passed and watching in-your-face Congressmen spit on the Constitution and accuse of us spitting on them. We felt defeated time after time and one specific night when the Healthcare bill was passed, the pain was almost more than we could bear. We felt defeated as we tried to protect Liberty and we felt we failed her.
However, God told us to keep going. He said, Remember in November, and we did. He helped us stand up against tyranny and He never left our side even when it appeared we would not finish.
For those of you who believe that you ALONE can make things happen, I’m here to tell you that being alone is lonely. I know for a fact I would not have been in this movement had God not told me to go. I know for a fact that I would not have gone the distance without Him by my side. I know for a fact that we cannot go back to sleep or back to our way of living because someone will always want to take us down.
So my answer came from a fellow tea party member who sent me a note and encouraged me to look at something else and tucked away inside that email – was this embedded video. She didn’t direct me there but God did.
God knew I would think of my dad and I did. But what I thought about more was my Father in Heaven and how He wants us to continue on and run the race for Liberty. When we fall, He will be there to hold us up. When we feel pain, He will calm our nerves. When we feel we can’t go on, He will say “Yes you can.”
The answer is clear. We must carry on. All of us. Not just me – but you and you and you must be there too. Will you join me? Will you be a part of something big and historical for future generations? Will you stand firm, run the race and continue over the finish line until you breathe your last breath?
Liberty and God are counting on us. I’m signing up today for a career as a Liberty lobbyist and wanted you to be the first to know. The pay is minimal but the benefits are for a lifetime. Liberty needs you to help raise up another generation of great Americans and I hope you’ll join me and other full-time Liberty lobbyists as we finish the race set before us with Him by our side.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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