The air is crisp and changes in the weather are welcome.  It’s been a hot summer with the weather and with politics so we are enjoying the real climate change that comes with the seasons. 


This is my favorite time of year.  For those up north, they watch the leaves change to golden hues of orange and yellows.  For those of us in the south, we watch the grass stop growing (no more Saturday mowings) and the palm tree opening new fronds as it remakes itself. 


The pool water is too cold for humans so the pool toys are put away and the rusty fire pit is readied for another season of marshmallows and fireside conversations.   Gathering together with our friends in the cool of the night is another favorite of mine.  Campers also begin their plans for cool nights with their families and friends enjoying the sounds of nature and the time spent together.


I thought others were gearing up for a camping experience when I saw a gathering of individuals on TV.  I turned up the volume and listened intently to the wide-eyed group chanting with an avowed communist Frances Fox Piven.  See for yourself here:


Here we go, ladies and gents.  The planned riots have begun and they are pretending that this is a movement generated by upset people who can’t get jobs or who are tired of profits on Wall Street.  Let us not be fooled by the shenanigans of those behind the scenes pulling the strings of these wide-eyed youth with no direction in their lives.  They are being used by the real “corporate greed” monsters who are funding their activities and trying to take down THEIR competition through rioting youth with no understanding of how they are being led astray.  Ms. Piven has always been a troublemaker and she will always be a troublemaker because she is a communist.  Communists cause trouble and abhor the American culture.  Read more about Ms. Piven here:


As I sat in stunned silence watching the chanting, my mind went back to the Tea Party March on DC on 9/12 as 1.5 million of us (I was there) “chant” our message of USA and we sung together:


The same group that chants with Ms. Piven is also demanding that Obama be re-elected.  See more here:


So the ones who are upset about how our economy is being run, wants President Obama re-elected so he can continue to destroy our economy and they can continue to be slaves to those behind this Wall Street protest????? 


Ahh…can I go back to the beginning of this blog?  Remember how great it was to feel the air and plan our conversations around the fire pits with marshmallows on sticks? 

Are those days gone?  Will we have the ability to live our lives in peace OR will the coming election year be filled with riots and protests in the streets?  Will Obama use these people to create pandemonium?


Whatever will be will be.  For us – we must stay focused on the plan to remove those who are destroying our economy from the White House and Congress.  We must not fear what might be and stay peaceful while they chant with communists.


There will be more of these “Wall Street Protests” in your hometowns.  Be on the lookout for the Communist Chanting Protests.  In Jacksonville, we will see ours this coming Saturday at Hemming plaza at noon.  Read here:


We encourage you to stay away from these protests and let them be.   Let them chant and let them protest.  It’s their right as an American citizen to do so.  It is not their right to destroy property or hurt anyone, however.


We will be sitting around the fire pit singing God Bless America and praying to God for His peace and protection and for Him to be the center of our culture again.   I think I’ll put my trust in Him since He is the one who made the leaves change; the palms remake themselves and the world turn.    It appears His powers are bigger so I’m hanging with Him.


And I think it is time to start our own chant and it goes perfectly with Murray Goff’s song – God Save the USA.  I’m chanting that, how about you?


Listen here:


Views: 537


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Comment by tamara stephenson on October 6, 2011 at 7:17am
While some at the protest are against capitalism, I think to call what we have in this country as capitalism is misleading.  For small businesses, capitalism applies.  But when big corporations get government subsidies, tax breaks and bailouts, that's not capitalism; that's corporate welfare.  The game is rigged, and it seems to be rigged against small business, and the individual consumer.  When AT&T tells T Mobile that it will pay TMobile billions of dollars if their merger DOESN'T go through, that tells me that AT&T felt pretty confident that it had the FCC in its back pocket and approval was merely a rubber stamp away.  Isn't that gaming the system?  How does that merger help other cell phone providers or the consumer?  It doesn't.  It helps AT&T, and that's about it.   I think most of us want a fair chance to get a decent education, get a decent job and make a decent living.  I think the majority of those people protesting want that as well.
Comment by w. lee dungan jr. on October 5, 2011 at 3:55pm
the phrase useful idiots was coined by joseph stalin, mass murderer/dictator of russia.JL. Gawlik is tellin it like it is I give your post two thumbs up , way UP.
Comment by JL Gawlik on October 5, 2011 at 12:32pm

I think it is so sad to see our youth used as 'useful idiots' (go web search 'useful idiots' Marx and you will see who have used this term over the decades then murdered millions of their own people after they were through using them.), by the UNIONS, by Stephen Lerner, by Wade Rathke, by Van Jones and their ilk.

