Duval County School Board Meeting.. Monday 6/13/2016 6PM LGBT Restroom issue - Public Comments accepted

Will you join us at the Duval County School Board meeting this monday, 

June 13, 2016 to protect the children of Duval County?

Public Comment time

 The following has been put together for your information about the

Superintendent of Duval County School Board's acquiescing to

Obama's LGBT directive.  The information includes a short video from

Daily Signal regarding threats to children's safety not only on

school grounds but also on school trips.  Articles from local

newspapers are provided as well showing what the press has

released and how they are soft peddling the issue.


Please take the time to review these items. They will inform you

of the situation in real time.



Feel free to contact your city Council members as well


Daily Signal Video

"What Obama's directive really does...:"


YouTube video from Clay County Superintendent

Charlie Van Zant:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w31FJxmHfrc

"Government, obviously, cannot fill a child's emotional needs. Nor can it fill his spiritual and moral needs. Government is not a father or mother. Government has never raised a child, and it never will." William Bennett

Views: 274


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Comment by Franklin W. on June 13, 2016 at 9:34pm

once again the "Right" tried to win on a issue by NOT showing up to fight.......

Comment by Franklin W. on June 11, 2016 at 1:49pm

One thing those on the "Left" can always count on...

Those on the "Right" will never show up to put up an equal fight...

Comment by FCTP on June 11, 2016 at 12:14pm

Additional information for meeting.. Some very good information here.  From Crossover Jax

I have received three responses from people that I wanted to share with you. 


One is from an architect addressing the matter of school building design laws and codes (simple and to the point) from a licensed, professional, practicing architect. 


The second is from a fellow soldier in the public square talking about Secular Humanism and the extraction of God and Judeo-Christian morals/frameworks (the source of the Founding Principles and Documents) from the law-making process.


Finally, the attachment from DefendJaxFamilies (http://www.defendjaxfamilies.com/) was written by the man whose article I sent earlier. He received that attachment and forward this one along as there were some extraneous formatting errors AND he added some additional thoughts. This PDF has hot links (bold blue text) that you can click on to various web sites that document the facts and positions claimed.


 We are two nights away from the meeting.                                   

 Please pray for discernment, courage, and strength                    

 for each who come to the defense of our children. . . . .               

 (including yourself!!).                                                                      


ARCHITECT'S COMMENTS                                           


As an architect who has provided K-12 school projects in this state for almost 30 years and served as a certified Florida Education Building Code Inspector for 9 years, one of the quiet background aspects of this subject concerns Florida building codes for K-12. These codes - previously known as "State Requirements for Educational Facilities" (SREF) and now part of the Florida Building Code (FBC) - dictate the number of toilet fixtures that must be provided in every K-12 educational facility for boys and girls. This is a mandate. This bathroom nonsense blurs the mandated calculation requirements that must be demonstrated to the county and state when Duval invests its VERY stretched dollars in school remodeling, expansions and new school construction. There is no way for the county or its licensed design professionals (architects and engineers) to address this "potty parity" issue with this wildly subjective, bizarre and emotional-charged factor suddenly and wantonly tossed into the mix.


The FBC is strictly a Florida document and is not the jurisdiction of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. If someone pushes the point by claiming that Federal ADA overrides state building codes for schools, then the counterpoint is "Yes, but that was a legislative act of Congress established with due diligence and more easily definable finite parameters." (A blind person is blind, a deaf person is deaf and a wheelchair is a wheelchair, period - no "how do I feel today" aspect to it...) And yes - Duval County has spent a boatload of money to meet Federal ADA requirements if bathroom proponents want to do it again.


I can easily see a point in the future where the lawsuits meet the building codes/meet political correctness to create an intersection of pure havoc requiring further remodeling of schools to provide yet another category of bathrooms - or larger bathrooms. And people wonder why there is never enough money to fund REAL school improvements for ACTUAL educational programs of quality.


SECULAR HUMANISM COMMENTS                                   


Here is the full reference for the argument on Secular Humanism as the state sponsored religion. 


America has surrendered to the religion of Secular Humanism

( http://vftonline.org/Patriarchy/definitions/humanism_religion.htm), the final act being the court declaration that Secular Humanism is a religion for Establishment Clause purposes.


The process that started in 1971 with the case of Lemon v. Kurtzman. (https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/403/602) when the United States Supreme Court  fashioned what is commonly known as the "Lemon Test", a three prong test to ensure that any statue "must have a secular purpose", for deciding First Amendment Establishment Clause cases is now complete. 


