A Dozen Days until Nov. 2: It’s getting dirty out there and We the People have a message for You the Politicians

We are only 12 days away from a “historical’ takeover of our government. These are tough times and these are exciting times.

I spoke to a friend tonight and she asked me how I was holding up. I told her I was doing well and adrenalin was keeping me going. It’s been two years since September 2008 when John McCain suspended his campaign to return to Washington, President Bush told the American people we had to bail out banks and candidate Obama sat on the sidelines with a smirk on his face and no care in the world about what was going on. Two years!

Two long years of researching, educating, informing and collaborating on the health of our country. Two years of fighting the takeover of our health, takeover of our energy use and takeover of our financial system. Two years of putting pressure on both parties so we would not fall into the trap of a third party. We have done good work and kept the third party off the ballot as a spoiler. We are a smart new army of conservatives!

The media is reporting that the GOP will probably take the keys to our House back from the Liberals who pushed their agendas through without the will of the people. We also heard from Rush today that they are not planning to repeal the healthcare bill and the new grassroots activists’ concerns were null and void in their minds. What???? Did we hear that right?

We have a message for anyone who wins a seat in the House or the Senate. We will “rock you” and hold your feet to the fire. We expect you to listen to the people.

We did not spend two years of our life to hand the keys over to you and go home and back to our lives as usual. We cannot go back to our lives as usual because nothing is usual anymore.

We spent the last two years fighting the destruction of our country by an elite class of politicians who think they are better, smarter and more astute than the average American citizen.

Message to the winners: If those who win do not listen to the American people, you will be miserable. Your time in office will be short and your seat will be hot as we call, email, visit and petition each and everything you do that does not meet the will of the American citizen.

Do you know what the American people want? If not, here’s a list you can take back to Congress with you in your suitcase:

· They want you to leave them alone. The new “Don’t tread on me” is “Don’t mess with us.”

· They want you to fix the mess you made.

· They want you to stop spending.

· They want you to do away with waste in government.

· They want you to limit government in their lives.

· They want you to return our moral compass to a higher standard.

· They want you to provide for the common defense.

· They want you to preserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

If you do those things, life in America will return to a new normal again.

For those who do win, prepare to deal with the new American citizens who have figured it out and are now ready to be your accountability partners.

Activist Tips of the Day:

· VOTE: Many states have early voting right now. Head to the polls and you’re your vote cast now.

· INFORM: Spend time with your friends and co-workers and give them materials on your favorite candidates. If they have questions or heard media lies about them, set the record straight. Research the truth and inform those who are mistaken by liberal lies.

· SING THE RALLY SONG: Listen to our rally song for the new activist movement. Sing it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFIUcbP3_RA&feature=related

Views: 46


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Comment by tamara stephenson on October 21, 2010 at 10:30am
Kurt, I agree with you there!
Comment by Kurt D Wullenweber on October 21, 2010 at 7:38am
That's a good one, Tamara!
It is so hard to not come off as condescending or antagonistic on these blogs, but I meant nothing of the kind.
There is no doubt that the repubs have some big business backing, I was trying to make the point that the past several election cycles it has been easy to track who gets the big donors cash and it has been much more to dems than repubs. George Soros alone tips the scales.
If I have to choose, and I do, between the party throwing favors to those who produce the bounty of our advanced society or those who refuse to lift a finger to help themselves, while demanding they are someone elses responsibility and pushing for the government to steal from the producers for them, well, I guess I made my point.
It is time to question the supposed morality of our society, when it has become accepted that the needs of those who refuse to do for themselves outweigh the rights of those who do. Some hard times are ahead because the non-producing demanders and their government enablers are not going to go down easy.
Comment by tamara stephenson on October 21, 2010 at 6:57am
i promise to ignore the Wall Street Journal from now on.
Comment by Tracy on October 20, 2010 at 4:17pm
Kurt a good example would be the H&R block company spending tons of cash lobbying for "consumer protections".In reality the "protections " are just a ploy to make it harder for seasonal tax preparers to get a share of the tax business.Basicly they are lobbying the feds to shut down their smaller competitors.
Comment by Kurt D Wullenweber on October 20, 2010 at 4:01pm
I don't want to get into it here, we all need to work together, but I think you'll find, Tamara, that the big bucks have gone to the dems for quite some time and the repubs get most of their money from millions of small donors. You've bought into the main stream media/hollywood jargon of the big evil businesses being mean, nasty republicans, but the reality is most of the multi-nationals and huge corporations like to use regulations from the feds to stifle or control their competition and who do you go to if you want more regulations? It's called "rent seeking."
Comment by tamara stephenson on October 20, 2010 at 1:01pm
i agree that big business bet on the democrats in 2008 in the form of big dollars, but they are now 'betting' on republicans by backing those candidates with dollars. if elected with the help of the tea party, those candidates should stand by the promises made, they should walk the walk, and we should hold them to it. i listened to Eric Cantor, and i like what he has to say about issues that matter.
Comment by Tracy on October 20, 2010 at 10:55am
"majority of Republicans are owned by big business, and the vast majority of Democrats are owned by unions. it is truly difficult to look at any "
Sorry Tamara ,but "big business" has showered favor upon the democrat party for the last few years. Bp and other companies had/have a large investment in the dem party and some companies even went so far as to endorse them.
Comment by Joanna B McDermott on October 20, 2010 at 10:43am
This is awesome, I am cutting and pasting it into an email and fax to send congress and the senate to let them know......I wish we could get all those that are disgusted with what is going on to do the same....it would give them a real message.
Comment by tamara stephenson on October 20, 2010 at 9:32am
I have to say that what the last ten years watching politics in this country is that the vast majority of Republicans are owned by big business, and the vast majority of Democrats are owned by unions. it is truly difficult to look at any of the laws and policies of the last 10 years and find anything that helps "we the people" instead of special interests. I hope we do hold every elected official's feet to the fire and remind them that we are watching -- every vote, every favor done for a lobbyist group or special interest that is to the detriment of us. I am glad to see your post Billie because it reminds us what is at stake and what our role has to be on November 3rd. Thank you!
Comment by Jack Milam on October 20, 2010 at 8:57am
Every politician's primary motivation is "self serving". Never forget that. They always need money; they frequently get that money from lobbyists. They get the money by voting as they are directed by the lobbyists. They have had no fear in the past about consequences. They are going to see things differently after this election. The piper will be paid.

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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