Many are just there for a good time. This is clearly not a grass root protest but one conjured up by the above. These kids are receiving funds and being fed by the above people and their groups. I just hope soon they realize the lies that they are being told and that they have been used and betrayed by lies. They should be asking the organizers what is your agenda? WHY are we doing this? Capitalism is a part of why USA has been successful, it is part of our Liberty and Freedom, like William Koch stated below, why are you calling it evil? We ALL should ALWAYS question things and teach our youth to do the same.

Capitalism is what made our great country and we can now see by not teaching history in our public schools for the past two decades, by not teaching our youth, about the foundation of our country, and Founding Fathers' Charters of Liberty and Freedom, we are going to have a lost generation or more of Americans who do not know their about heritage or even understand it.

What is so sad to see is when these people are asked why are they protesting, many do not understand, many are confused, some say because of capitalism, but it clear they do not understand,  they are just being told that capitalism is evil, even by the President of the United States.

Because of capitalism, it helped elect him in 2008, i will never forget when he betrayed then candidate John McCain in 2008. He told John McCain, IF you accept public funding for your campaign so will I. Then when McCain made it official, candidate Obama then took private funding so he did NOT have to publicly report his campaign contributors or how much they were contributing.

Again he lied.

I have never before in my life have seen such dishonorable, dishonest, despicable, unconscionable, people in leadership roles using our youth, in our country and government, this is so sad and disheartening to see. President Obama and his administration and the Progressive Democrats are to blame for creating this mess. Since the Progressive Democrats took over Congress in January 2007, we have had nothing but crisis after crisis.

Thanks for the song!

November 2012 can not come soon enough.

Comment by William Korach on October 5, 2011 at 11:55am


Yes, I get their anger, and yes, the banks deserve our contempt for their gross neglect of basic ethics, and everything else save their bonus. But the kids just blame the capitalist system, and that is wrong. Capitalism is our liberty to build and own a business, and kids need to understand that capitalism springs from individual liberty.

See The Report Card for origins of this thinking

Comment by tamara stephenson on October 5, 2011 at 11:53am
i think this protest is not about republican vs. democrat.   this protest is about corporations/Wall Street running the show -- politicians were bought off long ago.  That was evident the minute TARP passed in 2008.  Democrats and Republicans lined up to sign off on the taxpayer bailing out those big banks, and where did it get us?  Well, unless "us" is Citibank, Bank of America, AIG or Goldman Sachs...absolutely nowhere.
Comment by w. lee dungan jr. on October 5, 2011 at 11:37am

the man responsible for the majority of the bailout money that was thrown at wall street and the public/private sector unions and God only knows what else is in the white house because of the voting block these clueless protesters represent. they put him over the reality is kicking in and their learning, elections have consequinces.


Comment by Joanna B McDermott on October 5, 2011 at 11:23am
The kids should be protesting at the college level regarding exhorbitant costs for going to college...not the banks who lent them the funds to go.  Good grief.....they went, they signed a contract and now they owe the money. 
Comment by tamara stephenson on October 5, 2011 at 11:14am
@William:  agreed.  But who paid the price?  Certainly not the banks.  They were bailed out with ZERO accountability as to how that money was spent.  Further, those same banks paid their CEO's and executives exorbitant bonuses that was paid for by the taxpayer.  Remember AIG and the luxury conventions paid for by us?  These kids are looking at that kind of bailout and at the same time looking at massive student loan debt, watching Pell Grants being cut with no available jobs, no affordable healthcare, and a chance at a decent living basically being scrapped, while the rich get richer.  I get their anger.  I am glad I'm not a twenty-something with the economy the way it is and the government completely bought off by big business.  The Wall Street guys don't care about some kids protesting.  they  need to be marching on the white house and congress and asking why these guys, instead of representing their constituents, consistently represent the interests of Wall Street to the detriment of us, time and time again.  these kids are naive because nothing will change.
Comment by w. lee dungan jr. on October 5, 2011 at 11:00am
the useful idiots protesting on wall street support this president who has taken in more contributions from wall street than any other in history.this libtard sqeeze from the back side of intelligencia sure as hell isn't fooling me. the taxpayers of new York will pay millions in city services and cleanup just so these entitled little snots can make fools of themselves.
Comment by William Korach on October 5, 2011 at 9:56am
The mortgage meltdown is a shared responsibility between government and banks. The Democrats-Barney Frank demanded that banks lend money to people who had poor credit under the rubric of "fairness." Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, both quasi government organizations, bought these bad loans as a form of guarantee. Armed with this guaranty, the banks began to repackage the bad loans and combine them with good loans in the form of a securitized and investable asset. That was like putting a rotten egg in an omelette with good eggs. All is spoiled. That is exactly what happened. But the government started it through social engineering.

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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