The "Religion of Secular Humanism" has taken over the federal government. The First Amendment has become null and void as the boundary line between church and state has been crossed. 


Congress may not have made laws respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise there of but the courts certainly have.  


The Christian church must become involved in the discussion and not continue to bow to the god created by our government. 


Rickey Joe Story, AKA http://theaveragejoeforpresident.com/


1. Secular Humanism Defined

2. Secular Humanism was declared a religion by the US court on Oct. 20, 2014.

3. The "Lemon Test"


Our church is so afraid of the IRS that I was told not to talk about running for President on campus. The Christian church in America has been confined to the church building while the federal government attacks Christianity in the public arena at every level as it supports Secularly humanism with the court system. Congress has abdicated it's responsibility.


If Donald Trump is supporting a strict Constitutionalist candidate for the Supreme Court he may finally get my vote. 


God is in control and he alone will set the course for our nation. My prayer for our country is Daniels prayer for Israel found in Daniel 9. 

May God forgive us as His children called by His name and renew a clean Spirit within His people. 


Feel free to forward any where. 


Please forgive any typographical errors as this e-mail was transcribed using voice recognition technology.


Rickey Joe Story, aka theaveragejoeforpresident.com


Guest column: Government oversteps on LGBT issues

Comment by FCTP on June 10, 2016 at 2:10pm

Florida School Superintendent Defies Obama Bathroom Policy

Posted on10 June 2016. Tags: Charlie van Zant, Clay County Florida Schools, educational standards, obama bathroom order, political correctness

Superintendent Van Zant
Superintendent Van Zant

(Editor: www.thereportcard.org Charlie Van Zant is Superintendent of Clay County Florida schools. Clay County is adjacent Jacksonville and contains both rural and suburban communities. Charlie Van Zant is also a former Army helicopter flight who saw service in Iraq and Afghanistan, and he’s not one to back down from a fight. He’s not having any part of Obama’s bathroom and locker “directives” to allow students to select the bathroom based upon how they feel. Van Zant said:

“The Federal government has no legitimate interest or authority over the most private of matters such as bathroom use, or changing of children’s clothes. If I went along with this it would absolutely contradict the proper and correct instruction we give in school in the subjects of American History, Civics, and Biology.”

It’s nice to see a public servant with a backbone)!

By Nicole Sanders

Charlie Van Zant is the Superintendent of Clay County Schools in Florida, and he is challenging President Obama’s transgender bathroom order which requires schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom and locker room of their choice.

President Obama came out and issued an order which requires all schools in the United States to allow transgender students use the bathroom of their choice. He also threatened to sue the schools if they did not comply and possibly withhold public funds.

The president said he decided to take the stance because he felt transgender children were being discriminated against, whereas parents and elected officials are calling his order a blatant over reach of his Constitutional power. They are also afraid if schools conform, their children may be subjected to inappropriate behavior by those who take advantage of a gender neutral bathroom policy.

Van Zant was one of the first political figures to challenge the President. After he stood up and told him Clay County schools were not going to comply, other politicians across the United States started to take a stand as well.

This type of defiance would generally warrant a response from the President, but when we reached out to Van Zant, he said he has yet to hear anything from the President.

That is surprising since the president stated any school who decided not to comply with his orders would face litigation and the loss of federal assistance.

Van Zant had the following to say if Obama upheld his promise:

“That would be an absolute travesty. The federal dollars schools districts receive are used to serve some of the most disadvantaged children we have. Federal dollars go to support children in poverty so they can eat, children with debilitating diseases so they can learn to function. Federal money only accounts for eleven percent of our budget. “

He continued to say the majority of their money came from taxpayers and they urged him to stand up to Obama.

“The overwhelming majority of parents would not send their children to public school if I complied with his order. We would lose far more in per pupil money if the parents decided to home school or send their children to private schools.”

Charlie Van Zant was very passionate about his stance and he said at the end of the day:

“We are going to protect all students. Clay County has a track record of protecting all students regardless of religion, sexual preference and race. I also think it is very important to teach children the proper role of the various branches of governmentat the local, state and federal levels. The Federal government has no legitimate interest or authority over the most private of matters such as bathroom use, or changing of children’s clothes.If I went along with this it would absolutely contradict the proper and correct instruction we give in school in the subjects of American History, Civics, and Bio

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You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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