Before I begin, let me assure everyone reading this that I love animals. We have three dogs, two cats, eight koi, five laying hens and two bird feeders. (Sounds much like a Christmas song doesn’t it) We love animals and we spend a lot of time and money taking care of their needs.
You would think I would be thrilled with reading that the Obama administration took steps to add more than 500 species of the animal planet to the Endangered Species List. News about Endangered Species List I wasn’t thrilled.
All of a sudden there is a “fast and furious” attempt to get these animals on the list. For some reason, this administration loves things that go fast and furious such as the eroding of our liberties, pushing through legislation in the dead of night, handing off weapons to Mexican cartels, and racing to get loans secured for bankrupt solar companies who give money to Obama’s campaign.
Here’s the irony to this latest attempt to save the animals on this list. Isn’t this the same group who repeats over and over again that we were not created by God? Lest we forget that we evolved? So if animals are still evolving, who are we to worry about their endangered status? Maybe they are evolving away and their time is up? (Don’t hit me – remember I love animals)
Isn’t this the same group who believes it is okay to abort innocent little babies from their mother’s womb? Has the Obama administration added Unborn Babies to the list of endangered species? Are they regulating abortion clinics to ensure that all unborn babies are protected and allowed to live? Did We the People make the list of the endangered species?
Forgive me for being cynical. When a “slimy American eel and tiny Texas kangaroo rat” have more liberties than We the People, you know there is something wrong in America. Our culture has been turned inside out and we are watching our country’s foundation destroyed one regulation at a time.
The last two years has worn a hole in our trust level with the government. Back door legislation from the White House through bureaucratic departments does not create warm and fuzzy feelings between We the People and our government. The right side of the aisle looking very similar to the left side of the aisle does not create those warm and fuzzy feelings either. Candidates saying one thing in a debate and finding their records do not match their words also do not create warm and fuzzy feelings.
I would like to introduce you to the only one who I can put my trust in…that would be the God of the universe and the one who created you and me and the tiny kangaroo rat in Texas. He created the unborn babies and accepted them back to heaven when they left the womb way too early.
This is the same God our founding fathers looked to when they wrote our freedom documents. This is the same God who says in Jeremiah 29:11 (MSG) “I know what I am doing. I have it all planned out – plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.”
When I read the stories of corruption at the top of our Governmental structure and all the way down to city commissions, I know His plans are bigger than what we see.
When persecution comes through untrue stories about those in this movement, I lean into Him for comfort and reassurance we are doing the right thing.
When the days are long and the suffering is too, I rely on Him and His promise for my future.
When all is fast and furious around us, I repeat my favorite scripture verse, “Be still and know that I am God.”
As we read the headlines, watch the political games and we uncover the stories hidden from us, remember this… these men who believe they control our lives are tiny – as tiny as the kangaroo rat. God can place them in the palm of His hands and with a flick of His finger send them away to do no more harm. He also has the ability to tenderly take you in His hands and assure you all is right with the world for those who believe in Him.
May your weekend be filled with wonderful memories and warm and fuzzy feelings with your family, friends and your God.
Oh I wasn't trying to defend Obama I was just simply point out that Bush did it too. You are right on all points in here as far as the power that each branch has. I was more trying to point out that people on the right blame Obama and make him out to be so horrible, and he is don't get me wrong, but Bush was almost as bad as Obama. Bush just did it in a more low key way and he spread his Constitutional offenses over a longer period of time Obama is has tried to cram as much in as he could.
Your whole argument is what Ron Paul is talking about. How government on both sides routinely oversteps it bounds. The only time one side says anything about it is when the other side is in power. That does not apply to everyone but the people in power of the party that you typically see talking about things like they speak for every single person in the party.
Well Mr. Stump at least the basic premise of the conversation we can agree on. I think the Tea Party started out as not another political party but it has changed and that is were my sadness comes from. It has been reduced to a part of the Republican party. Maybe those in the Tea Party might not agree but the majority of people see the Tea Party as a wing of the GOP party. I frequent a lot of different sites from various political spectrum and that is pretty much a common thought among almost all of the people on the different sites.
If you look at the National Archives 126 in his first three years in office and since Obama has been President he has signed 95 as of the most recent date I could find information for which was 9/13/2011.
As far as Bush being an American I will agree with you on that one. While the issue with Obama's birth certificate has been resolved to at least my satisfaction even if he is an American citizen he is not what I would call an American.
I don't believe Obama really believes in any specific faith other then the god called government. I don't think he is a Christian but I don't think he is Muslim either. I think he is more sympathetic to Muslims as he feels they have been abused by America and by Christians. I think he sees himself as some sort of great judge, jury, and executioner of equality. The problem I have with equality, as he sees it, is that how can you say you believe in equality when you are helping someone succeed and others fail. I know in his mind the people that he sees fail are being punished for some sort of crime that they have committed in his eyes.
All that being said you are right we have to fix the system quick, fast, and in a hurry or we will be leaving our children a once great nation that is no longer great. I just had a son and I personally don't want to look at him and tell him about how great this country used to be but alas those days are gone. I'm ready to fight for this country I just hope and pray it can be done at the ballot box.
Mr. Stump
Both parties pretend to dislike what the other is doing but in the end very little about them is much different. Almost everything that Obama has done has been a continuation of Bush. Some of his tactics have been a little, shall-we-say, underhanded but the end results are in line with Bush. Wars, more spending, more entitlements, no real change to Washington. Big business is getting richer while the majority of American's are getting poorer. I'm not calling for the destruction of capitalism or the free market I would actually like to see those two things make a come-back because what we currently have does not resemble either of those things in the slightest. They may say different things out of their mouths but other then talk there is not much of a difference.
That is why I like the Tea Party it started out not about right and left but about fixing the economy. It makes me sad that I see the Tea Party starting to drift away from that more and more. I know I'll probably catch a lot of you-know-what for this comment but hey it is what it is.
Okay I'm glad I misunderstood you I know it wasn't the point I was using it as an example. You are also right in that environmental protection and economic development is a very thin line. I do think that it can be managed where both benefit but I don't think we are there yet, but I do think we have made great strides just like with racism.
No I agree with you I spend many hours a day thinking about God and his plans and how I can best fit into. Because his thoughts are unfathomable we need to be careful in saying that He does not want things one way or another since we cannot see the end of even our own existence let alone His creation as a whole. Our job is to love Him with all our hearts, mind, and soul and to love one another as ourselves. That is the paraphrased version of Jesus's answer to what the greatest commandment is.
Yes. You misunderstood me. I am saying that racism is not the topic of this thread, and that progress has been made in recent years. Greed is a major problem and seems to be trending as an even greater social problem with the rise in popularity of the writings of Ayn Rand and such. Everyone loves the environment has practically no one would object to environmental protection in concept. However, there is an intrinsic and unavoidable tension between environmental protection and econonmic development. That cannot be resolved, but only managed.
I agree that God's thought are unfathomable, but he also gave us the power to reason so that we can apply ourselves to trying to understand them (understand Him)...He doesn't intend to be so obscure that we just give up on the effort and sit around waiting for his rescue.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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