Some people think the tea party members are a little crazy. Yes, even some call us “conspiracy theorists.” If we didn’t have the evidence, I would think the same thing. But we do have the evidence and we have created the “Liberties Lost” list for your review. WARNING: Do not lose your cool! History teaches us that good wins over evil IF you stay the course and have a positive attitude about life. Here is the list as it stands today:
American Liberties Lost List
· Financial Stability Lost due to overspending, lack of oversight and bailouts by government leaders of our hard earned tax dollars
· Healthcare Choices and Services Lost due to the passing of a bill our leaders did not read and did not factor into the unintended (or intended consequences)
· Housing Market Stability Lost because government bureaucrats and politicians regulated that banks and lenders loan to people who could not afford to repay the mortgages.
· Automobile Manufacturing Lost due to the President of the United States firing a private industry CEO, manhandling investors and paying off Union buddies with the proceeds of the dismantled organization.
· Energy Independence Lost when oil companies leave our shores because our President’s rash judgment about terrible oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
· Retirement Independence Lost when our Social Security tax dollars that we PAID for out of our paychecks were raided for other spending sprees by our leaders.
· Feeling of Security Lost when we hear of a hate-filled soldier killing other soldiers on a military base; terrorists are found innocent of charges in civilian courts because the jury is denied evidence by the Government which would prove his guilt; black panthers can intimidate voters at the polls and no one is charged with a crime; and the list goes on and on.
· Privacy Lost when our President set up a website so people could report tea party members and the most recent TSA debacle where dirty blue gloved hands of TSA employees feel up American citizens while others watch this pornographic experience in front of young children who just want to fly to Disney World and visit Grandma.
· Trust in our Leaders Lost because they are bought by lobbyists, union officials and others ultimately corrupting their behaviors and votes thereby causing the blood of Americans to flow in the streets.
· And other Liberty Losses coming soon!
They call tea party members crazy and after seeing this list – what do you think? Who did this to us? Did you do this? Did I do this? No those we entrusted with our vote did this to us and to Liberty. Our job therefore is to stop it and repeal all the craziness noted above.
Next up on the Liberty Lost List: Choose your Food– No Way Jose! Tonight the Senate voted on cloture of S510 – Food Safety Modernization Act or as we like to call it “Takeover of our Food Bill.”
This bill will ensure that international trade agreements trump local laws concerning our food sources; will destroy States’ rights to define how food is produced and distributed; transfers food regulation enforcement from the FDA to Department of Homeland Security; threatens local food production and farming; and increases bureaucrats power over our ability to eat what we want!
TAKE ACTION NOW: You can let this Lame Duck Congress take your food choices away from you OR you can tie up the phone lines all day tomorrow and tell them to stop taking away your liberties and stop it now! Liberty Central has all the information and the number you need to call your Senator. Check out the information at:
If you have never participated in calling your Senators, do it now please. Start today by being a Liberty Lobbyist and stand up against those who one vote at a time are taking away your liberty. Is that what you want? Would you let someone take your car if they wanted to steal it? Would you let someone in your house to steal your valuables?
Your liberty is more important than anything you own. Fight for it. Do your part. We need everyone on the phones beginning at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, November 29, 2010. Will you help us tie up the phone lines in Congress? Go to and let’s get it done.
Liberty is precious and once lost is hard to regain.
Our plan moving forward: Tell the new Congress arriving in January 2011 - repeal all these Liberties that we have lost and protect us again. Do nothing else but that! That should keep you busy and out of trouble for a while!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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