This email was sent from a vigilant tea party leader who has watched the EPA and their dangerous regulations. EPA has plans to create even more regulations which will impact our water rates as well as our way of life.
EPA Environmental Justice Dept -- (like the sound of that?) will hold a conference call this Monday night. Why not join in and listen to what they have up their sleeve?
Watch this video first about the subject matter regarding Florida's water attack by the EPA:!/video/video.php?v=1613708742770
and this one:
Here's her email:
Here it comes. Rain water, no matter where it falls, will eventually run off into the streams. They will have us running around in circles trying to stop this run-off from carrying nutrients into our streams.
So far, Sarasota County has spent almost 1/2 million to try to figure out what to do about rain water.
But don't worry, other cities have been working on this same manual since 2010:
REMINDER: The FLERA yearly conference is in Sarasota this year. We welcome anyone to come help us in our Education Rally (in front of the hotel). Bring signs!
One of our members has offered to pay for a hotel room for someone to be a spokesman/educator within the hotel. They can't kick you out of the lobby if you are a paying guest. Check out the agenda and see if it is something about which you would love to speak with (educate) attendees. Besides, your city and county reps may be attending.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Environmental Justice EPA a href="">>
Date: Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 10:25 AM
Subject: [epa-ej] Update and Conference Call on Waters of the U.S. Draft Guidance
Environmental Justice Mailing List
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host a one-hour call for public health and environmental justice organizations on Monday, July 18th, at 3:30 PM EDT to discuss the draft guidance for determining whether a waterway, water body, or wetland is protected by the Clean Water Act. This guidance, known as the Draft Guidance on Identifying Waters Protected by the Clean Water Act, was jointly prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Clean water serves everyone, from families who want safe places to swim, to fishermen who want to know their catch is safe to eat, to farmers who rely on it to grow their crops, and everyone in between. About 117 million Americans – more than one-third of the U.S. population – get their drinking water in part from water sources that lack clear protection from pollution.
In this draft guidance, we are focusing on returning protections to smaller waters that feed into larger ones, to keep downstream water safe from upstream pollutants. And we are reaffirming protection for wetlands that filter pollution and store water, and help keep communities safe from floods.
We encourage you to review the draft guidance and other background material in preparation for the call (see link). The EPA and the ACE have extended the public comment period by 30 days for the draft guidance. The draft guidance is now available for public comment until July 31, 2011.
We look forward to discussing this important issue with you and answering any questions that you may have.
Please reserve this time on your calendar to join us.
Date: July 18, 2011
Time: 3:30 PM EDT
Speakers: Nancy Stoner, Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Water; David Evans, Director, Wetlands Division, Office of Wetlands, Oceans & Watersheds, Office of Water
Dial-in Number: 1-877-290-8017
Conference ID#: 81996907
For more information about the Clean Water Act definition of "Waters of the United States":
If you are not already a member, the Office of Environmental Justice would like to invite you to join the EJ ListServ. The purpose of this information tool is to notify individuals about activities at EPA in the field of environmental justice. By subscribing to this list you will receive information on EPA's activities, programs, projects grants and about environmental justice activities at other agencies. Noteworthy news items, National meeting announcements, meeting summaries of NEJAC meetings, and new publication notices will also be distributed. Postings can only be made by the Office of Environmental Justice. To request an item to be posted, send your information to and indicate in the subject “Post to EPA-EJ ListServ”
To join the listserv go to:
The DEP in 1998 was given a set standards and time to develop a plan . In 2004 they received their mandate to do so. They have done nothing but cave into the very people who polluted our rivers, especially the St. Johns. State government failed. St johns Riverkeepers has been working with DEP for years to get them to set standards. They have done nothing.
It will raise our utilities by between 40 and 70 dollars annually. Had we set out making the polluters stop and pay for remediation we wouldn't be here, we didn't. We could have done what other states had done and pushed the cost on the polluters, those responsible. But we have a gutless state government wh owas unwilling to go against the phosphate industry, commercial polluters, golf courses and other who put costs ahead of our enviroment. The massive algae blloms and subsequent fish kills of last summer should be a warning. This river is among Jacksonville's greatest asset.
California, is an interesting state. One fourth of all electricity used in in that state is used to move water. Until this year they had been at historic low levels, a sustained drought. The snowfall this year was historic also.
One thing we have to consider is this. Water as we all know flows downhill, as does effluent. That is a nice name for it .
Here is the value of the EPA.
Pretend we here in Florida thought keeping our water clean was a good thing, but our neighbors in Georgia, not so much. So industries relocate to Georgia so they are able to pollute at will. Well they just pump it right into the Chattahoochee. Problem flows right away. Except that eventually it ends up in Appalachicola Bay, where our oysterman now have oysters that are inedible.
So two things have happened. fitrst industry moved out of Florida to a state where polluting is no big deal. And then they killed our industry with their pollution.
That is the value of the EPA.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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