Wednesday, July 13, 2011 Contact: Alex Burgos (202) 224-3041
"If they don’t get their Social Security checks, it’s because the President’s decided to do that, because we still have revenue coming in. ... I think people are going to be shocked to learn the real truth about what the government’s done with their Social Security money."
Sen. Marco Rubio
“The Hugh Hewitt Show”
July 12, 2011
Sen. Rubio: People Are Going to Be Shocked to Learn the Real Truth About What the Government’s Done With Their Social Security Money
Hugh Hewitt: “Senator Rubio, you represent a lot of senior citizens in Florida. The country knows that. I think it’s despicable to scare them this way. What’s your reaction to the President’s threat to hold their Social Security checks hostage?”
Sen. Rubio: “Well, if they don’t get their Social Security checks, it’s because the President’s decided to do that, because we still have revenue coming in. Here’s the other thing I would say. If in fact the President holds up their checks for Social Security, and Medicare, and whatever else he wants to hold up to make his point, isn’t he admitting that all these programs are funded by deficit spending? Isn’t he admitting that all these programs are dependent upon borrowed money?
“And I think the folks who are on Social Security, people like my mom, would be shocked to learn the truth that the money that they’re receiving in Social Security isn’t the money they worked hard for all these years to put away, the government was going to give back to them in their retirement. The government spent all that money already. They spent it long ago on other things. This is borrowed money. This is money that we’re borrowing from our children and our grandchildren. And I think people are going to, if that happens, I think people are going to be shocked to learn the real truth about what the government’s done with their Social Security money.”
Sen. Rubio: This Issue of the Debt Limit Didn’t Sneak Up On Us
Hugh Hewitt: “Do you think the negotiations that he had lured Republicans into over the last couple of weeks have been in bad faith?”
Sen. Rubio: “Well, I wasn’t in those negotiations, so I’d hate to characterize something I wasn’t a part of. Let me say that he was late to the game.
“First of all, the President, this is not a new issue, okay? This issue of the debt limit didn’t sneak up on us. This has been around for a while. We knew this was coming. And then the President’s done nothing on it. He gave a state of the union speech this year, never mentioned any plans about how to address this. He offered a budget before Congress, and the budget was so bad, I mean, it actually increased the debt. His budget was so bad, so unrealistic, that when we put it to a vote here in the Senate, not even a single Democrat voted for it. That’s how bad it was. It didn’t get a single vote.
“So he’s had multiple opportunities to deal with this, and he’s kind of punted and moved the ball along, and focused on other things. And now, with three weeks to go, two weeks to go, all of a sudden, he wants to ride in and act like he’s leading. Well, he’s not leading. In fact, what he’s doing is he’s trying to position this as a political issue, so he can claim victory for his 2012 election. But the reality of it is that people know better, they’re going to realize it, we’re going to continue to talk about it.”
IBM offered to help reduce Medicare fraud for free... The offer is true. Mort Zuckermann, US News and World Report, a Democrat, was interviewed on Fox and confirmed it. IBM has confirmed it. You won't believe it. IBM offered to help reduce Medicare fraud for free. The Chairman and CEO of IBM, Samuel J. Palmisano, approached President Obama and members of his administration before the healthcare bill debates with a plan that would reduce healthcare expenditures by $900 billion. Obama refused. Overdose of “Spenditol”? No. Ingrained deep hatred of the U.S.A. and its Judeo-Christian work ethic.
Bob Tipton
Dear amanda I invite you to Google wikpedia --Social Security--You will find an in depth study of social security--"social security is a social insurance program funded thru dedicated payroll taxes"
Thus the deductions are to pay the INSURANCE PREMIUMS The study further states"tax deposits are formally entrusted to the Federal Old Age and Survivors INSURANCE Trust Fund"In particular read the section on F I C A.Social Security is and always been a forced placed INSURANCE program similar to an INSURANCE ANNUITY forced upon us without our choice or permission. All Insurance programs are based on the dictates of actuarial studies --The premiums charged are an amount that assures the insured is paid a certain amount over a certain period of time based on age and time--Insurance of any kind never assumes that the proceeds are to be paid to an insured from premiums paid by other
policy holders premiums-rather they are to be paid from each individual insureds premiums plus investment income. To do otherwise is a Ponzi scheme or a Maddoff scheme.The net effect on the debt limit or deficits can not be from S S -UNLESS the treasury can not make good on its I O U s it gave to S S when it took money from the trust fund.Any deficit is not a failure of the S S Trust fund -In the real world any Insurance Company that operated the way S S has would be put into receivership and those responsible would be arrested .I cite all this as but a small part of what you can learn by going to the website. Once you have an intelligent understanding of SOCIAL SECURITY INSURANCE you will be better equipped to discuss the subject.
Durwin or Patricia, please tell me how your argument differs from that of Pelosi and how mine differs from that of Reagan? Or anyone can jump in on this. Please tell me
In 1961 Ronald Reagan made an album called- The Case Against Socialized Medicine.
He went around the country speaking to groups, giving "The Speech."
It is on YouTube, it is everywhere on the internet, read it and tell again that it is me that is out of step with the conservative philosophy. You are only addressing your own self interest. Very Randian.
Unless you use someone else's money to achieve this independence, then it is just what it is, hypocrisy. Either be all in one way or the other. But please don't call me names and accuse me of not being for what the Tea Party is about, because if you are for smaller government, fiscally responsible government, freedom and liberty, then that comes with good and bad stuff personally. I am okay with that because I want the other things that smaller government means too.
I'm sure many of you are wondering why there's any objection to using the Social Security system to finance medical care for the aged. Well first of all, it is a misnomer to think of Social Security as being insurance. In the Nestor vs. Fleming case heard before the Supreme Court in 1959, the Department of justice in its brief said, "the OASI program is in no sense a federally-administered insurance program under which each worker pays premiums over the years and acquires at retirement an indefeasible right to receive a fixed monthly benefit. The contributions exacted, are a tax." Many people also have the mistaken impression that Social Security benefits are paid out of accumulated reserves, similar to private insurance programs, when in truth the program is financed almost entirely on a pay-as-you-go basis, with the benefits paid out of current income. Pay-as-you-go means that the government raises, through current taxes, just enough money to pay the cost of the benefits currently due. No one prepays his own benefits. Today's taxpayers pay for today's beneficiaries. The acceptance of the King bill would actually mean that our children and grandchildren will be asked to pay ever-increasing Social Security taxes to finance the medical-care needs of the previous generations. With growing families, young people have enough difficulty trying to make ends meet without assuming the additional obligation of paying higher taxes to pay for the medical-care needs of all over sixty-five, many of whom are in better financial shape than those paying the tax.
Ronald Reagan 1961- The Case Against Socilaized Medicine
So Medicare, pushed through by Johnson, re-inforced by Humphrey, that program, is now a conservative program? Please help me because I can't understand when that un-funded social welfare program became a conservative cause. If you go back to the debate on Medicare,after the fact by Rockefellar and Reagan's campaign in 1968, their complaint was that the math just didn't work once it was played out. That the number workers to retirees would eventually require a huge tax on the third generation, me.
This argument against Medicare wasn't put forth by a crazy liberal, but by Ronald Reagan. So call me names and tell me I do not know what I am talking about, but Ronald Reagan was the the very man who said thatit wouldn't work. Guess what, he was right. And it isn't crack mommas taht are breaking the bank. it is retirees who live for thirty years on the teat.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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