Alvin Brown declared the winner

Here's the link to the breaking news:


Lick your wounds, cry your tears, and man up.  We have work to do. 


And to the Tiny Union and those who said the Chicago Machine wasn't in town...explain why they were writing about it this morning if it doesn't mean anything. 


Sleep on that one Tiny Union - the Chicago Tribune even reports the news in Jacksonville.


We will talk more tomorrow.  Until then - get a good night's rest and know you did all you could to keep the machine out of town.  Be proud of yourself.







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Comment by Debbie G on May 19, 2011 at 6:00am

When holding a sign stating "Webb increased taxes and fees" a St. Joseph's member made a comment to Mr. Webb within my earshot, "Why does that sign say increased taxes and fees?"  The next day I attempted to hand the city ordinances, I printed out, to the gentleman.  He said "You live in this city, you should pay fees and taxes."  He completely missed the point that our city council dipped into the taxpayer wallet for a budget solution rather than making difficult decisions as families must do.


While working a voting precinct, the conversation in the precinct was one of "the wealthy must pay more, the governor is destroying education, and tax cuts for the rich are destroying this country." Ironic, the woman who spent the day touting this message had a lackadaisical approach towards her duty as an inspector.  Her work ethic was obvious as other inspectors had to step in to perform her duties whilst she was either eating, talking on the phone, or just plain gossiping with other precinct workers.  As a representative of the Supervisor of Elections office, I was ashamed at how we represented the office to the public.  At the end of the day we have to fill out surveys, this woman stated she should get paid more.  I almost responded, "If you were to be paid according to your work level, you would owe the city."

Precinct workers are PAID by our tax dollars.

Comment by Eric Ingram on May 19, 2011 at 2:05am
Of course the Marxist thug "won" what with all of the corpses, mental defectives, and illegal aliens that voted for him! I doubt we will ever have an "honest" election in this state again. More's the pity.
Comment by ROBERT S. BOURNE JR. on May 19, 2011 at 1:16am
i jus t want to add, if we are going to win in 2012, we need to get herman cain elected, i think he is the only we have to win against obama, and we better get herman out there in the lime lite quick, it's really sad that are party has turned against us in many ways
Comment by ROBERT S. BOURNE JR. on May 19, 2011 at 1:10am
i blame payton for the way voters reacted, he was a poor excuse for a republican
Comment by Roy Schnauss on May 18, 2011 at 11:43pm

I feel that the voter apathy was a result of poor past leadership of the city. The supposed Republican party of jacksonville brought us endless waste and new taxes. In other words RINO's. Or more precisely, progressive republican rule makers. I think the start of this trend was with Delany, who started this tax and spend mania. I met many people who were tired of this charade and wanted something different. I was rather taken aback personally because I felt Brown was a radical. I can't even prove that theory because the Times Urinal would not even print any background information on Brown and his political philosophy. Hogan was definitely the best of the two, but am unconvinced that Hogan would not have raised taxes because the city of Jacksonville is broke! 

On anther note, that progressive republican extraordinaire , Jack webb, was booted out. I kept getting emails from jack about how he saved the taxpayers 30 million dollars.If we take the 400 million for the unnecessary courthouse and deduct 30 million from that we have a net loss 370 million, Jack oh boy. I wrote him with a copy of his voting record to inquire how raising taxes multiple times was a savings. No response of course. This pathetic (progressive) Republican party leadership is the problem with this city.

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on May 18, 2011 at 9:56pm
If the RNC wants to win anything in 2012 they had better start putting forth a little effort and stop worrying about what the liberals might call them. It is already quite obvious if they don't agree with you they will label you as an exstreamist or a rasist of some other foul name. It is time to show spinal fortitude and stand up to the mud. They will bend the rules to fit their needs and when conservatives do it they scream like they were being cut. Some times if you have an ojective to reach you can't be a nice guy this is true in bussiness, love and life it especially true in politics. Last November the Tea Party showed strength by gathering in the steets in large numbers and being loud about what angered us. If we are going to beat the people that are distroying our country we are going to have to engage them on common ground. Organize get engaged with young people put powerful speakers in front of an audiance that is going to resinate the message and turn the tide. It is not going to be an easy task our opponents have decades of a head start. The Tea Party must become an overwelming force in our political system. I have not seen any conservative speakers at any of our colleges reaching out to our future. Just a small percentage of the population of this county are registered to vote. We need to start a drive to register people to vote NOW and convense them that it is their duty to do so. We need to get loud again it can not all be done on a computor. To put it bluntly there are people dieing everyday to give us the right to vote and if you don't vote not only are you disrespecting them I feel you have no right to live in this country. If we are going to get our conservative political representitives to do what we want we must apply pressure to their leaders.
Comment by Robert Henderson on May 18, 2011 at 9:45pm

Ah, the creatures are stirring, and that is a good thing!  Always remember that this country belongs to the people, and we will determine our destiny and not the reprobate politicians and judges. Read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for clarification on this issue!

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." - Plato

Well, now and in the future, we will continue to shine the light of truth on Alvin and the Democrats! They are both afraid of the light.

Comment by J.R. on May 18, 2011 at 9:40pm

In case anybody needs it, here is the link to the Census and Re-Districting information Mike Yost included in his comment below:

It works for both my IE 64bit and IE 32bit browser.  Good information there.

As to Corinne Brown's district, there's no legal reason for such a contorted "safe" voting district to be carved out for her, or anyone else, to assure them election to the U.S. House of Representatives.  Gerrymandering laws have been on the books for many many years and were designed to prohibit the practice completely. But, like with many other laws that have been molded and shaped like silly putty to satisfy somebody's special interest(s), the law against gerrymandering has been massaged into political bargains to mollify those who protest the loudest. And, Corinne Brown is pretty good at that. She's not known for mincing words and pulling her punches.




Comment by Jim Ryan on May 18, 2011 at 9:32pm

Don't know your local laws but Jax. Beach, Neptune, and Atlantic would be well advised to consider their own re districting out of Duvall and Jacksonville city proper.  Let them have a significant tax base loss.

Put up a toll bridge between the ditch.  Annex Mayport and Jacksonville Naval.  Let them be part of St. John's county.  That's redistricting you can believe in.

Comment by Jim Ryan on May 18, 2011 at 9:26pm
Weaver should move his football team to another city where election fraud is not prevelant. When Chicago political tactics are in play. Let them root for the Bears.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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