Not really "new" faces, but, a different set of faces for a Prez. run. I don't disagree with the need for new people coming up. I am a "no more Clinton, no more Bush" person.
However, The main factor in a Prez. election is no longer the candidate but the press, the party and the amount of money.
When Hillary Clinton, with her old age, 45 years of scandals & baggage, lack of meaningful accomplishment and a proven record of lying, can be the top candidate for Potus 2 years before an election with a younger party voting base defies using reasonable argument for the qualifications for a republican candidate.
America has reached a tipping point. It is no longer a responsible Nation. No matter how much people want to hang onto the old image they have of America it will not not alter what this Country has become.
Republicans, in and out of office, are just now catching on to what has been going on for 60 years.
The Republican solution will not be found in the party or in the candidate but with the people. Good luck with that.
Rand Paul--yeah I know the media has somewhat distorted what he said on PHOTO ID's, which he told Greta Van Susteran--the STATES should be making those decisions, NOT Congress. Yeah, he supported McConnell--what would you expect since both are from Kentucky and McConnell has establishment power behind him--mistake to buck the big boys in your first term as a Senator as Paul is. How 'bout Scott Walker---as a sitting governor, brought his state out of budget deficits to surplus in one term without raising taxes. IF you want a woman candidate, how 'bout Mary Fallin, Nikki Haley or Susana Martinez--all three SUCCESSFUL Governors of their states with experience like Walker in managing a big organization (state government), making budgets, managerial decisions, etc..another successful governor is Mitch Daniels of Indiana, Rick Perry of Texas--all successful at what they've done, only Paul has any baggage of being in DC politics but he's more a "maverick" than DemocRAT lite McCain is, since Paul is willing to buck the GOP establishment whereas McCain fits right in with them. Rep Mike Lee is another promising young leader, needs more experience in management. Ted Cruz, young, energetic with a powerful background in law--but I'm not convinced he's really qualified as "natural born" requires for the job. You'll notice, most of these mentioned have served or is serving as Governors--where some of most successful candidates have come from. GOP lost to Clinton with two older candidates (H.W. Bush, he promised "read my lips-no new taxes" and lied and wore out war hero Bob Dole)--old faces trying to capture new voters. They lost to Obama and the youth vote with two more old faces--'maverick' McCain that millions of conservatives refused to support and Romney--who was painted with the same brush the RATS always paint Republicans--"rich man" candidate and he was far move liberal than most conservatives wanted--so even more failed to show up and vote for him than McCain. Jeb Bush should've been the BUSH running in 2000, more conservative than W, since then the GOP has nominated two candidates far more liberal than even W. was, and they've lost because America and conservatives didn't see them any less big spenders than the DemocRATS, though people experienced in following politics would confirm neither is as radical as what we've got in the White House right now. And IF Hillary gets elected, she will finish the Obama and marxist RATS agenda to collapse capitalism into socialism within one more term should she have a RAT controlled Congress.
New faces, New energy.....Any suggestions?
Despite all the great press in conservative circles that Dr. Ben Carson is getting, he would make a better HHS Secretary in a GOP administration than qualify to run for president. He has ZERO military experience, ZERO experience in running a large business or corporation, ZERO experience in politics or government organization=ZERO management experience. The last time America voted for a candidate with such ZERO experience was Barack Obama--so how'd that experiment work out for you? I don't support drafting or encouraging him to run for president any more than I'd encourage friends to support a Jeb Bush candidacy--America has had enough of the Bush family in the presidency for a long time and it's a waste of time for Mitt Romney to run again, just as it would John McCain--they are all POOR candidates at a time when it's absolutely imperative to make big changes in DC, starting with the November elections this year. It's not time for a political novice like Carson, no time to back up with a Bush, Romney or McCain, America is moving forward with a younger generation entering the political world--they will be looking for someone LIKE THEM--young, energetic, with ideas of their own. That's the problem with the GOP--they are STUCK in the party mud with Boehner, McConnell, Lindsey Graham and McCain. NEW FACES, NEW ENERGY to promote conservative principles that the GOP continues to turn its back on EVERY TIME they win control of White House and Congress.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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