Eleven Days until Nov. 2: Stand Up for the Freedom Fighters!

Today’s headlines took my breath away

“Illinois soldiers wait for ballots. Prisoners get hand delivery.” See the entire article at this link:


Why am I not surprised and more importantly, why am I not surprised Illinois is pulling this stunt?

Many of us have family members who fought and some died for our liberties. We also know many who are serving right now in Afghanistan. Just a few weeks ago, one of our friend’s son hugged his parents good-bye and left for Parris Island. We attended a farewell party for him. He stood among his high school buddies and giggling girls who just weeks before had attended their high school prom and graduation. He looked so young and I just wanted to scream “Stop! Don’t do this. You have your life ahead of you.” I know his mother wanted to also and she had come to the realization this was her son’s dream and one she could not deny him. His mother and dad stood tall and proud of their baby son and deep inside I know they are scared for him.

He could have chosen to go to college right out of high school. He could have chosen to stay home and work in his parent’s third generation business. He could have chosen to spend a year back-packing in Europe. Instead, he chose to put on a uniform and become a Freedom Fighter. He did not make this decision lightly and he was prepared to go.

Right now he is in basic training and cannot reach out to his family and friends. He is being groomed as a Marine and will come home to his family as a man ready to defend his country.

It is appalling that prisoners were given special treatment and more respect for their vote than those who wear a military uniform and are willing to die for this country.

What has happened to us? How can we read this headline and not be disturbed by it? Why do I wake up every morning to new headlines that irritate my soul? What can we do about it?

The only options we have are to:

· DEMAND a full investigation and hold those responsible accountable. Write letters to the Department of Justice and ask for a full investigation and continue to write them until this matter is resolved. Voter fraud cannot be tolerated in our Republic.

· VOTE for principled people to lead us in our hometowns, our state houses, in Congress and the White House. Without principled leaders, these headlines will continue.

· THANK a vet or someone in the military today. If you have friends with children in the military, send a care package and thank them for their service.

· CALL your local city government and find out if they are planning a Veteran’s Day parade. Offer to help. They always need volunteers.

· ATTEND the upcoming Veteran’s Day parade in your town in a few weeks. Shake as many hands as you can along the parade route. There will be many veterans in the parade and along the streets. Be sure to take your children or grandchildren with you and give them small American flags to wave as the parade goes by. This is the best way to show them the American spirit in action.

· WATCH these young men and women in boot camp at Parris Island. Shouldn’t these great Americans be allowed to vote?

Views: 36


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Comment by John Sanders on October 21, 2010 at 12:25pm
As always the priorities of our local and Federal Government are swayed toward the wasted flesh instead of our proud Men and Women of the Armed forces and the hard working individuals that support this Country. We have got to get this changed, We can't let this continue. If the Republicans get control of Congress, we have to ensure they are doing what the majority of the people want and if they do not it is time for a new Conservative party to be formed.
Comment by John Sauer on October 21, 2010 at 12:22pm
I emailed Mr Steele when I read of the Illinois Counties Supervisors' rejection of the DOJ directive. The following includes the response I received. I forwarded both to my activist niece in Illinois asking if she wanted to pursue this matter since any political contact I made in Illinois would be rejected or discarded by the email filters. Do you know anyone to in Illinois? BTW DOJ website states that the New Jersey Supervisor of Elections has filed a lawsuit against counties for this same reason.

From: Gaye Galvin - Coalitions [mailto:ggalvin@rnchq.org]
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 12:36 PM
To: sauer_john@att.net
Subject: Military Ballots in Illinois.

Dear Mr. Sauer,

Due to our Consent Decree entered into the US District court for the district of NJ (1981, 1986) we must refrain from engaging , assisting or participating in any ballot security activities to prevent or remedy vote fraud.

The states are and can do something about it. Please review the link below..thank you so much for your concern.
Each state must file an extension and/or threaten with a civil lawsuit..the scary thing is…ultimately it will fall to Eric Holder.


From: John Sauer [mailto:sauer_john@att.net]
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2010 11:18 AM
To: Info Services
Subject: Military Ballots in Illinois.

Mr. Steel,

Up to 35 counties in Illinois have not mailed the absentee ballots to their residents deployed overseas. This is a shameful and blatant violation of their First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and in direct violation of the DOJ directive to get the absentee ballots out by September 18th. The affected military are denied their right to free speech through the election process. These ballots need to be sent out immediately and the Illinois election results need to be delayed for 45 days after the last military ballot is mailed and the returned ballots counted.
Cris Cray, Director of Legislation at the Illinois State Board of Elections needs to be fired ad held in contempt as well as the 35 county Supervisor of Elections that did not mail out the military ballots. See full story here: http://biggovernment.com/capitolconfidential/2010/10/15/exclusive-i...

This is a serious situation. Is there any chance of delaying the return of Congress until the Illinois ballots are returned and counted?

John Sauer
for the children
Comment by Dawn Holder on October 21, 2010 at 8:35am
I have been hearing about this year's rounds of negligence or malfeasance. There were problems with the primaries too. There are new federal laws in place this election cycle. The law is called Military and Overseas Empowerment Act (MOVE).

Here is an article from Fox from the primaries.


It explains the process and gives background. It also says that there is an online option so, if you are or know any one living outside the US or serving with the Armed Forces outside the US, please direct them to


From the FAQ

When should I receive my ballot?

Most states and territories begin mailing ballots 30-45 days before an election. If you have not received your ballot two weeks before the election, contact your local election official (contact information available on most state election sites). If you encounter problems contacting your local election official, contact us. Always complete and return your absentee ballot regardless of when you receive it, even if you have already submitted a back-up Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (explanation below). Your local election official will ensure that only one of the ballots is counted.

What happens if I do not receive a ballot from my local election office?

If you requested an absentee ballot but have not received one close to election day, you can still vote by using the back-up Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB).

In order to be eligible to use this back-up ballot, you must:

Be absent from your voting residence;
Have applied for a regular ballot early enough so the request is received by the appropriate local election official not later than the State deadline; or the date that is 30 days before the general election; AND
Have not received the requested regular absentee ballot from the state.

Where can I get a back-up Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot?

Hardcopies of the back-up Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) are available through Voting Assistance Officers at military installations or at U.S. embassies/consulates.

An online version is also available, which must be completed, printed, signed, dated, and mailed to your local election official. Check out your state's instructions to determine your state specific instructions, witness/notary requirements for voted ballots, deadlines, and mailing addresses.

Back up ballot can be seen here:


As far as the supporting the military. As a prior dependent child and wife, I always liked the USO. They usually need volunteers. It will always remember it as a place where there was a friendly, safe place to sit and have a coke. The website:


My favorite group is Navy-Marine Corp Relief Society. They are a SUPERB group! They gave my folk a crib because I was sleeping in a drawer! They say best what they do at


Mayport's office


NAS-Roosevelt's office


There are other organizations that support the military. These just happen to be ones that I can recommend personally. I checked to see how much of the money goes to program, admin and other. NMCRS's programs get 86.7 % and their other expenses are 13.3%. The USO is 74% goes to programs and 26 goes to other expenses. I used http://www.charitynavigator.org

Other websites



Like I said, I know that there are other organization out there to help our soldier, sailors and marines. I am sure that they all could use some time or cash. Consider doing one or both, if you can afford it.

Comment by Jackie Dougherty on October 21, 2010 at 8:24am
Sorry, I had the comma in the wrong place for the foot soldiers. They actually earn 1,147.00 a month-gross. Some of their families are on Welfare and that's criminal.
Comment by Jackie Dougherty on October 21, 2010 at 8:22am
These young people sacrificing life and limb for their country should take priority over the prisoners but I guess the liberals don't see it that way. Now the Tea Part is coming under racial attacks from the NAACP. http://link.email.washingtonpost.com/r/BZYGW4/NSJ5EQ/MF8D74/B3YB2L/...
Everyone keep up the good work and if you get a chance to help the soldiers (foot soldier earns $11.470 per month) got to Operation Homefront and help their struggling families.
Comment by Kurt D Wullenweber on October 21, 2010 at 6:17am
What is most shocking, to me, is the Land of Lincoln has becoem the land of corrupt politicians. I was not the least bit surprised by these headlines, coming from Illinois. What surprises me is how good people can continue to live in that cesspool of a state without taking up arms to clean it out.
My first reaction to Barack Obama's campaign for president was not his party and certainly not his race. AS soon as I heard the word Chicago tied to his name, I knew I couldn not vote for him.
Comment by FCTP on October 21, 2010 at 5:27am
11 DAYS AWAY!! Stop voter fraud and give a salute to the military! Hoorah!

National Debt Clock


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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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